Timesheets general application parameters

This table shows the timesheets general application parameters that can be configured and implemented using Infor SAT.

Parameter Name Description
approve_expiration_time_unit (parm_id = 78053) Use this parameter to specify the unit of time (second, minute, hour) before notifying a user that a timesheet has not been approved.

The Infor DlnqntApprvlNotifier background process sends out notification if a manager does not approve that given time of this unit after the submission of the timesheet.

The units are:

  • 14; For MILLISECOND value
  • 13: For SECOND value
  • 12: For MINUTE value
  • 10: for HOUR value (default)

This application parameter is dependent on the approve_expiration_time_value parameter and is used by the Infor DlnqntApprvlNotifier background process.

Is Not Customer Editable

approve_expiration_time_value (parm_id = 78052) Use this parameter to specify the amount of time before notifying a user that a timesheet has not been approved.

The Infor DlnqntApprvlNotifier background process sends out notification if a manager does not approve this time of the given unit after the submission of the timesheet.

The default value is 5.

This parameter is dependent on the approve_expiration_time_unit parameter and is used by the Infor DlnqntApprvlNotifier background process.

Is Customer Editable

AutoEnterOnCopy (parm_id = 78057) Use this parameter to have the system automatically add the line item after copying it. Business rules are run first. This parameter is also used when copying lines to Multiple Allocations screen.

This is the switch that determines the behavior for copying a timesheet line item.

The valid values are:

  • true: The user can click Copy to specify the line item. The new item remains selected so that the user can copy it again, if needed (default).
  • false: The user needs to select the line item, click Copy , click Enter, and then re-select the new line item to copy it again.

No Dependencies

Is Customer Editable

billable_projectcode_rule_id (parm_id = 78055) This parameter determines the validity of the project code entered manually by the user. The ID in br_instance of the rule to display for billable code.

This application parameter is dependent on the invalid_projectcode_rule_id parameter and is used by the ValidateProjectCode background process.

Is Not Customer Editable

ChargeTypeElemChangeWarning (parm_id = 780801) This parameter determines whether a change of utility grid config setting in the General tab warning will be shown when sequence # or BOb element name of (Hourly) Charge Type have been altered, added, or removed. If the utility grid is disabled, it should be set to false.

The default value is false.

No Dependencies

Is Not Customer Editable

connect.displayLateTSApproval (parm_id = 3136022 ) Use this parameter to display the late timesheet approval portlet. Valid values are:
  • 1: Displays of the late timesheet approval portlet
  • 0: Hides the display of the late timesheet approval portlet

Is Customer Editable

connect.displayLateTSSubmission (parm_id = 3136023) Use this parameter to display the late timesheet submission portlet. Valid values are:
  • 1: Displays of the late timesheet approval portlet
  • 0: Hides the display of the late timesheet approval portlet

Is Customer Editable

HideAuditTrail (parm_id = 3134227) Determines whether a given timesheet line item has managerial changes (except Hours/Time overrides) which can be shown to the creator. If false, show all changes to the creator for line items. If true, hide the managerial changes from the creator.

The HideAuditTrail application parameter is used by Infor TS to record the entire Audit Trail. The HideOverrides application parameter is used for recording only the hours/time overrides.

The default value is false

Is Customer Editable

HideLineItemActivity (parm_id = 78101) Use this parameter to specify a comma-separated string of project review activity numbers. For any of the review activity in the string, the project manager will only see the line items with the project codes that belong to them.

The default value is 72275.

No Dependencies

Is Not Customer Editable

HideOverrides (parm_id = 3041468) This parameter determines whether manager overrides can be shown to the document creator. For example, approved hours field and audit trail in the document note. Used for filtering based on overrides.

This parameter sets the visibility of the Approved Hours column and determines whether the displayed total is based on user specified hours or manager approved or overridden hours.

Valid values are:

  • true: Hide managerial overrides from the creator.
  • false: Show all timesheet information to the creator (default).

No Dependencies

Is Customer Editable

invalid_projectcode_rule_id (parm_id = 78054) This parameter determines the validity of the project code entered manually by the user. The ID in br_instance of the rule will display for invalid code.

This application parameter is dependent on the billable_projectcode_rule_id parameter and is used by the ValidateProjectCode background process.

