Business Rule Fire on Actions
You can set the fire on actions for a business rule with the Fire On field of the Edit Business Rules page. This field lists all the possible actions that can cause Expense Management to apply this rule. The actions that are highlighted on the list have been selected to be operational for this rule. You can change the selections on this list by clicking on an action.
For any given business rule, the Fire On section lists only those actions applicable for that rule. The possibilities for a given business rule are based on the business rule template from which the rule was created.
When you edit or create a business rule, you can select more than one fire on action for the rule. Expense Management creates multiple versions of the rule, each using one of the selected Fire On actions. You cannot create one version of the rule that fires on multiple actions.
This table shows a partial list of Fire On actions and their definitions:
Fire On Action | Definition |
Activity Enter Hook on ER | Applies the business rule when specifying the ER application. |
Add Proxy by User | Applies the business rule when a user designates a proxy. |
Add Proxy Hook | Applies the business rule when proxy creator or proxy reviewer information is being added to user information. |
Approve PR | Applies the business rule when the reviewer approves a payment request. |
Approve TP | Applies the business rule when the reviewer approves the travel plan. |
Approve TP Exit | Applies the business rule when the reviewer exits the approved travel plan. |
Approve TS | Applies the business rule when the reviewer approves the timesheet. |
Audit Approve ER | Applies the business rule when an auditor approves an expense report. |
Audit Approve TS | Applies the business rule when an auditor approves a timesheet. |
CC Manager Approve ER | Applies the business rule when the CC Manager approves an expense report. |
CC Manager Approve TP | Applies the business rule when the CC Manager approves a travel plan. |
Charge Code Manager Reject PR | Applies the business rule when the Charge Code Manager rejects a payment request. |
Done Routing TS | Applies the business rule when Timesheets is done routing the timesheet from the creator to the reviewing manager to the project manager or project managers. For your company, the workflow might include further stages in the routing process, but Done Routing TS will always cause the business rule to be applied after the project manager or project managers are done reviewing the timesheet. |
Enter ER Audit | Applies the business rule when specifying the expense report audit mode. |
Enter ER Done | Applies the business rule upon completion of an expense report. |
Enter ER Post-Export Exception Handling | Applies the business rule when applying the expense report post-export exception handling. |
Enter ER Pre-Export Exception Handling | Applies the business rule when applying the expense report pre-export exception handling. |
Enter ER Receipt Check | Applies the business rule when the systems checks against expenses on an expense report that require receipts. |
Enter Group Approval | Applies the business rule when initiating the group approval process. |
Enter Post-Pay ER Audit | Applies the business rule during a post expense report payment audit event occurs. |
Enter PR Audit | Applies the business rule when auditing a payment request. |
Enter PR Done | Applies the business rule after completing a payment request. |
Enter PR Post-Export Exception Handling | Applies the business rule when applying the payment request post-export exception handling. |
Enter PR Pre-Export Exception Handling | Applies the business rule when applying the payment request pre-export exception handling. |
Enter TP Done | Applies the business rule after completing a travel plan. |
Enter TP Post-Export Exception Handling | Applies the business rule when applying the travel plan post-export exception handling. |
Enter TP Pre-Export Exception Handling | Applies the business rule when applying the travel plan pre-export exception handling. |
Enter TS Audit | Applies the business rule when auditing a timesheet. |
Enter TS Done | Applies the business rule after completing a timesheet. |
Enter TS Post-Export Exception Handling | Applies the business rule when applying the timesheet post-export exception handling. |
Enter TS Pre-Export Exception Handling | Applies the business rule when applying the timesheet pre-export exception handling. |
ER Expense Type Changed | Applies the business rule when the Expense Reports expense type has been changed. |
Group Approval | Applies the business rule during the group approval process. |
Manager Approve ER | Applies the business rule when a manger approves an expense report. |
Manager Approve PR | Applies the business rule when a manger approves a payment request. |
Manager Approve TP | Applies the business rule when a manger approves a travel plan. |
Manager Approve TS | Applies the business rule when a manger approves a timesheet. |
Manager Reject PR | Applies the business rule when a manger rejects a payment request. |
