Granting user access to the Infor Expense Management sub-site
After you create the required security groups in Active Directory, complete these steps to grant user access to the Infor Expense Management sub-site in Microsoft SharePoint:
- Sign-in to the Infor OS site using the site collection administrator account you defined in the Infor OS installation. See the Infor OS Installation and Configuration Guide.
- Click the Infor Expense Management icon on the Infor OS toolbar to access the Infor Expense Management sub-site.
- Select .
- The list of groups may already have an entry for Infor Expense Management. If this entry is in the format Domain_Name\Infor Expense Management Users, you can cancel this process. Otherwise, continue with the next step.
- To add an Infor Expense Management user group, click .
- In the Grant Permissions dialog, specify Infor Expense Management Users, which is the security group required for users to have access to the Infor Expense Management sub-site in Microsoft SharePoint.
- Click Infor Expense Management Users format. in the lower right corner of the text box. If the name is valid, the name is updated to the Domain_Name\
- Click .