ALEX_GUEST (Staging table)

Column name Data type Required Default update able Data target Comments
EXTERNAL_KEY** VARCHAR (255) Yes* No ALCO_EXTERNAL_KEY.EXTERNAL_KEY External key – primary key
FIRST_NAME VARCHAR (255) No Yes ALCO_GUEST.FIRST_NAME The Guest's first name
LAST_NAME VARCHAR (255) No Yes ALCO_GUEST.LAST_NAME The Guest's last name
EXTERNAL_FLAG SMALLINT No Yes ALCO_GUEST.EXTERNAL Whether the Guest is a member of the user's company
  • 1 = External Guest
  • 0 or null = Corporate Guest
TITLE VARCHAR (255) No Yes ALCO_GUEST.TITLE The Guest's title
LOCATION_EKEY VARCHAR (255) No Yes ALCO_GUEST.LOCATION_ID The external key of the Guest’s Location’s
ADC1 VARCHAR (255) No Yes ALCO_GUEST.ADC1 Additional columns that customers can use to capture non-standard Guest data
ADC2 VARCHAR (255) No Yes ALCO_GUEST.ADC2 Additional columns that customers can use to capture non-standard Guest data
ADC3 VARCHAR (255) No Yes ALCO_GUEST.ADC3 Additional columns that customers can use to capture non-standard Guest data
ADC4 VARCHAR (255) No Yes ALCO_GUEST.ADC4 Additional columns that customers can use to capture non-standard Guest data
ADC5 VARCHAR (255) No Yes ALCO_GUEST.ADC5 Additional columns that customers can use to capture non-standard Guest data
ADC6 VARCHAR (255) No Yes ALCO_GUEST.ADC6 Additional columns that customers can use to capture non-standard Guest data
EXTERNAL_ID VARCHAR (255) No Yes ALCO_GUEST.EXTERNAL_ID The external id of the Guest, which is often the same as a lco_external_key's external_key. This is stored here for easy searching because large companies (for example; pharmaceuticals) often refer to Guests by some id rather than name
ACTIVE_STATUS SMALLINT Yes* Yes ALCO_GUEST.ACTIVE_STATUS Determines whether the guest is active
  • 1 = active
  • 0 = inactive
SELF_EKEY varchar (255) No No ALCO_GUEST. SELF_ID Self as guest external key
COMBO_ADC1_EKEY VARCHAR (255) No Yes ALCO_GUEST.COMBO_ADC1 Additional columns that customers can use to capture non-standard Guest data
COMBO_ADC2_EKEY VARCHAR (255) No Yes ALCO_GUEST.COMBO_ADC2 Additional columns that customers can use to capture non-standard Guest data
COMBO_ADC3_EKEY VARCHAR (255) No Yes ALCO_GUEST.COMBO_ADC3 Additional columns that customers can use to capture non-standard Guest data
COMBO_ADC4_EKEY VARCHAR (255) No Yes ALCO_GUEST.COMBO_ADC4 Additional columns that customers can use to capture non-standard Guest data
COMBO_ADC5_EKEY VARCHAR (255) No Yes ALCO_GUEST.COMBO_ADC5 Additional columns that customers can use to capture non-standard Guest data
COMBO_ADC6_EKEY VARCHAR (255) No Yes ALCO_GUEST.COMBO_ADC6 Additional columns that customers can use to capture non-standard Guest data
PRIMARY_ADDRESS_EKEY VARCHAR(255) No Yes ALCO_GUEST.PRIMARY_ADDRESS_ID Address external key. The guest's primary address. This address must also be associated with the guest through alex_guest_address_wrap; otherwise, it is not available for searching in the guest chooser.
OCCUPATION_EKEY VARCHAR(255) No Yes ALCO_GUEST.OCCUPATION_ID Occupation external key. The guest occupation.

* System required field

** Value must be unique