AIRLINE_CLASS_OF_SERVICE | Varchar | 27 | The class of airline service if this transaction is for an air flight. |
AIRLINE_CLASS_OF_SERVICE_CODE | Varchar | 1 | Cabin type. Possible values for VAR- Y CHAR (255) airline_class_of_service_code:
- F First class
- B Business class
APPROVED_AMT | Float | 7 | The amount of an expense that is approved in the paid_in_amt currency. |
APPROVED_AMT_CURRENCY | Varchar | 3 | The three letter ISO code identifying the currency of the approved_amt |
APPROVED_EXCHANGE_RATE | Float | 3 | The exchange rate that is approved for the date of this expense. |
BOOKING_AGENT_NAME | Varchar | 22 | |
CAR_CLASS_OF_SERVICE | Varchar | 24 | The class of car service if the transaction is for a car. |
CAR_CLASS_OF_SERVICE_CODE | Varchar | 2 | Vehicle class code. (C: compact; E: Economy, ...) |
CAR_RENTAL_AGREEMENT | Varchar | 20 | |
CHANGE_TIMESTAMP | DateTime | 23 | |
COMMUTE_MILES | Float | 4 | |
CREATOR_CLIENT_TYPE | Integer | 1 | |
CREDIT_CARD_TRANSACTION_ID | Integer | 7 | A foreign key for the credit_card_transaction table identifying the transaction used to create this line item. |
DEPARTURE_DATE | DateTime | 21 | |
DESCRIPTION | Varchar | 12 | A description of the expense. |
DINNER_DEDUCTION | Integer | 1 | |
DOCUMENT_ID | Integer | 11 | A foreign key for the expense_report table identifying the line item that is a part of the expense report. |
END_DATE | DateTime | 23 | |
EXCHANGE_RATE | Float | 13 | The exchange rate used when converting the amount from the transaction_amt to the paid_in_amt. |
EXPENSE_TYPE_ID | Integer | 11 | A foreign key for the expense_type table identifying the line item expense. |
FIRST_DAY_DEDUCTION | Integer | 1 | |
FLEX_FIELD_AMOUNT_1 | Float | 3 | Flex Field for Currency. |
FLEX_FIELD_AMOUNT_1_CURRENCY | Varchar | 3 | Flex Field for Currency ID. |
FLEX_FIELD_AMOUNT_2 | Float | 3 | Flex Field for Currency. |
FLEX_FIELD_AMOUNT_2_CURRENCY | Varchar | 3 | Flex Field for Currency ID. |
FLEX_FIELD_DATE_1 | DateTime | 23 | Flex Field in Datetime type. |
FLEX_FIELD_DATE_2 | DateTime | 23 | Flex Field in Datetime type. |
FLEX_FIELD_DDLB_1_CODE | Varchar | 10 | Flex Field for DDLB. |
FLEX_FIELD_DDLB_2_CODE | Varchar | 10 | Flex Field for DDLB. |
FLEX_FIELD_DDLB_3_CODE | Varchar | 8 | Flex Field for DDLB. |
FLEX_FIELD_DDLB_4_CODE | Varchar | 10 | Flex Field for DDLB. |
FLEX_FIELD_DDLB_5_CODE | Varchar | 10 | Flex Field for DDLB. |
FLEX_FIELD_INTEGER_1 | Integer | 1 | Flex Field in Integer type. |
FLEX_FIELD_INTEGER_2 | Integer | 1 | Flex Field in Integer type. |
FLEX_FIELD_LOCATION_1_ID | Integer | 1 | Flex Field for Location. |
FLEX_FIELD_STRING_1 | Varchar | 20 | Flex Field in String type. |
FLEX_FIELD_STRING_2 | Varchar | 20 | Flex Field in String type. |
FLEX_FIELD_STRING_3 | Varchar | 20 | Flex Field in String type. |
FLEX_FIELD_STRING_4 | Varchar | 20 | Flex Field in String type. |
GL_CODE | Integer | 20 | The general ledger code used for the expense. Usually defined by the expense type, however, can be overridden. |
GUEST_NO_SHOW_COUNT | Integer | 1 | |
HAS_RECEIPT | Integer | 1 | Availability of a receipt to submit for the expense. |
HOTEL_CLASS_OF_SERVICE | Varchar | 25 | |
HOTEL_CLASS_OF_SERVICE_CODE | Varchar | 3 | Room type code. |
IS_APPROVED | Integer | 1 | The approval status of the line item. |
IS_OVERRIDDEN | Integer | 1 | The overridden or modified status of the line item by a reviewer. Possible values for overridden SMALLINT Y: • 1: Yes • 0 or null: No |
IS_PERSONAL | Integer | 1 | The personal expense status. |
ITEMIZATION_PARENT_ID | Integer | 11 | Parent of this itemization line item. |
ITEMIZATION_STATE | Integer | 11 | The status of the itemization:
- 0: No itemization
- 1: Itemized
- 2: I Itemization
LAST_DAY_DEDUCTION | Integer | 1 | |
LINE_ITEM_DATE | DateTime | 21 | The date of the expense. |
LINE_ITEM_ID | Integer | 11 | The primary key for this table defining an expense line item. |
LOCATION_ID | Integer | 7 | A foreign key for the location table identifying the place where the expense is incurred. |
LUNCH_DEDUCTION | Integer | 1 | |
MANUAL_FOLIO_ITEMIZATION | Integer | 1 | The manually created line item itemization with hotel folio credit card transaction.
