Application parameters for the ION integration
This table lists the application parameters required for the ION integration.
Parameter Name | Description |
ion.activitiesToSendER |
A comma (,) separated string of activity IDs. For any of the specified activities in the string,ER document will be sent to In-for ION. The default values are 72003, 72004,72008, 72009,72010, 72011, 72012, 72014, 72049, 3134361 |
ion.activitiesToSendPR |
A comma (,) separated string of activity IDs. For any of the specified activities in the string,PR document will be sent to In-for ION. The default values are 3082312, 3082314, 3145573,3145584, 3145589, 3083866, 3145591, 3145596,3083867, 3120802, 3082313 |
ion.activitiesToSendTS |
A comma (,) separated string of activity IDs. For any of the specified activities in the string,TS document will be sent to In-for ION. The default values are S72273, 72274,72282, 72283,72280, 72281 |
ion.bobTypesToPublish |
A comma-separated list of bob types that will be published to ION. The default values are S800, 147000,125000, 3000 |
ion.costCenterSegmentSeparator | Use this application parameter to specify the character for separating the segments in the Sync Personnal BOD, when Cost Center codes are received. By default, the character is a period (.) |
Ion.HideCostcentersegments | You can use this application parameter to hide segments from a cost center. Specify a comma separated value of the cost center segments that you require to hide. |
ion.acceptNewCostCenterAsValid | Use this application parameter to create Cost Center codes from GHR through Sync Personnal BOD. Set the value of this parameter to True. |
ion.confirmBodsToPublish | A comma-separated list of inbound BOD types which are not allowed to be published as Confirm BOD. The default value(ALL) should publish all Confirm BODS. |
ion.createXmUserFromMingle |
If true, allows user to be created from Mingle The default value is True |
ion.defaultSecurityUserMembership |
corporate data publish verb. '1'- Sync verb. '2' -Process verb. The default value is N/A |
ion.enabled |
If true, the ION functionality is enabled The default value is True |
ion.ims | Use this application parameter to enable the IMS connection point for a tenant. Set the value of this application parameter to True when using IMS for BOD transfer. |
ims.enabled | Use this application parameter the enable the IMS functionality. Set the value of this application parameter to True. |
imsInbound.logicalId | Use this application parameter for document discovery for both IMS and Data lake. Specify the IMS in-bound logical ID. Provide a comma separated logical ID values if more than one ERP is using IMS for BOD processing. |
ion.LNBackwardsCompatibility |
If set to true, backwards compatibility is enabled for LN. Every Line or Itemized Line is sent as Expense Report Line. The default value is False |
ion.logicalId |
An unique identifier to identify system in ION environment. Its value should be same as the one that was configured in ION platform. The default value is <None> |
ion.limitHrbkgLogsForSpecificTables | You can use this application parameter to specify table names in a comma-separated list for limiting the HRBKG logs. The default value is 'N/A' |
ion.nativePaidAmount |
If set to true, Paid Amount is sent in transactional currency in Expense Report BOD. The default value is False |
ion.parentProjectNotChargeable |
If set to true, parent project is set as not chargeable. The parent project is not visible for User to select. The default value is False |
ion.personnelLoginEmail |
If set to true, user log in is considered as email id for Personnel BOD The default value is False |
ion.postfixLoginWithAccountingEntity |
Set to true to combine user login id and accounting entity id as a distinct user login ( for ex-ample -jsmith@PK1) The default is false. The default value is False |
ion.ProjectDelimiterHandler |
Set to true to separate the project code and accounting entity id from project (for example, AE1@PROJ-> PROJ), default is false. The default value is False |
ion.publishVerb |
Corporate data publish verb. '1'- Sync verb. '2' -Process verb. The default value is 1 |
ion.reservedUserSystemCodeForLocation |
Reserved user system code for the location attribute in Expense Report BOD. By default,the value is 8. The default value is 8 |
ion.SunSystemsBackwardsCompatibility |
If true, then the backwards compatibility is enabled for Sun Systems. The default value is False |
ion.SyteLineBackwardsCompatibility |
