Configuring Deem Single Sign On (SSO)

To configure the Deem SSO integration for multi-tenant customers:

Note: Configuring Deem SSO is not a mandatory option.
  1. Obtain the SSO relay state from Deem. For example, the value must be in this format: https://<site name>
  2. Set the value of the olb.deem.sso.enable application parameter to True for enabling the Deem SSO feature.

To configure the Deem SSO integration for on-premises customers:

  1. Perform the steps to configure the Deem SSO integration for multi-tenant customers.
  2. Generate a certificate as described below and provide the certificate to the Deem administrator:
    1. Use a standard Java keytool to create the certificate.
    2. Copy the keystore in the <XM tomcat installation root>/bin folder.
    3. Provide the Deem with the public key from the keystore.
    4. Provide the Deem with a unique Saml SP entity name (for example, http://<host name of the xm installation>). Set the value to olb.deem.sso.entityId application parameter.