Features not part of this integration

This section lists the features that are not a part of this integration.


This version of the integration has few known restrictions:

Personnel BOD:

  1. The Title field in GHR is a text field and not master data. The title description in the Personnel BOD can be matched with the (tcmcs019) table. However, these limitations and constraints are applicable for the title description.
  2. If the GHR description matches more than one record, then only the first record is considered because the description is not unique.
  3. The GHR title description must be in Sync with the Title master description in Expense Management to be consumed in Expense Management.
  4. The Position (GHR), Trade Group (Expense Management), and Work Schedule must be manually synced between GHR and Expense Management.
  5. The Employee code in GHR can include only a maximum of 9 characters to be consumed in Expense Management.
  6. This master data must be synced manually:
    • Title
    • Position (GHR) / Trade Group (Expense Management)
    • Work schedule
    • Cost center