The tool uses these command line parameters:
jre classpath largesoft.sys.Application -startupClass parameters
This table displays the descriptions of the parameters:
- The format of the
data file.
- The database
fields, mapped to file formats of the credit card issuers providing the data
Specify the appropriate credit card issuer:
- Amex1205:
American Express 1205 cardmember format.
- Amex1205GL:
American Express 1205 global card member format.
- AmexGL: American
Express global transactions format.
- Amex1025:
American Express 1025 transactions format.
- Amex1080:
American Express 1080 hotel folio format.
The American Express files must be imported in an order.
For the U.S. feeds, firstly run the Import Tool on Amex1205 to import the card
member data. Then run the Import Tool on Amex1025 and Amex1080 to import the
transaction data. For global feeds, firstly run Amex1205GL, then AmexGL and
- DinersACCT:
Diners Club account format.
- DinersTRAN:
Diners Club transaction format.
- DinersPAIR:
Diners Club city pair data.
The Diners Club files must be imported in an order.
Firstly, run the Import Tool on DinersACCT to import the account data. Then run
the Import Tool on DinersTRAN to import the transaction data. Import DinersPAIR
after DinersTRAN.
Financial Corporate MasterCard data in the SBF format. This is an old
MasterCard format. Use MasterCard CDF instead, if required.
- MasterCard: The
MasterCard CDF format.
- Common Data
Format (CDF) 3 version 5.01(XML format).
- USBank: The U. S.
Bank VISA format. This is an old format. Use VCF instead, if required.
- Visa: Visa
Commercial Format (VCF) 4.0.
The data file provided by the credit card
issuer. You must include the full path and the file name with the extension.
The location of the log file that the credit
card import tool creates. You must include the full path and the file name with
the extension.
Note: Run the credit card import tool separately for each file format that
you import.