Is Not Customer Editable

ts.AbsenceActivityList (parm_id = 78137) Use this parameter to specify a comma-separated string of activity type numbers. If a project code’s activity type is in this list, this project code is considered as an absence code. For any time code (same as project code, it displays on the Timesheet tab) with the activity in the string, the In/Out fields will be disabled and the Time Off (Hrs) field will be enabled.

Java’s Attendance tab enables the fields based on the selected charge code, but the HTML client enforces the logic on the server. Because line item hours are also calculated on the server, the Hours field is generally empty except when viewing existing line items.

Because the HTML client does not support TSAttendanceLineItems, some documents created in Java cannot be opened with the HTML client. This can create a proxy limitation since proxies view documents with their own client type, not the type in which the document was created. For example, created with Java client but attempt to view with HTML client can fail.

No Dependencies

Is Not Customer Editable

ts.attendanceInOutCount (parm_id = 3134813) This parameter controls the number of in/out time pairs available for editing the timesheet attendance product on the Timesheets tab. This parameter can configure up to six in/out pairs for editing attendance time.

Attendance functionality is still enabled using the TS Profile, although the element has been renamed from attendanceTabApplicable (technically timesheetTabApplicable) to attendanceApplicable.

The default value is 3.


Is Customer Editable

ts.attendanceUsesTab (parm_id = 3134812) This parameter controls whether the Attendance tab (true) or Items tab (false) is used for attendance functionality.

Users with TS Profile attendanceApplicable = true and ts.attendanceUsesTab = true should not be assigned as Infor TS HTML users since this is an unsupported configuration, and HTML will throw a fatal exception.

The default value is false.

This parameter is dependent on the TS Profile attendanceApplicable and ts.attendanceUsesTab application parameters.

Is Not Customer Editable

ts.BillableRateApplicable (parm_id = 78142) This parameter determines whether the billable rate is applicable in Infor TS. If it is not applicable, then the TSBillableRateScreenApplicable parameter is not applicable.

When the existing ts.BillableRateApplicable parameter is set in Java, a default billable rate is calculated for the line item based on charge code, role, and so forth. The HTML version provides similar functionality. By default, the field attributes set the billable rate field/column to hidden during create mode. Usually only managers need to see the rate but the value should be calculated by the system regardless.

The default value is true.

This parameter is dependent on the

TSBillableRateScreenApplicable application parameter.

Is Customer Editable

ts.calcCalendarTotalsOnClient (parm_id = 3137966) Whether the calendar table should use Javascript to calculate totals as the user types.

The default value is false.

Is Customer Editable

ts.calendarRowFilterElement (parm_id = 3137789) The element to show in the calendar row filter.

The default value is chargeCode.projectNumber (Project Charge Code).

No Dependencies

Is Customer Editable

ts.DelinquentSubmitEmailNotifyToManager Determine whether or not to send delinquent submit email notification to manager. Default: true.
ts.DelinquentSubmitEmailNotifyToOwner Determine whether or not to send delinquent submit email notification to owner. Default: true.
ts.defaultImportHours (parm_id = 3134301) This parameter sets the default value for the Import Hours Checkbox. If true, the check box is automatically selected when opening the TS Header page. If false, the checkbox ix not selected.

The default value is false.

Dependencies ts.showImportHours

Is Customer Editable

ts.DefaultTimeCode (parm_id = 78138) This parameter indicates the default time code to be used on the Timesheet tab.

No Dependencies

Is Not Customer Editable

ts.DefaultTimeForAttendance (parm_id = 78136) This parameter determines whether the default time value should be set for the Attendance line item. It defaults an attendance line item’s in/out times based on the previous line item.

The default value is false.

No Dependencies

Is Customer Editable


This parameter is the e-mail alias or distribution list that is automatically copied to all delinquent submit email notifications.

Is Customer Editable

ts.DlnqntReportExcludeCurrentPeriod (parm_id = 3126611) This parameter determines whether to include the current reporting period as late when the current day is the last day of the current reporting period.

Valid values are:

  • true: Excluding the current reporting period
  • false: Including the current reporting period if the current day is the end date of the reporting period

Default: false

No Dependencies

Is Customer Editable

ts.DelinquentReportTimeStamp This parameter is the timestamp that is created and updated by either InitDlnqntSubmitReport or DlnqntSubmitReportBkg. The timestamp values informs the DlnqntSubmitReportBkg as to when the process was last run, and the background process can avoid populating duplicate entries for the same period.