Manager Update Allocation | Applies the business rule when a manager updates a document allocation. |
Manager Update ER Line Item | Applies the business rule after the manager has finished modifying a line item on the Line Item Details screen. The rule fires when the manager presses . This fire on also applies to updating ER allocations. The business rule fires when the manager changes an allocation on the Multiple Allocations screen called by the Line Item Details screen. |
Mgr Update PR Invoice | Applies the business rule when the manager updates the payment request invoice. |
Mgr Update PR Line Item | Applies this business rule when the manager updates a line item in a payment request. |
Never execute hook | Applies the business rule when the Getting there itinerary import process-never fires. |
Post Login Hook | Applies the business rule after a user logs on to the system. |
Post-Pay Audit Approve ER | Applies the business rule during the expense report post-pay audit approval process. |
PR CC Manager Approve | Applies the business rule during the payment request CC manager approval process. |
PR Set of Books Submit Hook | Applies the business rule when submitting the payment request set of books. |
Prevent TS Attendance Line Item Delete for Create (Invalid Only) | Applies the business rule when attempting to delete an existing timesheet attendance line item during creation. |
Prevent TS Attendance Line Item Delete for Review (Invalid Only) | Applies the business rule when attempting to delete an existing timesheet attendance line item during review. |
Prevent TS Line Item Delete for Create (Invalid Only) | Applies the business rule to prevent the deletion of a timesheet line item during creation. |
Prevent TS Line Item Delete for Review (Invalid Only) | Applies the business rule to prevent the deletion of a timesheet line item during review. |
Prevent TS Project Line Item Delete for Create (Invalid Only) | Applies the business rule to prevent the deletion of a timesheet project line item during creation. |
Prevent TS Project Line Item Delete for Review (Invalid Only) | Applies the business rule to prevent the deletion of a project timesheet line item during review. |
Project Manager Reject TS | Applies the business rule when a project manger rejects a timesheet. |
Ready for Per Diem Lookup | Applies the business rule when all the required fields for the per diem rate on the expense report have been entered. For example, a per diem rate may only require that the expense type, location, and date are entered. This applies only to the Per Diem Auto Populate Amount Policy business rule template. |
Receipt Check Approve ER | Applies the business rule during the expense report receipt check process. |
Reject ER Exit | Applies the business rule when the reviewer exits the rejected expense report. |
Reject TP | Applies the business rule when the reviewer rejects the travel plan. |
Reject TP Exit | Applies the business rule when the reviewer exits the rejected travel plan. |
Reject TS | Applies the business rule when the reviewer rejects the timesheet. |
Review Document as Proxy Hook | Applies the business rule when the proxy reviewer tries to open a document. |
Reviewer Update Allocation | Applies the business rule when a reviewer updates an expense report allocation. |
Reviewer Update ER Line Item | Applies the business rule when the reviewer updates an expense report line item. |
Reviewer Updates TS Project Line Item | Applies the business rule when the reviewer updates a timesheet containing project line items. |
Reviewer Updates TS Standard Line Item | Applies the business rule when the reviewer updates a timesheet containing standard line items. |
Reviewer Updates TS Timesheet Line Item | Applies the business rule when the reviewer updates a timesheet containing hourly line items. |
Reviewer Updates TSLI on Charge Code Screen | Applies the business rule when the reviewer updates a timesheet line item from the Charge Code screen. |
Route on ER Accounting Review | Applies the business rule when an expense report is sent to the accounting review activity. |
Route on ER Archive | Applies the business rule when an expense report is sent to the ER Archive activity. |
Route on ER Audit Approve | Applies the business rule when routing an expense report for audit review approval. |
Route on ER Auto Approve Check Finished | Applies the business rule when after an expense report audit review approval. |
Route on ER Charge Code Mgr Review | Applies the business rule when routing an expense report for charge code manager review. |
Route on ER Check Preparation | Applies the business rule when an expense report is sent to the ER Check Preparation activity. |
Route on ER Export Finished | Applies the business rule after completing the expense report export process. |
Route on ER Manager Approve | Applies the business rule when an expense report has been routed to an ER manager for approval. |
Route on ER Post-Export Exception Finished | Applies the business rule after completing the expense report post-export exception process. |
Route on ER Pre-Export Exception Finished | Applies the business rule after completing the expense report pre-export exception process. |