You can set the value of this application parameter to False, for specifying the parent Project and the child Activity in separate tags. The parent Project is assigned to Project Reference/ID and the Activity is assigned to Activity ID in the Expense Report BOD By default, the value of the application parameter is set to True and the Project/Activity is specified in the Project Reference tag. |
ion.tenantID |
ION tenant id which maps to system The default value is infor |
ion.updateXmUserWithSecurityRoles | ion.UpdateUserGroupMembershipInSyncwithPer-sonnel |
ion.updateXmUserWithSecurityRoles.supressErrorBod |
Set to true to suppress Error Message When No User exists at and No Roles are found in BOD The default value is False |
ion.userIdSystemCode | Stores the concatenated User long string. Valid values are system Code N where N=1 to 8(for example,systemCode1). |
ion.UpdateUserGroupMembershipInSyncwithPersonnel | Set the value of this application parameter to true for deactivating already existing user group membership. |
ion.variationId |
This parameter stores the cur-rent unused variationID, will be updated automatically by 1 for everysuccessful bod trigger. The default value is 1000000000 |
ion.HROrganizationCostCenter | Set the value of this parameter to False for the chartof accounts cost center. |
ion.ProjectMasterPostfixWithAccountingEntity |
Set the value of this parameter to True for combining user project id and accounting entity id. For example,PROJECT_ID@AE_ID. The default value is False |
ion.publishDataAndAdminGroups | Set the value of this parameter to True for publishing Data and Admin groups along with Role and User groups. |
ion.securityBodsToPublish |
Use this parameter to publish the Set of Security Outbound BODs. This is a comma separated string. The default values are 'Sync.SecurityRoleMaster,Sync.SecurityPermissionMaster |
ion.ExpenseOccuredDateFormatWithoutTimeStamp |
Set the value of this parameter to true to get only the expense occurred date without time stamp in Expense Report BOD. The default value is False Is customer editable |
ion.publishDataAndAdmin-Groups(param_id=3159093) |
Set the value of this parameter to true for publishing Data and Admin groups along with Role and User groups. The default value is False Is customer editable |
ion.EmployeeExpensesByAPInvoiceEnabled (param_id=3159275) |
Set the value of this parameter to false to ignore element 'EmployeeExpensesByAPInvoice' (used for active status of User) from Sync.Personnel BOD. The default value is True Is customer editable |
ion.enableDimensionsAsCostCenterSegments (param_id=3159109) |
Set the value of this parameter to true to enable Dimensions from CSF to be consumed and used as Cost Center segments at Expense Management. Is customer editable |
ion.ProjectMasterPostfixWithAccountingEntity (param_id=3159209) |
Set the value of this parameter to true to combine user Project id and accounting entity id (e.g.-PROJECT_ID@AE_ID). The default value is False Is customer editable |
ion.segment1(param_id=3159110) |
Use this parameter to map Dimension Flex field value to inbound Segment. For example, Finance 1 Dimension Is customer editable |
ion.segment2(param_id=3159111) |
Use this parameter to map Dimension Flex field value to inbound Segment (For example, Finance 1 Dimension) Is customer editable |
ion.segment3(param_id=3159112) |
Use this parameter to map Dimension Flex field value to inbound Segment (For example,. Finance 1 Dimension) Is customer editable |
ion.segment4(param_id=3159113) |
Use this parameter to map Dimension Flex field value to inbound Segment (For example, Finance 1 Dimension) Is customer editable |
ion.segment5(param_id=3159114) |
Use this parameter to map Dimension Flex field value to inbound Segment (For example, Finance 1 Dimension) Is customer editable |
ion.segment6(param_id=3159115) |
Use this parameter to map Dimension Flex field value to inbound Segment (For example, Finance 1 Dimension) Is customer editable |
ion.segment7(param_id=3159116) |
Use this parameter to map Dimension Flex field value to inbound Segment (For example, Finance 1 Dimension) Is customer editable |
ion.segment8(param_id=3159117) |
Use this parameter to map Dimension Flex field valueto inbound Segment (For example, Finance 1 Dimension) Is customer editable |
ion.segment9(param_id=3159118) |
Use this parameter to map Dimension Flex field value to inbound Segment (For example,. Finance 1 Dimension) Is customer editable |
ion.systemcodeForSecurityUserOutbound (param_id=3159276) |
Set the value of the parameter as system Code N (where N = 1 to 8), to use this column to store whether to trigger a security user bod or not. Is customer editable |