Entity Type Independent
Definition This table contains all header data elements for invoice processing and check request.
Attribute Datatype Width Definition
TRACKING_NUMBER Varchar 255 Tracking Number
DOCUMENT_STATUS Varchar 10 Status of document
CURRENT_ACTIVITY_ID Integer 11 Current activity id
ACTIVITY_OWNER_ID Integer 11 Activity owner id
HAS_EXCEPTIONS Integer 5 Has exceptions
HAS_OVERRIDEN Integer 5 Has overrides
CREATOR_USER_ID Integer 11 Creator id
OWNERR_USER_ID Integer 11 Owner id
AUDIT_INDICATOR Varchar 255 True Audit indicator
INVOICE_NUMBER Varchar 255 The invoice number provided by the vendor
PURPOSE Varchar 255 The descriptive name of this purpose.
PURPOSE_CREATOR_ID Integer 11 Creator of this purpose
TOTAL_AMOUNT Float 3 The total amount of the check request
ENTERED_CURRENT_ACTIVITY_DATE DateTime The date of current activity
CREATE_DATE DateTime The create date.
TOTAL_AMOUNT_CURRENCY Varchar 3 Total amount currency
TOTAL_CALCULATED_AMOUNT_CURRENCY Varchar 3 Total calculated amount currency.
TOTAL_CALCULATED_AMOUNT Float 3 Total amount of the check request calculated by summing all line items
TOTAL_DISCOUNTED_AMOUNT_CURRENCY Varchar 3 Currency of total discounted amount
TOTAL_DISCOUNTED_AMOUNT Float 10 The total amount with discount applied
SUBMITTED_DATE DateTime The time and date the creator submitted this document
IS_APPROVED Integer 5 Has this invoice been approved
APPROVED_DATE DateTime The time and date this document was approved
PAID_DATE DateTime The time and date the vendor was paid
PAID_AMOUNT_NUMBER Float 3 The amount paid to the vendor
PAID_AMOUNT_CURRENCY Varchar 3 Currency of paid amount
PAYMENT_NUMBER Varchar 255 The description of the payment, most likely a check number
VENDOR_ID_NUMBER Varchar 14 A foreign key to alpr_vendor table identifying the vendor who is being paid
INVOICE_DATE DateTime The date of the invoice
INVOICE_DUE_DATE DateTime The date of the payment for this invoice is due
SEND_TO_ID Integer 5 The value of this send to. Valid values are 1- send to vendor, 2 - send to me, and 3 - hold for pickup
DISCOUNT_PAY_BY_DATE DateTime The date to be paid by in order to get the discount
REQUESTED_PAYMENT_DATE DateTime The date the creator is requesting a payment for
VOUCHER_NUMBER Varchar 255 An identifying value defined by an external system, but not the external system id
SPECIAL_HANDLING Varchar 255 Any special handling note.
TITLE Varchar 255 Check request title
VENDOR_ADDRESS_ID Integer 11 Vendor address id
CREATOR_CLIENT_TYPE NUMBER Integer 38 the client that created the document (1=HTML, 2=Mobile, 3=Voice, 4=DocumentImportBkg)
CHANGE_TIMESTAMP DateTime Change timestamp