Implementation errors
The errors listed below signal either an improper configuration, improper customization, or a problem in the standard import process. Please contact Customer Support for standard import process if you require help with implementation errors.
Error: Access Context bob for Role context not found in database.
Explanation: The database table alco_access_context must contain a row for "Role" context. This data is missing.
Error: <SomeJavaException>. <Message associated with exception>. Import for this module aborted.
Explanation: This is an unexpected error. Most common cause is improper customization of Standard Import. For example, if you have changed the alhr_interface_definition, this error may signal that your changes are incorrect or not supported.
Warning: HRBkgDataPurger.prepareStatements(): Unable to determine staging table key column data types from database meta data. Column data types based on target bob element types.
Explanation: This warning signals an attempt to use Standard Import with a database platform or JDBC driver for which this is not tested. If this warning is reported, purging of staging tables may not work.
Error: Unexpected exception caught in freeWorkModel(). <Message associated with exception>.
Explanation: Most common cause for unexpected exceptions is improper customization of Standard Import. For example, if you have changed the alhr_interface_definition, this error may signal that your changes are incorrect or not supported.