Entity Type Independent
Definition This table describes each expense report document.


Attribute Datatype Width Definition
ACTIVITY_OWNER_ID Integer 11 A foreign key for the ext_user table identifying the user who owns a document for a specific activity.
APPROVED_DATE DateTime 23 The date when an expense report is approved.
AUDIT_INDICATOR Varchar 1 A customer specific indicator.
CASH_ADVANCE_AMT Float 6 The amount of money provided as a cash advance to the owner of an expense report.
CASH_ADVANCE_AMT_CURRENCY Varchar 3 The three letter ISO code identifying the currency of the cash advance amount.
COMPANY_CHARGES_AMT Float 5 The amount that is charged by the company on an expense report.
COMPANY_CHARGES_AMT_CURRENCY Varchar 3 The three letter ISO code identifying the currency of the company charged amount.
COMP_PAYS_CARDS_AMT Float 3 The amount paid to a credit card company on behalf of an employee.
COMP_PAYS_CARDS_AMT_CURRENCY Varchar 3 The three letter ISO code identifying the currency of the comp_pays_card_amt.
CORP_CHARGE_PAID_AMT Float 3 The amount paid to the corporate charge card.
CORP_CHARGE_PAID_AMT_CURRENCY Varchar 3 The three letter ISO code identifying the currency of the corp_charge_paid_amt.
CORP_CHARGE_PAID_DATE DateTime 23 The date when the corporate charge card is paid.
CORP_CHARGE_TOTAL_AMT Float 6 The total amount charged to a corporate card.
CORP_CHARGE_TOTAL_AMT_CURRENCY Varchar 3 The three letter ISO code identifying the currency of the corp_charge_total_amt.
CREATE_DATE DateTime 23 The date when a document is created
CREATE_LOCATION_ID Integer 1 The Bob ID of the location where the expense report is created.
CREATOR_USER_ID Integer 1 A foreign key for the ext_user table identifying the creator of a document. For example, creator_user_id.
CURRENT_ACTIVITY_ID Integer 11 A foreign key for the activity table identifying the current activity status of the document.
DOCUMENT_ID Integer 11 The primary key identifying the expense report (document).
DOCUMENT_STATUS Varchar 41 The status of a document as displayed in the in-box summary.
DUE_COMPANY_AMT Float 6 The amount that an employee owes to the company.
DUE_COMPANY_AMT_CURRENCY Varchar 3 The three letter ISO code identifying the currency of the due_company_amt
DUE_EMPLOYEE_AMT Float 7 The due amount that the employee is to receive from an expense report. For example, NUMERIC (20, Y 10) due_employee_amt.
DUE_EMPLOYEE_AMT_CURRENCY Varchar 3 The three letter ISO code identifying the currency of the due_employee_amt.
EXPENSE_FROM_DATE DateTime 21 The first date of an expense in the expense report.
EXPENSE_TO_DATE DateTime 21 The last date of an expense in the expense report.
FLEX_FIELD_AMOUNT_1 Float 3 Flex Field for Currency
FLEX_FIELD_AMOUNT_1_CURRENCY Varchar 3 Flex Field for Currency ID
FLEX_FIELD_AMOUNT_2 Float 3 Flex Field for Currency
FLEX_FIELD_AMOUNT_2_CURRENCY Varchar 3 Flex Field for Currency ID
FLEX_FIELD_DATE_1 DateTime 23 Flex Field in Datetime type
FLEX_FIELD_DATE_2 DateTime 23 Flex Field in Datetime type
FLEX_FIELD_DDLB_1_CODE Varchar 10 Flex Field for DDLB
FLEX_FIELD_DDLB_2_CODE Varchar 10 Flex Field for DDLB
FLEX_FIELD_DDLB_3_CODE Varchar 10 Flex Field for DDLB
FLEX_FIELD_DDLB_4_CODE Varchar 10 Flex Field for DDLB
FLEX_FIELD_DDLB_5_CODE Varchar 10 Flex Field for DDLB
FLEX_FIELD_INTEGER_1 Integer 1 Flex Field in the Integer type
FLEX_FIELD_INTEGER_2 Integer 1 Flex Field in the Integer type
FLEX_FIELD_LOCATION_1_ID Integer 1 Flex Field for Location
FLEX_FIELD_STRING_1 Varchar 20 Flex Field in the String type
FLEX_FIELD_STRING_2 Varchar 20 Flex Field in the String type
FLEX_FIELD_STRING_3 Varchar 20 Flex Field in the String type
FLEX_FIELD_STRING_4 Varchar 20 Flex Field in the String type
HAS_EXCEPTIONS Integer 2 The business rule violations generated by the document. The possible values for has_exceptions SMALLINT Y:
  • 1: Yes
  • 0 or null: No
HAS_OVERRIDES Integer 1 The overridden or modified status of the document by a reviewer. The possible values for has_overrides are:
  • 1: Yes
  • 0 or null: No
IS_APPROVED Integer 1 The approval status of the expense report 1 for approved, 2 for rejected, 0 or null for neither yet.
OWNER_USER_ID Integer 11 A foreign key for the ext_user table identifying the owner of the document. For example, owner_user_id INTEGER Y. The person for whom the document is created. The owner can be different from the creator in case the expense report is created by a proxy creator. The creator_user_id identifies the proxy creator and the owner_user_id identifies the person for whom the proxy created the document.
PAID_AMT Float 7 The amount paid to an employee.
PAID_AMT_CURRENCY Varchar 3 The three letter ISO code identifying the currency of the paid_amt.
PAID_DATE DateTime 23 The date when an employee is paid.
PAYMENT_NUMBER Varchar 10 A customer defined field identifying the payment to the employee, usually a check number.
PURPOSE_CREATOR_ID Integer 11 A foreign key for the ext_user table identifying the creator of the purpose. For example, purpose_creator_id. If the purpose is created in SAT or import, the value is null.
PURPOSE_TEXT Varchar 39 The purpose of the expense report.
RECEIPTS_RECEIVED_DATE DateTime 23 The date when the accounting organization (or other organization based on receipts_received_date DATE Y customer business process) received the receipts for the expense report.
SUBMITTED_DATE DateTime 23 The time and date when the expense report is submitted by the creator.
TITLE Varchar 37 The title assigned to the expense report by the creator.
TOTAL_AUTHORIZED_AMT Float 7 The total amount of expenses that has been authorized on the expense report.
TOTAL_AUTHORIZED_AMT_CURRENCY Varchar 3 The three letter ISO code identifying the currency of the total_authorized_amt.
TOTAL_EXPENSED_AMT Float 7 The total amount of money expensed on the expense report.
TOTAL_EXPENSED_AMT_CURRENCY Varchar 3 The three letter ISO code identifying the currency of the total_expensed_amt.
TRACKING_NUMBER Varchar 11 The tracking number associated with the expense report.
lastModified DateTime 24
VariationID Integer 13