Example: 2015.10.23

Is Not Customer Editable

ts.DlnqntSubmitNotifier.numOfPeriods (parm_id = 3131620) Use this parameter to specify the number of reporting periods in the past, is used by DlnqntSubmitNotifier background process to look for late timesheet submission.

For all reporting periods, set this value to -1.

The default value is 1.

Dependencies: (DlnqntSubmitNotifier background process)

Is Customer Editable

ts.DocChildrenValidation (parm_id = 3082268) Use this parameter to determine whether a given timesheet whose children (TSLI) have required data specified and are linked to project line items.

Perform two checks if the value is set to true. Valid values are:

  • 1: Its TSLIs have all the required elements; date, hours/appHours
  • 2L Its TSLIs link to the corresponding Project Line Item and are located correctly.

If any of the above problems are detected, a dialog box with an error is displayed and a data error notification is sent to system administrator if application parameter mail.admin is set to a valid email address.

Default is false if it is not set. This checking is used at the customer sites that have timesheet data problems.

No Dependencies

Is Customer Editable

ts.editGridOnCalendarTabStartup (parm_id = 3134199) This parameter opens the Calendar tab in edit mode.

You must configure the TS Profile to determine which tabs the system displays. The Calendar tab must be on of those tabs configured to display for this application parameter to function. The other HTML applications do not have configurable tabs and always start on the Overview tab.

The default value is True.

Dependencies is TSStartupTab (TSStartupTab=calendarTab)

Is Customer editable

ts.EmailOverrideToCreator (parm_id = 78058) Use this parameter to send an override email notification to the creator of a timesheet.

No Dependencies

Is Customer Editable

ts.generateHolidayItemsUsingProject (parm_id = 3137990) The UID of the project to use when automatically generating timesheet holiday line items in HTML. To disable the feature set this to -1.

The default value is -1.

Is Customer Editable

ts.hideBenefitBankInfo Hide benefit bank information from portal, timesheet and print template.
ts.initialTab The initial tab to display when opening a document for TS.
ts.InitDlnqntReportStartDate (parm_id = 3077045) Use this parameter to determine if the background process will populate the alts_delinquent_report table with user late submission periods that are the same or after a given date. Format: yyyy.MM.dd

This value must be set before the running the InitDlnqntSubmitReport background process.

Usage 1: For initialization

InitDlnqntSubmitReport populates the alts_delinquent_report table with late submission periods for each active timesheet user from the given date to one future timesheet period calculated base on the current timestamp.

Default: yyyy.MM.dd

Example: 2015.06.01

Usage 2: For fixing corrupted data in alts_delinquent_report table

InitDlnqntSubmitReport clears and re-populates the alts_delinquent_report table with late submission periods for each active timesheet user for the given period.

Example: 2015.06.01,2015.07.01

This parameter is dependent on the InitDlnqntSubmitReport background process.

Is Customer Editable

ts.lateSubmitPortlet.auditor.numOfPeriods (parm_id = 3131622) Use this parameter to specify the number of reporting periods in the past, is used by LateTSSubmit portal - auditor view. For all reporting periods, set this value to -1. Default: 1.

The default value is 1.

Is Customer Editable

ts.lateSubmitPortlet.manager.numOfPeriods (parm_id = 3131621) Use this parameter to specify the number of reporting periods in the past. It is used by the LateTSSubmit portal - manager view. For all reporting periods, set this value to -1.

The default value is 1.

Is Customer Editable

ts.NonPendingActivities (parm_id = 78059) This parameter prevents activities in this list from use in calculating the pending benefit bank balance.

The default values are 72271 and 72280.

No Dependencies

Is Not Customer Editable


This parameter is a comma-separated list of activity IDs.

This application parameter displays the Approve ,Reject, or Undecided option on the Exceptions tab.

The value of this application parameter is set to 0, by default.

Is Customer Editable

ts.showCalendarNotes (parm_id = 3135877) Use this parameter to indicate whether to display the Notes button on the HTML timesheet Calendar tab.

The default value is true.


Is Customer Editable

ts.showCalendarSaveAndContinueButton (parm_id = 3135840) Use this parameter to show the Save and Continue button on the HTML timesheet Calendar tab.

The default value is false.


Is Customer Editable

ts.showImportHours (parm_id = 3134200) This parameter enables or hides the Import Hours checkbox on the timesheet Import HTML page.

