Entity Type Independent
Definition This table represents line items that of an invoice.
Attribute Datatype Width Definition
LINE_ITEM_ID Integer 11 PK
DOCUMENT_ID Integer 11 Identifying the invoice that includes this line item.
ITEM_NUMBER Varchar 255 The unique item number that identifies the item with the vendor
ITEM_DESCRIPTION Varchar 255 A description of the item
INVOICED_QUANTITY NUMBER Float 3 The number of items ordered
UNIT_OF_MEASURE_CODE Varchar 255 The unit of measure code
UNIT_OF_MEASURE Varchar 255 The unit of measure
UNIT_OF_MEASURE_CREATOR_ID Integer 11 True creator id of the unit of measure
UNIT_PRICE NUMBER Float 3 The amount of each invoice line item
UNIT_PRICE_CURRENCY Varchar 3 Currency of the unit price
TOTAL_PRICE NUMBER Float 3 The total price of the line item
TOTAL_PRICE_CURRENCY Varchar 3 Currency of the Total price
CHECK_REQUEST_TYPE_ID Integer 11 A foreign key to alpr_check_request_type
NUMBER_OF_GUESTS Integer 38 Total guest count in the line item
GUEST_NO_SHOW_COUNT Integer 38 The guest no-show count
CREATOR_CLIENT_TYPE Integer 38 The client that created the line item
EXPORT_STATUS Integer 38 The export status (0=not exported, 1=exported, 2=marked for re-export)
VOID_STATUS Integer 38 The void status (0=not voided, 1=voided, 2=this is a reversal that cancels out a voided line item)
REVERSAL_LINE_ITEM_ID Integer 11 The voided/reversal line items