Entity Name XM_PR_VENDOR
Entity Type Independent
Definition This table defines the association between a vendor type and a vendor address.
Attribute Datatype Width Definition
VENDOR_ID Integer 38 PK
CREATOR_ID Integer 38 Creator id
NAME Varchar 255 Name of this vendor type
SUPPORTS_PCARD integer 5 Does this vendor accept p-cards?
TERM_NAME Varchar 255 Description of these terms with discount
TERM_DAYS Integer 38 How many days after receipt of an invoice is the amount due.
DISCOUNT_AMOUNT_TYPE Integer 5 Discount amount entered type . valid values are 1 or 2
DISCOUNT_AMOUNT_PERCENTAGE Float 3 The discount percentage.
DISCOUNT_AMOUNT Float 3 Discount of the Amount.
DISCOUNT_AMOUNT_CURRENCY Varchar 3 Currency of amount
DISCOUNT_TERM_DAYS Integer 38 How many days after receipt of an invoice is the amount due with the discount.
EXTERNAL_VENDOR_ID Integer 20 An external identifier for the vendor, not necessarily the external system id
IS_TAXABLE Integer 5 Does any payment made to this vendor require notification to the government as taxable.
TAX_CODE Varchar 255 If the payment is taxable, to what code should it be reported
TAX_ID Integer 20 The vendor identifier to the government as a tax id
IS_ONE_TIME_ONLY Integer 5 Is this vendor only a one time only vendor, or is it a vendor that will be used often
SYSTEM_CODE_1 Varchar 255 Implementation specific
SYSTEM_CODE_2 Varchar 255 Implementation specific
SYSTEM_CODE_3 Varchar 255 Implementation specific
SYSTEM_CODE_4 Varchar 255 Implementation specific
SYSTEM_CODE_5 Varchar 255 Implementation specific
SYSTEM_CODE_6 Varchar 255 Implementation specific
SYSTEM_CODE_7 Varchar 255 Implementation specific
SYSTEM_CODE_8 Varchar 255 Implementation specific