Understanding the database tables that control delinquent timesheets

A manager can view the late timesheet submissions in the Infor XM application. The alts_delinquent_report table contains the period that the Infor TS users have not submitted timesheets. This table is populated regularly by the DlnqntSubmitReportBkg background process.

Database Tables

The alts_delinquent_report table contains the duration for which the timesheet has not been submitted by the users.

Column Type Nullity Description Example
change_timestamp datetime NULL 06/29/2012 17:53:00
presubmitted int NULL

1 - pre-submitted timesheet by the user. Row is added by the business rule.

NULL - Timesheet not submitted in this period by the user. Row is added by either of the background processes.

ts_delinquent_report_id int NOT NULL PK - a unique ID for the table. 1234567890
ts_end_calendar_date datetime NOT NULL Timesheet period calendar end date used for display. 07/15/2012 17:53:00
ts_end_date datetime NOT NULL Timesheet period end date. 07/14/2012 17:53:00
ts_start_date datetime NOT NULL Timesheet period start date. 07/01/2012 17:53:00
User_id int NOT NULL FK to alco_user. 1234567890

The alts_delinquent_timesheet table is used by the notification background process to ensure that the notifications of the delinquent timesheet submissions are sent only once a day.

Column Type Nullity Description Example
ts_delinquent_timesheet_id int NOT NULL
user_id int NOT NULL FK to alco_user.
ts_start_time datetime NULL Timesheet period start date.
ts_end_time datetime NULL Timesheet period end date.
email_sent int NULL

0 -failure to send

1 - email sent

change_timestamp datetime NULL