Configuring the application

You can configure the application.

  1. Access the Infor Expense application.
  2. Tap

    The Infor Expense Log in screen is displayed.

  3. Specify this information:
    Server Address
    The physical address of the ethernet connection to the server.
    Server Port
    The port number of the server address.
    Tenant ID
    The tenant ID of the customer.
    The preferred language to access the application. Click the arrow option corresponding to the Language field to select a different language. The application displays the language you selected. English is displayed, by default. Possible values:
    • English (US)
    • English (UK)
    • French
    • German
    • Italian
    • Spanish

    You can change the language from the Profile page. To change the language, perform these steps:

    1. Log on to the SAT application.
    2. Click Tools > Resource key editor.
    3. Click Import. The Import Resource Keys window is displayed.
    4. Select the required directory.
    5. Select the resource bundle.
    6. Click Import.

    See, KB 3548296 for details.

    Additionally, you must also update the language or the locale in the profile settings. Log out, log on, close and relaunch the application for the locale changes to reflect.


    A new html.usePreferredLocaleAsApplicationLocale application parameter is added to theapplication. When the value of the application parameter is set to true, the preferred locale of the useris considered. However, when the value is set to false, the operating system locale of the user isconsidered. The value if the application parameter is set to True, by default.

    For the earlier versions, the preferred locale was used only for email notifications and not when loggingon to the application.

    Single Sign-On
    Indicates whether the Single Sign-on option is enabled for the user.
    Screen Protection
    Indicates whether screen capturing or recording is enabled for the user.
  4. Tap Next.
    Note: The information required for configuring the application is provided by the system administrator.