Column name Data type Required Default update able Data target Comments
external_key** VARCHAR (255) Yes* No alts_line_item.ts_line_item_id The external key -- Primary Key
user_ekey VARCHAR (255) Yes* No The user the entry belongs to
import_status SMALLINT Yes* Yes The import command/status (0=dont import, 1=do import, 2=success, 100+=re-process, -1=failed)
import_error_message VARCHAR (255) No No The import error message
import_change_timestamp DATETIME No No The import timestamp
parent_type SMALLINT Yes No The type of parent to attach the line item to (0=document whose ekey is in parent_ekey, 1=line item whose ekey is in parent_ekey, 2=document whose tracking number is in parent_ekey, 3=unattached... no parent, 4=current active document, 5=current active document and create if necessary)
parent_ekey VARCHAR (255) No No The parents ekey
project_number_id_ekey VARCHAR (255) No Yes alts_line_item.project_number_id Identifies the charge code
ts_date DATETIME Yes Yes alts_line_item.ts_date Date associated with this charge
ts_hours NUMERIC (14, 4) No Yes alts_line_item.ts_hours Hours associated with this charge
hourly_charge_type_id_ekey VARCHAR (255) No Yes alts_line_item.hourly_charge_type_id Hourly charge type, like regular or overtime
charge_type_id_ekey VARCHAR (255) No Yes alts_line_item.charge_type_id Charge type, like billable, etc
ts_start_time DATETIME No Yes alts_line_item.ts_start_time Starting time
ts_end_time DATETIME No Yes alts_line_item.ts_end_time Ending time
location_id_ekey VARCHAR (255) No Yes alts_line_item.location_id The work location where the worker perfomed the job. FK to alco_location. It may be different from the daily tax location.
charge_role_id_ekey VARCHAR (255) No Yes alts_line_item.charge_role_id id of charge role, which could be 'project manager' or the like
app_ts_hours NUMERIC (14, 4) No Yes alts_line_item.app_ts_hours Approved hours for this charge
app_hourly_charge_type_id_ekey INTEGER No Yes alts_line_item.app_hourly_charge_type_id Approved hourly charge type
ts_billable_rate NUMERIC (20, 10) No Yes alts_line_item.ts_billable_rate billable rate for this time sheet line item, entered by manager
ts_billable_rate_id_ekey VARCHAR (255) No Yes alts_line_item.ts_billable_rate_id Currency this line item is billing in
currency_fmt_defn_id_ekey VARCHAR (255) No Yes alts_line_item.currency_fmt_defn_id Currency associated with billable rate, for display on screen
cost_center_id_ekey VARCHAR (255) No Yes alts_line_item.cost_center_id The cost center that is charged. Default is creator home cost center. FK into alco_cost_center.
description VARCHAR (255) No Yes alts_line_item.description A short note for the user to add additional information.
attd_in1 DATETIME No Yes alts_line_item.attd_in1 Stores attendance in-out time pair 1 (in)
attd_out1 DATETIME No Yes alts_line_item.attd_out1 Stores attendance in-out time pair 1 (out)
attd_in2 DATETIME No Yes alts_line_item.attd_in1 Stores attendance in-out time pair 2 (in)
attd_out2 DATETIME No Yes alts_line_item.attd_out1 Stores attendance in-out time pair 2 (out)
attd_in3 DATETIME No Yes alts_line_item.attd_in1 Stores attendance in-out time pair 3 (in)
attd_out3 DATETIME No Yes alts_line_item.attd_out1 Stores attendance in-out time pair 3 (out)
attd_in4 DATETIME No Yes alts_line_item.attd_in1 Stores attendance in-out time pair 4 (in)
attd_out4 DATETIME No Yes alts_line_item.attd_out1 Stores attendance in-out time pair 4 (out)
attd_in5 DATETIME No Yes alts_line_item.attd_in1 Stores attendance in-out time pair 5 (in)
attd_out5 DATETIME No Yes alts_line_item.attd_out1 Stores attendance in-out time pair 5 (out)
attd_in6 DATETIME No Yes alts_line_item.attd_in1 Stores attendance in-out time pair 6 (in)
attd_out6 DATETIME No Yes alts_line_item.attd_out1 Stores attendance in-out time pair 6 (out)
attd_absence_hours NUMERIC (14, 4) No Yes alts_line_item.attd_absence_hours Stores attendance absence hours (when used, all in-out pairs should be null)
keyword_note TEXT No Yes
imported_read_only NUMERIC(5) No Yes alts_line_item.imported_read_only Holds the read only status of imported line items.
ref_doc_id VARCHAR(255) No Yes alts_line_item.ref_doc_id Stores the Reference Document ID

* System required field

** Value must be unique