Non-weekly customers (whose periods vary in length and start on different days of the week) may want to disable this feature.

The application does not actually import line items, which have associated notes, exceptions, and so on, it simply copies the hours into the calendar table and the users have to manage any business rule violations, and so forth. By default the Import Hours checkbox is unchecked, but this can be configured with the ts.defaultImportHours application parameter.

The default value is true.

Dependencies ts.defaultImportHours

Is Customer Editable

ts.showProjectNumberAddButton (parm_id = 3135737) This application parameter determines whether to show the project number Add button in HTML. It is the timsheet equivalent of the allocation.showProjectNumberAddButton application parameter.

The default value is false.


Is Not Customer Editable

ts.showProjectNumberChooserButton (parm_id = 3135736) This application parameter determines whether to show the project number selection button in HTML. It is the timesheet equivalent of the allocation.showProjectNumberChooserButton application parameter.

The default value is true.


Is Not Customer Editable

ts.showProjectNumberQuickSearchButton (parm_id = 3138550) The timesheet equivalent of allocation.showProjectNumberQuickSearchButton, whether to show the project number quick search button in HTML.

The default value is false.

Is Customer Editable

ts.useOnlyCurrentYearInPending Determine whether or not to include only hours that fall in current year in Benefit Bank Pending. Default: true.
ts.attachment.showLineItemPanel(parm_id=3141254) Use this parameter to display the attachment panel for Timesheets.

The default value is False.

Is customer editable.

ts.attendanceBreakStartEndCount(parm_id=3157802) Use this parameter to specify the number of pairs of Break Start/End Time fields to display on the Items tab (max 5).

The default value is 2.

Is customer editable.

ts.attendanceBreakStartEndInitialCount(parm_id=3158356) Use this parameter to specify the initial number of pairs of Break Start/End Time fields to display on the Items tab (max 5).

The default value is 1.

Is customer editable.

ts.attendanceInOutInitialCount(parm_id=3158355) Use this parameter to specify the initial number of pairs of In/Out Time fields to display on the Items tab (max 6).

The default value is 1.

Is customer editable.

ts.auditlog.hideChildAdd(parama_id=3141281) Use this parameter to specify a comma-separated list of bob types for the audit log screen to hide when added specifically for TS.

Is not customer editable.

ts.auditlog.hideChildRemove(parm_id=3141284) Use this parameter to specify a comma-separated list of bob types for the audit log screen to hide when removed specifically for TS.

Is not customer editable.

ts.auditlog.hideElements(parm_id=3141287) Use this parameter to specify a comma-separated list of bob elements for the audit log screen to hide specifically for TS.

Is not customer editable.

ts.auditlog.ignoreChildAdd(parm_id=3141277) Use this parameter to specify a comma-separated list of bob types for the audit log to ignore when added specifically for TS.

Is not customer editable.

ts.auditlog.ignoreChildRemove(parm_id=3141278) Use this parameter to specify a comma-separated list of bob types for the audit log to ignore when removed specifically for TS.

Is not customer editable.

ts.calendarAlwaysSaveIncomplete(parm_id=3158381) Use this parameter to specify whether HTML TS calendar tab must always save incomplete line items.

The default value is True.

Is customer editable.

ts.calendarRowElementsToIgnore(parm_id=3157695) Use this parameter to specify a comma-separated string of calendar row elements to ignore.

Is customer editable.

ts.correctionActivity(parm_id=3158311) Use this parameter to specify the TS Correction activity

The default value is 3157911.

Is not customer editable.

ts.createActivity(parm_id=3155490) Use this parameter to specify the TS Create activity

The default value is 72271.

Is not customer editable.

ts.DailyHoursActivityList(parm_id=3157785) Use this parameter to specify a comma-separated string of activity type numbers representing daily hours projects.

The default value is 3157697.

Is not customer editable.

ts.DailyInOutActivityList(parm_id=3157799) Use this parameter to specify a comma-separated string of activity type numbers representing daily in/out projects.

The default value is 3157798.

Is not customer editable.

ts.DailyStartEndActivityList(parm_id=3157621) Use this parameter to specify a comma-separated string of activity type numbers representing daily start/end projects.

The default value is 3157617.

Is not customer editable.

ts.exportActivity(parm_id=3155498) Use this parameter to specify the TS Export activity.

The default value is 72282.

