Configuring the ETL.xml file

The ETL.xml file located in the XM_INSTALL_DIR/apache-tomcat-9.0.x/tools/etl/conf directory is used to configure the information required for a transformation. The parameters are simple. Examples and formats are provided for most of the parameters within the file. Only the parameters in italics require editing.

This is the example of an ETL.xml configuration, including some outlining comments:

<?xml version="1.0"?> 

The available drivers of the ETL tool:

<jdbc_drivers>  -- Available JDBC drivers 
<jdbc_driver type="oracle">oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver</jdbc_driver> 
<jdbc_driver type="mssql">net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver</jdbc_driver>
<jdbc_driver type="mssql"></jdbc_driver>
<jdbc_driver type="db2"></jdbc_driver>  
Note:  The tool loads the appropriate drivers based on your database connection.

Specify the source (transaction) and destination (reporting) database connection information. Most of the connection information is simple, except for the db URL property. These are the examples of database URL formats used to establish a connection with the database.



MSSQL with name instance to connect to:







Use one of these for db Type: oracle, mssql, db2

<source>            -- Transactional database connection information 
<dbUrl> jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://paris:1433;databaseName=transdb</dbUrl> 

<destination> -- Reporting  database connection information 
<dbUrl> jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://paris:1433;databaseName=eportingdb</dbUrl>