Route on ER Receipt Check Approve | Applies the business rule when routing an expense report for receipt check approval. |
Route on ER Receipt Check Approve (Pre-Audit) | Applies the business rule when routing an expense report for (pre-audit) receipt check approval. |
Route on ER Reject | Applies the business rule when an expense report has been rejected. |
Route on ER Manager Review | Applies the business rule when an expense report is sent to the ER Manager Review activity. |
Route on ER Report Allocation | Applies the business rule when a document is sent to the ER Report Allocation activity. |
Route on ER Submit | Applies the business rule when an expense report is submitted. |
Route on ER Update TP Status Finished | Applies the business rule when an expense report is sent to the ER Update TP Status activity. |
Route on ER Verify Approve | Applies the business rule when an expense report is routed onto the approval verification process. |
Route on ER Verify Finished | Applies the business rule when an expense report has finished the approval verification process. |
Route on Group Approval | Applies the business rule when routing a document for group approval. |
Route on GTC TP Submit | Applies the business rule when a travel plan created with an online booking agency is submitted. |
Route on Post-Pay ER Audit Approve | Applies the business rule when routing onto the post-pay expense report audit approval process. |
Route on PR Audit Approve | Applies the business rule when routing a payment request for audit approval. |
Route on PR CC Manager Approve | Applies the business rule when routing a payment request for a charge code manager approval. |
Route on PR Export Finished | Applies the business rule after the completing the payment request export process. |
Route on PR Manager Approve | Applies the business rule when a payment request has been routed for manager approval. |
Route on PR Post-Export Exception Finished | Applies the business rule after completing the payment request post-export exception process. |
Route on PR Pre-Export Exception Finished | Applies the business rule after completing the payment request pre-export exception process. |
Route on PR Reject | Applies the business rule when a manger rejects a payment request. |
Route on PR Set of Books Submit Hook | Applies the business rule during the payment request Set of Books submission process. |
Route on PR Submit | Applies the business rule when a PR document is submitted. |
Route on PR Verify Finished | Applies the business rule after the payment request verification process concludes. |
Route on TP Archive | Applies the business rule when a travel plan is sent to the TP Archive activity. |
Route on TP Charge Code Mgr Review | Applies the business rule when routing a travel plan for a charge code manager approval. |
Route on TP Export Finished | Applies the business rule after completing the travel plan export process. |
Route on TP Manager Approve | Applies the business rule when a travel plan has been routed for manager approval. |
Route on TP Pending Expenses Finished | Applies the business rule when a travel plan has left the TP Pending Expenses activity queue. |
Route on TP Post-Export Exception Finished | Applies the business rule after completing the travel plan post-export exception process. |
Route on TP Pre-Export Exception Finished | Applies the business rule after completing the travel plan pre-export exception process. |
Route on TP Reject | Applies the business rule when a travel plan is rejected by a reviewer. |
Route on TP Submit | Applies the business rule when a travel plan is submitted. |
Route on TP Verify Finished | Applies the business rule after the travel plan verification process concludes. |
Route on TS Archive | Applies the business rule when a timesheet is sent to the TS Archive activity. |
Route on TS Audit Approve | Applies the business rule when routing a timesheet for audit approval. |
Route on TS Export Finished | Applies the business rule after completing the timesheet export process. |
Route on TS Manager Approve | Applies the business rule when a timesheet has been routed for manager approval. |
Route on TS Post-Export Exception Finished | Applies the business rule after completing the timesheet post-export exception process. |
Route on TS Pre-Export Exception Finished | Applies the business rule after completing the timesheet pre-export exception process. |
Route on TS Project Manager Approve | Applies the business rule when a timesheet is approved by a project manager. |
Route on TS Reject | Applies the business rule when a timesheet is rejected. |
Route on TS Submit | Applies the business rule when a timesheet is submitted. |
Route on TS Verify Finished | Applies the business rule after the timesheet verification process concludes. |
Route on VAT Submit Hook | Applies the business rule when an expense report containing VAT amounts is submitted. |
SAT Invoice Received Document Found | Applies the business rule when an invoice has been received and its document is found in the system. |
