Deleting all processed data

You must follow these steps to delete all processed data:

  1. Navigate to the Birst 2.0 home page.
  2. Select Admin at the bottom of the panel.
  3. Select Orchestration > Workflow.
  4. Create a new Delete All workflow.
    Note: You can name the new workflow based on convenience. However, the specified name helps to identify and provide a better understanding. Click the Save option indicated in green color code, to save the name of the workflow.
  5. Click Add a new step and specify these values in the corresponding fields:
    Fields Values
    Task type Delete All Processed Data
    Source Space [TENANT]-XM-ANALYTICS-DL-Source
  6. Click Add a new step and specify these values in the corresponding fields:
    Fields Values
    Task type Delete All Processed Data
    Source Space
  7. Click Save.
  8. Click the Delete All workflow name list and click [TENANT]-XM-ANALYTICS-DL-Model Run Workflow.
  9. Wait for the workflow to finish running.
  10. Click Run History to confirm that the workflow is successful.