Maximum Reimbursement Limit by Expense Type template

Use this template to create a business rule that sets the maximum reimbursement for a single expense type or group of expense types.


The template has these parameters:

Expense Type
Select all the expense types to set the maximum reimbursement.
Max Amount
Specify the maximum amount allowed, in the paid-in currency with a decimal separator, but no currency symbol or thousands separator, for the expense type.
Currency Type
Select a currency type.


This example shows the possible values for this business rule.

Maximum reimbursement by expense type fields

This table shows the values for fields:

Field Value
Name Cell Phone Policy
Severity Invalid
Notification Interactive
Fire on Itemization Left blank
Fire Scope Left blank
Offline and Online Firing Options Fire Offline and Online
Status Active
Fire On
  • Update ER Itemization (Auditor)
  • Update ER Itemization Item (Create and Review)
  • Update ER Line Item (Create)

Maximum reimbursement by expense type strings

This table shows the values for strings:

Strings Value
Description Limits cell phone expenses to $100 for an expense line item.
Interactive Message You cannot be reimbursed for more than $100.00 of cell phone expenses in an expense report. You have exceeded the limit.
Policy Employees may not be reimbursed for more than $100.00 of cell phone expenses in an expense report.
Report Message Left blank

Maximum reimbursement by expense type parameters

This table shows the values for parameters:

Parameter Value
Expense Type Cell Phone, Telephone
Max Amount $100.00
Currency Type US Dollar

Maximum reimbursement by expense type applications

This table shows the values for applications:

Name Organization/Group
Default Company Organization