Adding an expense type
You can use the Expense Type (alco_expense_type) table to map the expense types to summary categories and general ledger codes.
- Select Manage > Corporate Data.
- Select Expense Type in the Data Type field.
Specify this
- Name
- The name of the expense type.
- Expense Category
- The category of the expense type such as Entertainment.
- G/L Code
- A general ledger
code of the expense type.
Note: If you add a mileage expense rate, a mileage rate is automatically created. You must activate the mileage rate and define the mileage rate information. See Adding a mileage rate.
- Travel Category
- The travel plan category of the expense type.
- Special Code
- A special code of the expense type, if required.
- Short Label
- A short description of the expense type.
- Itemized Only
- Indicates whether the expense type is an itemized expense.
- External System Id
- A system ID to be used by the external application.
- Status
- The status of the expense type. The status can be Active or Inactive.
- Credit Card only
- If this check box is selected, the expense type is a credit card transaction.
- Click the Per Diem tab.
Specify this
- Per Diem Name
- The per diem type for the travel item. See Adding a per diem type.
- Per Diem Subtype
- A per diem subtype for the travel item.
- Default Amount
- The default amount for the travel item and the currency type.
- Click the Itemized tab.
- Click Add Expense Type. The Add Expense Type screen is displayed.
- Specify filter information and click Find or to find all expense types, do not specify a value in the field and click Find.
- Select an expense type.
Pick Selected.
Note: You can also click Pick All to select multiple expense types.
- Click the Membership tab, if required, and add the data groups. See, Adding or removing data groups from a corporate date type.
- Specify an external key, if required. See, Creating an external key.
- Click Add to save the data.