SAT Invoice Received Document Not Found | Applies the business rule when an invoice has been received but its document is not found in the system. |
SAT Invoice Received Post Mark | Applies the business rule when an invoice has been received with a post mark. |
SAT Invoice Received Pre Lookup | Applies the business rule when an invoice has been received and the pre-lookup process is initiated. |
SAT Invoice Received Update Document | Applies the business rule when an invoice has been received and the document is updated. |
SAT Receipts Received Document Found | Applies the business rule when an expense report is found by a user logging receipts in Infor SAT. |
SAT Receipts Received Document Not Found | Applies the business rule when an expense report is not found by a user logging receipts in Infor SAT. |
SAT Receipts Received Post Mark | Applies the business rule when a user clicks Expense Receipt Packets screen in Infor SAT and after the expense report is saved with the Received date set. | on the
SAT Receipts Received Pre Lookup | Applies the rule before a user clicks Expense Receipt Packets screen in Infor SAT. | on the
SAT Receipts Received Update Document | Applies the rule after a user clicks Expense Receipt Packets screen in Infor SAT but before the expense report is saved. | on the
Save ER line item created from online booking hook | Displays warning message if the current ER line is not equal to the original online booking amount |
Save & Close ER | Applies the business rule upon saving and closing an expense report. |
Save & Close PR | Applies the business rule upon saving and closing a payment request. |
Save & Close TS | Applies the business rule upon saving and closing a timesheet. |
Save ER & Continue | Applies the business rule upon saving but not closing a payment request. |
Save PR & Continue | Applies the business rule upon saving but not closing a payment request. |
Save TP | Applies the business rule when the employee saves the travel plan. |
Save TP & Continue | Applies the business rule upon saving but not closing a travel plan. |
Save TS & Continue | Applies the business rule upon saving but not closing a timesheet. |
Send To ER Export | Applies the business rule when an expense report is sent to the export process. |
Send To PR Export | Applies the business rule when a payment request is sent to the export process. |
Send To TP Export | Applies the business rule when a travel plan is sent to the export process. |
Send To TS Export | Applies the business rule when a timesheet is sent to the export process. |
Submit ER | Applies the business rule when the employee submits the expense report. |
Submit PR | Applies the business rule when the employee submits a Payment Request. |
Submit TP | Applies the business rule when the employee submits the travel plan. |
Submit TS | Applies the business rule when the employee submits the timesheet. |
Update Doc Links | Applies the business rule when the employee clicks Document Associations screen. | on the
Update ER Allocation | Applies the business rule after the employee modifies an allocation and clicks Multiple Allocation screen. | on the
Update ER Itemization Item | Applies the business rule when the employee clicks Itemization screen to update the itemization. | on the
Update ER Itemizations | Applies the business rule when the employee exits the Itemization screen to update the itemizations. |
Update ER Line Item | Applies the business rule when the employee clicks Expense Report Create screen to update the line item. | on the
Update New TS | Applies the business rule when the employee clicks Create New Timesheet screen to save the document header. | on the
Update PR Invoice | Applies the business rule when updating the invoice information for a payment request. |
Update PR Line Item | Applies the business rule when the employee clicks Payment Request Creation screen. | on the
Update TP Line Item | Applies the business rule when the employee clicks Travel Plans Create screen to update the line item. | on the
Update TS Project Line Item | Applies the business rule when the employee clicks New Charge Code Entry screen, the Change Code Entry screen or when saving new/existing rows in the calendar table. Like Java, this hook only makes sense for stop and warning violations (not explanation) since the business rule violations are not propagated to the row's actual line items. | when updating project related line items on the
Update TS Standard Line Item | Applies the business rule when the employee clicks Timesheets Create screen to update the line item. | on the
Update TS Timesheet Line Item | Applies the business rule when the employee clicks Timesheet tab. | when updating recorded hours worked on the
Update TSLI on Charge Code Screen | Applies the business rule when employee clicks New Charge Code Entry screen. | on the
Validate Charge Code | Applies the business rule when the employee specifies a line item that contains a charge code. |
VAT Submit Hook | Applies the VAT calculation business rule when an expense report is resubmitted after a VAT lookup failure sends the document to the VAT Exception activity. |