Positive Only Invoice Item template

Use this template to review payment request line items for positive amounts.


This template has these parameters:

Payment Request Type
Select the type of payment request to review.


This example shows the possible values for this business rule.

Positive only invoice item fields

This table shows the values for fields:

Field Value
Name Positive Only Invoice Item
Severity Invalid
Notification Interactive only
Fire on Itemization Left blank
Fire Scope Every time
Offline and Online Firing Options Fire Offline and Online
Status Active
Fire On Update PR Line Item

Positive only invoice item strings

This table shows the values for strings:

Strings Value
Description Examines payment request line items for positive amount
Interactive Message Your entry has been rejected: You must specify only positive Unit Price amounts.
Policy All line items in a Payment Request must correspond to an actual expense (i.e. the amount must be greater than zero)
Report Message A zero or negative expense amount was entered.

Positive only invoice item parameter

This table shows the values for parameters:

Parameter Value
Payment Request Type Left blank

Positive only invoice item applications

This table shows the values for applications:

Name Organization/Group
Corp: Default Group