Is not customer editable.

ts.generateDefaultDailySummaryItemsAttdBreakEnd1(parm_id=3158342) Use this parameter wen generating default TS daily summary line items, the default break 1 end.

Is customer editable.

ts.generateDefaultDailySummaryItemsAttdBreakStart1(parm_id=3158341) Use this parameter when generating default TS daily summary line items, the default break 1 start.

Is customer editable.

ts.generateDefaultDailySummaryItemsUsingProject(parm_id=3158338) Use this parameter to specify The UID of the project to use when automatically generating default TS daily summary line items in HTML. To disable the feature set this to -1.

The default value is -1.

Is customer editable.

ts.generateDefaultRowsUsingProjects(parm_id=3157691) Use this parameter to generate a comma-separated string of UIDs of the projects to automatically generate calendar rows.

Is customer editable.

TSAutoUpdateTaxLocs (parm_id = 78048) This parameter determines if tax locations should be automatically updated. The tax location will be set to the location of the line item that has the most hours charged if the value is set to true. Valid values are:
  • true: Automatically update tax locations (default).
  • false: Do not automatically update tax locations.

No Dependencies

Is Not Customer Editable

TSBillableRateScreenApplicable (parm_id = 78141) This parameter determines whether the billable rate modification screen should pop up when the reviewer changes the billable rate of a project line item.

The default value is true.

This parameter is dependent on the ts.BillableRateApplicable application parameter.

Is Customer Editable

TSccMailOverride (parm_id = 78056) Use this parameter when sending an email notification to the designated recipient, CC this mail recipient.

The default value is AspecificEmailAddr

This parameter is dependent on the TSeMailOverride application parameter and is used by the MgrOverrideNotifier background process.

Is Customer Editable

TSDefaultToPreviousPeriod (parm_id = 78067) This parameter determines the reporting period to use as default.

Valid values are:

  • true: Use the previous reporting period as the default reporting period.
  • false: Use the current reporting period as the default reporting period (default).

No dependencies

Is Customer Editable

TSeMailOverride (parm_id = 78044) Use this parameter to send an email notification primarily to a designated recipient.

The default value is AspecificEmailAddr

This parameter is dependent on the TSccMailOverride application parameter and is used by the MgrOverrideNotifier background process.

Is Customer Editable

TSImportCodesLimitInDays (parm_id = 78045) Use this parameter to limit the number of timesheets shown in days in the import field. It shows all timesheets created within the last n days, where n is TSImportCodesLimitInDays.

The value should be specified in number of days.

The calculation is (current_date - parameter value).

When you create a new timesheet, you can import charge codes from a previous timesheet.

The default value is 60.

No dependencies

Is Customer Editable

TSLimitCalendar (parm_id = 78066) This parameter determines the highlighting and restriction of dates in the calendar based on the timesheet period.

Valid values are:

  • true: Highlight and restrict selection for dates in the calendar (default).
  • false: Do not highlight and restrict selection of dates in the calendar.

The HTML client version of timesheet calendar does not support this behavior. HTML client users can select any date but the existing TSLIDateInPeriod BR enforces the period boundaries.

No dependencies

Is Customer Editable

TSMaxDailyHoursDiff (parm_id = 78062) This parameter specifies the timesheet maximum daily hours differential between the Project tabs and the Attendance tab. The default is 1. Its value should be greater than or equal to 0. It can be overridden by the Business Rule Maximum Differential Between Timecard And Billable.

The default value is 1 hour.

No dependencies

Is Not Customer Editable

TSMaxPerPeriodHoursDiff (parm_id = 78064) This parameter specifies the timesheet maximum total differential hours between the Project tabs and the Attendance tab within one timesheet period. Can be overridden by the Business Rule Maximum Differential Between Timecard And Billable.

The default value is 4.

Its value should be greater than or equal to 0.

No dependencies

Is Not Customer Editable

TSMaxWeeklyHoursDiff (parm_id = 78063) This parameter specifies the timesheet maximum weekly hours differential between the Project tabs and the Attendance tab. Can be overridden by the business rule Maximum Differential Between Timecard And Billable.

The default value is 4.

Its value should be greater than or equal to 0.

No dependencies

Is Not Customer Editable

TSNegativeHoursInTotal (parm_id = 78061) This parameter indicates whether negative hours are to be considered when the total hours for a timesheet are calculated.

