Unattached credit card receipt transaction notification
This background process sends email notifications to users who have credit card transactions that are not attached for certain number of days.
The content of the email notification is configurable using the Infor SAT Email Notification screen. However the title of the message should be in a specific format, so that the background process can recognize and call it.
Each user can have only one message sent, for the highest number of days that applies. For example, if messages are being set at 5, 10, and 15 days, and user 1 has transactions that are 5 and 15 days old, only the 15-day message will be sent.
For customers that want to pay back credit cards as soon as possible, they want to inform their users after loading the credit cards transactions to Infor XM. The email notification requests use this background process by configuring the number of days to zero.
Bkg Proc Name | Parameter | Value | Optional | Description |
Unattached CC Transaction Notification Bkg | mail.msgRetentionPeriod | 7 | Yes | Notification Service parameter. The number of days to keep a record of generated emails in the alco_notification_store table. Emails older than this period are purged from the notification store. Any related file attachments are also deleted. |
UnassignedCCTransactionNoti ficationBkg.since | postin gDate | Yes | Date to use for comparison. Valid values are:
| |
UnassignedCCTransactionNoti ficationBkg.sendAtDaysForUS BankTo{15} | 3 | Yes | Email notification for document owner, manager, or both. Recipient for email values are:
| |
UnassignedCCTransactionNoti ficationBkg.sendAtDaysForAm erican ExpressTo{10} | 3 | Yes | Email notification for document owner, manager, or both. Recipient for email values are:
| |
UnassignedCCTransactionNoti ficationBkg.ignoreRemovedFor USBank | True | Yes | Ignore Removed Transactions Set this parameter to indicate whether to send emails for removed transactions for the credit card processor indicated; if ForXYZ is left out, the true or false value applies to all processors not otherwise configured. | |
UnassignedCCTransactionNoti ficationBkg.ignoreRemovedFor American Express | True | Yes | Ignore Removed Transactions Set this parameter to indicate whether to send emails for removed transactions for the credit card processor indicated; if ForXYZ is left out, the true or false value applies to all processors not otherwise configured. | |
UnassignedCCTransactionNoti ficationBkg.useLongSearchWi ndow | True | Yes | This is an optional parameter. If set to true, the notification retrieves transactions between the configured number of days old and the next larger number, if any. If there is no larger number, it searches for all transactions that are the configured number of days old or older. For example, if notifications are set for 10, 15, and 30 days and this parameter is set to true, the notifications is sent for transactions that are 10-14 days old, 15-29 days old, and 30 days old or older | |
AmexProcessorId | 50802 | Yes | Credit Card processor Can be configured to check unattached credit card transactions for a certain processor or card type. Amex Remittence The credit card processor BOb ID for the American Express card in the table alcc_processor. This is typically 50802 but can be specific to the installation. | |
CashAdvanceRequest.CCProc essor | 3081647 | Yes | Credit Card processor. Can be configured to check unattached credit card transactions for to a certain processor or card type. Credit Card Processor which is used in credit card transaction creation. |