Auditing item details
You can review items and itemization details. For each item or its associated itemizations, you can perform these tasks:
- Modify the approved
amount, allocations, or GL account.
Note: To modify the allocations, the GL account, mark receipts as verified, or clear the receipts verified indicator for multiple items at a time, select the check box for each item and click the appropriate button. Alternatively, select an expense item to review, modify, and approve its associated item details.
- Modify the exchange rate of items in a foreign currency. The approved amount of the item and itemizations are calculated using the specified exchange rate.
- Verify receipts.
- Review, edit, or add notes.
- Review, approve, reject, or mark exceptions as undecided.
- Modify VAT or PST/QST amounts and their associated accounts.
- Sort items.
- Modify the location of the details pane.
- Review overages. See Viewing overages