ETL Content
ETL content is located under XM_INSTALL_DIR/apache-tomcat-9.0.x/tools/etl. The ETL.xml file must be configured.
See Adding/Editing ADC Conversions for details on ADC mapping.
These are the descriptions of the various directories and their
- /bin
- -cpappend.bat: The helper file that builds the classpath.
- - etl.bat: The batch file that starts the ETL tool on the Windows based systems.
- - The script that starts the ETL tool for the UNIX based systems.
- /conf
- - ETL.xml: Refers to the Configuring ETL.xml section for details.
- /conversionScripts: Defines the conversion mapping scripts.
- - mssql_ConversionDeletes.xml
- - mssql_ConversionMaps.xml
- - oracle_ConversionDeletes.xml
- - oracle_ConversionMaps.xml
- /createScripts: This contains the reporting table creation scripts.
- - mssql_db_creation.sql
- - mssql_db_migration.sql
- - mssql_etl_update_tracker_creation.sql
- - mssql_index_creation.sql
- - oracle_db_creation.sql
- - oracle_etl_update_tracker_creation.sql
- - mssql_index_creation.sql
- /lib: This contains the ETL library files.
- - etl.jar
- - oracle_db_migration.sql
- -
- - jtds-1.3.1.jar
- - sqljdbc4.jar
- - xerces-1.4.3.jar
- /logs: This contains the etl.log file.