Mobile device parameters

This table shows the mobile device application parameters that can be configured and implemented using Infor SAT.

Parameter Name Description
mobile_launch_url (parm_id = 3135721) Use this parameter to specify the path of the launch jsp for mobile users.

The default value is login/mobile.jsp.

Dependent on the and the mobile_server_url parameters.

Is Customer Editable

mobile.approval.distribution.default (parm_id = 3144448) Use this parameter to specify the Account Distribution is expanded or collapsed.

The default value is hidden.

Is Customer Editable

mobile.approval.expenseitems.default (parm_id = 3144449) Use this parameter to specify whether Expense Items are expanded or collapsed.

The default value is hidden.

Is Customer Editable

mobile.approval.summary.default (parm_id = 3144447) Use this parameter to specify whether Expense Summary is expanded or collapsed.

The default value is hidden.

Is Customer Editable

mobile.allowRememberPassword Use this parameter to determine whether the users on mobile devices are allowed to enable Remember Me.
mobile.numericInput.enabled Use this parameter to enable numeric input on mobile UI. Default is true.
mobile.enabled (parm_id = 3139357) Use this parameter to specify that mobile devices should display the mobile app.

The default value is true.

Is Customer Editable

mobile.quickExpenseEnabled (parm_id = 3141258) Use this parameter to specify that the mobile quick expense feature is enabled.

The default value is true.

Is Customer Editable


(parm_id = 3139367)

Use this parameter to specify the supported mobile devices.

The default value is BlackBerry,BB10,iPhone,Android

Is Customer Editable

mobile.table.rowsPerPage (parm_id = 3137083) Use this parameter to establish how many rows to display per page for mobile paging tables in the Expense Reports module.

This parameter does not control paging for the Connect portal.

The default value is 10.

Is Customer Editable (parm_id = 3135831) Use this parameter to enable mobile device approval. If true then mobile device approval is enabled. In addition, the user will receive an email notification with a link for mobile users on the approval page when this application parameter is defined as true.

The default value is true.

No dependencies

Is Customer Editable

mobile.ios.version.fileUploadSupport (parm_id = 3147504) Use this parameter to define a list of comma (,) separated iOS versions (e.g. 6_0_1) that support file upload. Is Customer Editable
mobile.voiceExpenseEnabled (parm_id = 3145423) Use this parameter to determine whether the mobile voice expense is enabled. Default value is true.
mobile.approval.enableApprovedAmount(parm_id=3156745) If the value of the parameter is set to true, the approved amount is enabled on mobile review screen.

The default value is False.

Is customer editable.

mobile.showUnattachedExpenses(parm_id=3158166) Use this parameter to determine whether to display the Unattached Expenses or Unattached CC Transactions on mobile home screen. true = Unattached Expenses, false = Unattached CC Transactions.

The default value is True.

Is customer editable.