Duplicate Expense Check template
Use this template to create a business rule that warns if two expenses with the same date, expense type and amount were submitted in a single expense report. The uniqueness of expense is based on expense type, native amount, native currency and date. When working on Update ER Line Item event, this business rule checks the duplicate expenses in current ER document only. When set to Fire On the Submit ER event, this business rule checks other expense reports created/submitted by the same user, by accessing the database. Configure the Submit ER hook, for Online use only.
If any duplicate expense is found, dynamic business rule parameters are used to show duplicated line item information. For example, these dynamic parameters can be used in the Interactive message, by specifying %%20000:dynamicParameter%%. These are the parameter names you could use in place of dynamicParameter.
- duplicateItemDetail1: Detail of the first duplicated line item
- duplicateItemDetail2: Detail of the second duplicated line item
- duplicateItemDetail3: Detail of the third duplicated line item
- duplicateItemDetail4: Detail of the fourth duplicated line item
- duplicateItemDetail5: Detail of the fifth duplicated line item
Currently there's no way to show duplicated line item information more than five. For example, you could set interactive message like the following way to keep line item information is shown as many as possible:
The line you specified duplicated. Check your entry and change it: %%20000:duplicateItemDetail1%%%%20000:duplicateItemDetail2%%%%20000: duplicateItemDetail3%%%%20000:duplicateItemDetail4%%%%20000:duplicateItemDetail5%%
There are no parameters available for use with this business rule.
- External Key
- Optionally, specify a unique ID. If your company uses the Expense Management Import tool to populate the Expense Management database, external keys are imported into the database automatically. See the Infor Expense Management System Administration Tool User Guide Volume 1.