Possible values for manual_folio_itemization SMALLINT Y: |
MILEAGE_RATE | Float | 18 | The mileage rate used for reimbursement. |
MILEAGE_ROUTE_ID | Integer | 11 | The mileage route ID. |
MILES | Float | 5 | The number of miles for a mileage expense. |
NUMBER_OF_GUESTS | Integer | 1 | Number of guests associated with a line item. |
NUMBER_OF_PASSENGERS | Integer | 1 | The number of passengers on a same rental vehicle. |
ODOMETER_END | Float | 3 | |
ODOMETER_START | Float | 3 | |
OPTIONAL_DEDUCTION_1 | Varchar | 10 | Optional deduction. |
OPTIONAL_DEDUCTION_2 | Varchar | 10 | Optional deduction. |
OPTIONAL_DEDUCTION_3 | Varchar | 10 | Optional deduction. |
OPTIONAL_DEDUCTION_4 | Varchar | 10 | Optional deduction. |
OPTIONAL_DEDUCTION_5 | Varchar | 10 | Optional deduction. |
ORIGIN_AIRPORT | Varchar | 3 | |
PAID_IN_AMT | Float | 7 | The expense amount converted to the currency that can be reimbursed by the user. |
PAID_IN_AMT_CURRENCY | Varchar | 3 | The three letter ISO code identifying the currency of the paid_in_amt. |
PASSENGER_NAME | None | 0 | |
PAYMENT_TYPE_ID | Integer | 5 | A foreign key for the payment_type table identifying the payment terms of a line item. |
PERDIEM_AMOUNT | Float | 4 | |
PURPOSE | Varchar | 39 | The purpose of the expense line item. |
PURPOSE_CREATOR_ID | Integer | 11 | A foreign key for the ext_user table identifying the creator of the purpurpose_creator_id INTEGER Y pose. If this purpose is created in SAT or imported, this value is null. |
RECURRING_COUNT | Integer | 1 | Number of times an expense is repeated. |
RECURRING_ID | Integer | 10 | ID that associates with a recurring expense. |
TICKET_NUMBER | Varchar | 17 | |
TICKET_STATUS | Varchar | 23 | |
TRANSACTION_AMT | Float | 7 | The expense amount currency accepted by the vendor. |
TRANSACTION_AMT_CURRENCY | Varchar | 3 | The three letter ISO code identifying the currency used in the transaction_amt. |
VENDOR_CHAIN_CODE | Varchar | 20 | The SIC chain code for a vendor. |
VENDOR_CREATOR_USER_ID | Integer | 11 | A foreign key for the ext_user table identifying the user who created this Vendor_creator_user_id INTEGER Y vendor in the application. If null, the vendor is created with SAT or imported. |
VENDOR_GIVEN_SIC_CODE | Integer | 4 | The SIC code for the vendor. |
VENDOR_NAME | Varchar | 21 | The name of the vendor who supplied goods or services and is paid for the line item. |
lastModified | DateTime | 24 | |
VariationID | Integer | 13 | |
ACTIVE_STATUS | Varchar | 5 | |