Step 2: Deleting all processed data

You must follow these steps to delete all processed data.

  1. Navigate to the Birst 2.0 home page.
  2. Select admin (Admin option) at the bottom of the panel.
  3. Select Orchestration > Workflow.
  4. Create a new Delete All workflow.
    Note: You can name the new workflow based on convenience. However, the specified name helps to identify and provide a better understanding. Click the Save option indicated in green color code, to save the name of the workflow.
  5. Click Add a new step and specify these values in the corresponding fields.
    Fields Values
    Task type Delete All Processed Data
    Source Space [TENANT]-XM-ANALYTICS-DL-Source
  6. Click Add a new step and specify these values in the corresponding fields.
    Field Value
    Task type Delete All Processed Data
    Source Space
  7. Click Save.
  8. Click the Delete All workflow name list and click [TENANT]-XM-ANALYTICS-DL-Model Run Workflow.
  9. Wait for the workflow to finish running.
  10. Click Run History to confirm that the workflow is successful.