Trip Total Estimate template
Use this template to create a business rule that determines if Trip Total Estimate is the only line item.
There are no parameters available for use with this business rule.
This example shows the possible values for this business rule.
Trip total estimate fields
This table shows the values for fields:
Field | Value |
Name | Trip Total Estimate Policy |
Severity | Invalid |
Notification | Interactive only |
Fire on Itemization | Left blank |
Fire Scope | Left blank |
Offline and Online Firing Options | Fire Offline and Online |
Status | Active |
Fire On | Update TP Line Item |
Trip total estimate strings
This table shows the values for strings:
Strings | Value |
Description | Determines if Trip Total Estimate is the only line item. |
Interactive Message | This travel plan already contains some line items. A Trip Total Estimate line item can only be by itself, or the Travel Plan must not include a Trip Total Estimate line item. |
Policy | A travel plan can only contain only a single Trip Total Estimate line item. |
Report Message | Left blank |
Trip total estimate applications
This table shows the values for applications:
Name | Organization/Group |
Default Company | Organization |