Delinquent Approval Notification
DlnqntApprvlNotifier notifies a user if his submitted timesheet has not yet been completely approved after the submitted time plus the allowed delinquent time specified in the application parameters. Email notification is sent to both the creator of the timesheet and the second-level manager. A timesheet is considered not approved if the approved date is null. The approved date is set by the business rule Approve TS Timestamp Policy. DlnqntApprvlNotifier:
- Examines all submitted timesheets and verifies that they have been approved.
- Sends a message to the creator of the timesheet, and also a message to the person who is reviewing the reviewer of this timesheet, if a timesheet has not been approved.
- Runs on a schedule that the customer can determine
Bkg Proc Name | Parameters | Value | Optional | Description |
DlnqntApprvlNotifier (Pre-version 6.0) | approve_expiration_time_value | Integer | No | Number of units between each cycle |
approve_expiration_time_unit | Integer | No | Unit chosen:
| |
DlnqntApprvlNotifier * | ts.DelinquentApprovalEmailGroup | String | Yes | Email alias for those being cc'ed with the delinquent email. |
* Email is also sent to the email alias specified in the application parameter: ts.DelinquentApprovalEmailGroup.