Modifying a Work Item document

You can modify this information for a Work Item document to:

  • Update the activity.
  • Update the reviewer.
  • Unlock a document.

Update a work item to override the normal workflow during emergency. For example, if a reviewer has left the company you can move the documents to another reviewer's queue.

  1. Select Manage > Work Item > Document Management.
  2. Specify the criteria to sort the required information and click Find.
  3. Select a work item document.
  4. Click Edit. The Edit Work Item screen is displayed.
  5. Specify this information:

    The status of the activity for the document. When you modify the status in the Activity field but not in the Reviewer ID section, the reviewer queue displays the modified status of the document.

  6. Click Add Reviewers. The Adding Reviewer screen is displayed.
  7. Specify the criteria to sort the required information and click Find. Or do not specify any value and click Find to find all reviewers.
  8. Select a reviewer. If you specify a new reviewer, you must also specify an activity. The application validates the user ID and checks if the user has the permission for the specified activity.
    When you modify the status in the Activity field and change the reviewer simultaneously, the document is moved to the new reviewer's queue. For example, if you change the reviewer from Manager to Original Owner and unlock the document, the work item is removed from the manager's review queue, when you click Refresh. The document status modifies to Create in the user's review queue and the user can edit the document.
  9. Click Pick Selected.
    Note:  You can click Pick All to select multiple reviewers.
  10. Click Add User Group. The Adding User Group screen is displayed.
  11. Specify the criteria to sort the required information and click Find or do not specify any value and click Find to find all groups.
  12. Select a group and click Pick Selected.
    Note:  You can click Pick All to select multiple groups.
  13. Select whether one or all reviewers are required to review the work item document in the Approval Type field.
  14. Click Update to save the data.