Adding vendor terms

You can use the Vendor Terms(alpr_vendor_terms) table to establish vendor terms for the payment requests.

  1. Select Manage > Corporate Data.
  2. Select Vendor Terms in the Data Type field.
  3. Specify this information:
    The name of the discount terms.
    The description of the vendor term.
    Due Days
    The number of days for the vendor term.
    Discount Type
    The discount type for the vendor term.
    Discount Percentage
    The value for the discount percentage if the discount type is set to Percent.
    Discount Amount
    The value for the discount amount if the discount type is set to Amount.
    Note:  You must also specify the currency.
    Discount Days
    The number of days that the discount is in effect for the vendor term.
    Global Default
    Indicates whether the vendor term must be a global default in the system.
    The status of the vendor term. The status can be Active or Inactive.
  4. Click the Membership tab, if required, and add the data groups. See, Adding or removing data groups from a corporate date type.
  5. Specify an external key, if required. See, Creating an external key.
  6. Click Add to save the data.