Duplicate Expense Check Template
Use the Duplicate Expense Check business rule template to create a business rule that checks if two expenses , with the same date, expense type, and amount, are submitted in a single expense report or whether a duplicate expense exists in another expense report. The uniqueness of expense is based on expense type, native amount, and date.
When you work on the Update ER Line Item event, this rule checks the duplicate expenses in the current expense report as well as the other expense reports. To check the other expense reports created or submitted by the same user, set Fire On the event, and select one of these parameters.
- Ignore check for other expense reports: Select this check box if you want to check the current expense report for duplicates only . Clear it to search your other expense reports for duplicates. This parameter is valid only for the event
- Ignore check for current expense report: Select this check box if you don't want to check the current expense report for duplicates. This parameter is valid only for the event
- Ignore check between credit card transactions: Select this check box if you do not want to check duplicate expenses between the credit card transactions.
- Ignore expenses below this amount: Specify an amount (indollars) for minor expenses such as the toll charges and mileage claims. The business rule is not executed for an amount less than the specified value.
- Expenses types to exclude: Specify the expense types that must not be considered by the business rule. Click the Add Expense option to add new expenses to the list.
- Consider check between non itemization and itemization line item: Select the check box to consider the duplicate expenses between the non-itemized and itemized line items.
- Consider receipt check: Select this check box to consider receipts with duplicate names.
- Additional elements: Specify the elements that must be additionally checked to avoid duplicate expenses.
If any duplicate expense is found, the dynamic parameter %%20000:duplicateItemDetail%% is used to display information about the duplicate lines in the interactive and report messages.
For example, in formation displayed will be : Your expense report may contain duplicates. Please check the following expenses: %%20000:duplicateItemDetail%%