Valid values are:

  • 1: Negative hours are included in the total.
  • 2: Negative hours are not included in the total (false). (default)

No dependencies

Is Not Customer Editable

TSNumFractionDigits (parm_id = 78046) This parameter determines the number of digits to include after the decimal point when showing hours. A value of 0 is no digits (whole numbers only). 1 is 1 digit, or 1/10 hours (for example, 8.1). 2 is 2 digits, (for example, 8.12).

The default value is 2.

This application parameter is used by all applications, not just Infor TS. The name has a TS prefix because it was originally added for Infor TS. This parameter is used to set the precision of ALHour values stored in the database. This is needed because the ALHour Java class can have up to 10 digits precision. When a SQL statement tries to update the ALHour field in the database with a value having more than 2 digits after the decimal point, the database (at least Sybase) will reject the update and throw an error.

No dependencies

Is Not Customer Editable

TSStartupTab (parm_id = 78065) This parameter specifies the tab which is initially displayed on the screen when a new timesheet is created. This string has to be the internal tab name of one of the timesheet tabs specified in the control definition file.

This must be one of the tab names specified in alct_tab_panel_tab_settings. Currently for TS:

  • generalTab
  • lineItemTab
  • calendarTab
  • attendanceTab
  • exceptionsTab

One limitation for the HTML client version of Infor TS is that import is only available from the Header screen if the user’s default tab is the Calendar tab, configured using the TSStartupTab application parameter, and the tab is initially editable, configured using the ts.editGridOnCalendarTabStartup application parameter. This limitation occurs because the calendar table save logic must be run on the imported data, but could result in business rule violations that require complex user interaction and screen navigation. To work around this limitation the calendar table should be initially visible and editable allowing the system to copy the imported data into the table. The user must click Save and application will behave as if the data had been manually entered.

You must configure the TS Profile to determine which tabs the system displays. The Calendar tab must be on of those tabs configured to display for this application parameter to function. The other HTML applicaitons do not have configurable tabs and always start on the Overview tab.

The default value is Calendar Tab.

Dependencies ts.editGridOnCalendarTabStartup

Is Not Customer Editable

TSTotalHoursType (parm_id = 78049) This parameter determines how the total hours for a timesheet will be calculated.

A value of 1 means only use the hours specified by the user when they created the timesheet, and ignore any edits made by the approver.

A value of 2 (the default) means use the hours specified by the approver. If the approver did not make an entry, use the hours specified by the user when they created the timesheet.

The default value is 2.

No dependencies

Is Not Customer Editable

xml.tspalm.bob2palm.doc (parm_id = 3033806) Use this parameter XSL document to map from Expense Management BOb XML to palm XML. Specify the relative path from one of the directories in the classpath.

The default value is xml/palm/ts/tsBob2Palm.xsl.


Is Not Customer Editable

xml.tspalm.updatePalm2bob.doc (parm_id = 3033804) Use this parameter to specify the XSL document that maps the palm XML to the Expense Management BOb XML and specifies the relative path from one of the directories in the class path.

The default value is xml/palm/ts/tsUpdatePalm2bob.xsl.

Is Not Customer Editable

xml.tspalm.uploadPalm2bob.doc (parm_id = 3033805) Use this parameter to specify the XSL document to map from palm XML to Expense Management BOb XML; specify relative path from one of the directories in the classpath.

The default value is xml/palm/ts/tsUploadPalm2bob.xsl.

Is Not Customer Editable

ts.defaultPeriodBasedOnRecentPeriod (parm_id = 3147284) Whether to default the period for the new TS based on the user's most recently submitted TS. Default value is true.
ts.showCalendarAllWeeksInSameTable (parm_id = 3147371) When the user's period spans multiple weeks, whether to show all weeks in the same table (versus paging through them week-by-week). Default value is true.
ts.titleformatExpandFullYear Use this application parameter to specify the full year in the timesheet document title. For example, 2024.

Is customer editable.

ts.title.formatMoveYearToBegining Use this application parameter to move the year to the beginning of the date formatt in the timesheet document title. For example, when you configure this parameter, the date in the email notifications is displayed as 24/01/02.
ts.title.formatStyle Use this application parameter to configure the Java date format style in the timesheet document title. Possible values:
  • 0: Full. For example, Monday, February 19, 2024
  • 1: Long. For example, 2024-02-19
  • 2: Medium. For example, Feb 19, 2024
  • 3: Short. For example, 02/19/2024