Finding a business rule

To find all of the business rules in the system, click Find without specifying any search criteria.

To find a business rule:

  1. Select Manage > Business Rules > Business Rule.
  2. Click Find.
  3. Specify your search criteria
    Select the business rule template on which to search.
    Specify a name or partial name to conduct a wildcard search for a business rule or series of business rules with similar names.
    Select the severity setting on which to search such as none, explanation, invalid or warning.
    Select the application specific business rule. For example, select Expense Reports to return all Infor ER specific business rules.
    Select the notification type on which to search.
    Fire On
    Select the Fire On setting on which to search. See Business Rule Fire on Actions.
    Select the offline or online firing setting on which to search.
    Fire scope
    Select how often to fire the business rule.
    Select the status of the business rule on which to search.
    Select the user on which to search.
    Policy Based Routing
    Select a routing based policy on which to search.
    Apply To
    Select an organization on which to search.
  4. Click Find to display the list of business rules matching your search criteria.