Application parameters for the ION integration
The table lists the application parmeters required for the ION integration.
Parameter Name | Description | Default value |
ion.activitiesToSendER | A comma (,) separated string of activity IDs. For any of the specified activities in the string, ER document will be sent to Infor ION. |
72003, 72004, 72008, 72009, 72010, 72011, 72012, 72014, 72049, 3134361 |
ion.activitiesToSendPR | A comma (,) separated string of activity IDs. For any of the specified activities in the string, PR document will be sent to Infor ION. |
3082312, 3082314, 3145573, 3145584, 3145589, 3083866, 3145591, 3145596, 3083867, 3120802, 3082313 |
ion.activitiesToSendTS | A comma (,) separated string of activity IDs. For any of the specified activities in the string, TS document will be sent to Infor ION. |
S72273, 72274, 72282, 72283, 72280, 72281 |
ion.bobTypesToPublish | A comma-separated list of bob types that will be published to ION. |
S800, 147000, 125000, 30000 |
ion.confirmBodsToPublish | A comma-separated list of inbound bod types allowed to be published as confirm bod. | ALL |
ion.createXmUserFromMingle | If true, allows user to be created from Mingle | TRUE |
ion.defaultSecurityUserMembership | corporate data publish verb. '1' - Sync verb. '2' - Process verb. | N/A |
ion.enabled | If true, the ION functionality is enabled | TRUE |
ion.LNBackwardsCompatibility | If set to true, backwards compatibility is enabled for LN. Every Line or Itemized Line is sent as ExpenseReportLine. | FALSE |
ion.logicalId | An unique identifier to identify Infor Expense Management system in ION environment. Its value should be same as the one that was configured in ION platform. | <None> |
ion.nativePaidAmount | If set to true, Paid Amount is sent in transactional currency in Expense Report BOD. | FALSE |
ion.parentProjectNotChargeable | If set to true, parent project is set as not chargeable. The parent project is not visible for User to select. | FALSE |
ion.personnelLoginEmail | If set to true, user login is considered as email id for Personnel BOD | FALSE |
ion.postfixLoginWithAccountingEntity | Set to true to combine user login id and accounting entity id as a distinct user login( for example - jsmith@PK1) The default is false. | FALSE |
ion.ProjectDelimiterHandler | Set to true to separate the project code and accounting entity id from project (for example, AE1@PROJ -> PROJ), default is false. | FALSE |
ion.publishVerb | Corporate data publish verb. '1' - Sync verb. '2' - Process verb. | 1 |
ion.reservedUserSystemCodeForLocation | Reserved user system code for the location attribute in ExpenseReport BOD. By default, the value is 8. | 8 |
ion.SunSystemsBackwardsCompatibility | If true, then the backwards compatibility is enabled for SunSystems. | FALSE |
ion.SyteLineBackwardsCompatibility | If true, then the backwards compatibility is enabled for SyteLine. | TRUE |
ion.tenantID | ION tenant id which maps to Infor Expense Management system | infor |
ion.updateXmUserWithSecurityRoles | If true, allows security roles and user groups from Mingle to be assigned and updated at Infor Expense Management. | TRUE |
ion.updateXmUserWithSecurityRoles.supressErrorBod | Set to true to suppress Error Message When No User exists at Infor Expense Management and No Infor Expense Management Roles are found in BOD | FALSE |
ion.userIdSystemCode | Stores the concatenated User long string. Valid values are systemCodeN where N=1 to 8 (for example, systemCode1). | N/A |
ion.variationId | This parameter stores the current unused variation ID, will be updated automatically by 1 for every successful bod trigger. | 1000000000 |
ion.HROrganizationCostCenter | Set the value of this parameter to False for the chart of accounts cost center. | |
ion.ProjectMasterPostfixWithAccountingEntity | Set the value of this parameter to True for combining user project id and accounting entity id, for example PROJECT_ID@AE_ID | False |
ion.publishDataAndAdminGroups | Set the value of this parameter to True for publishing Data and Admin groups along with Role and User groups. | |
ion.securityBodsToPublish | Use this parameter to publish the Set of Security Outbound BODs. This is a comma separated string.' | Sync.SecurityRoleMaster,Sync.SecurityPermissionMaster |