Column Source Data type Null Description
Export_line_id N/A int N A unique sequence number that serves as the primary key for the row. This is not the line item ID of the alts_line_item table.
ts_line_item_id alts_line_item - ts_line_item_id int N Unique identifier of this timesheet line item.
export_hdr_id N/A int N The ID of the corresponding header row in the alts_export_header table.
export_line_status N/A smallint N Status of the export document.
line_item_date alts_line_item - ts_date datetime N Date associated with this charge.
top_project_code alco_project_number - top_project_code VARCHAR (255) N Top project code of the project to which this timesheet line is charged. Reference from: alts_line_item. project_number_id The top-level project code.
project_code alco_project_number - project_code VARCHAR (255) N Project code of the project to which this timesheet line is charged. Reference from: alts_line_item. project_number_id The detailed project code the hours are billed for.
Hours alts_line_item - ts_hours NUMERIC (20,10) N Hours associated with this charge.
approved_hours alts_line_item - app_ts_hours NUMERIC (20,10) N Approved hours for this charge.
hourly_charge_type alts_hourly_charge_ types - hourly_charge_ type_name VARCHAR (255) Y Hourly charge type of this timesheet line. Reference from: alts_line_item. app_hourly_charge_type_id. Hourly charge type, such as regular or overtime.
app_hourly_charge_type alts_hourly_charge_ types - hourly_charge_ type_name VARCHAR (255) Y Approved hourly charge type of this timesheet line. Reference from: alts_line_item. hourly_charge_type_id. Approved hourly charge type.
charge_type alco_charge_types - charge_name VARCHAR (255) Y Charge type of this timesheet line. Reference from: alts_line_item. charge_type_id. Charge type, like billable, and so on.
Location alco_location Bob element : Location.locationName VARCHAR (255) Y The location where the hours are billed.
charge_role alco_charge_role. Charge_role_name VARCHAR (255) Y The role of the user for this charge. Reference from: alts_line_item. charge_role_id. Charge role, which could be "project manager" or the like.
billable_rate alts_line_item. Ts_billable_rate NUMERIC (20,10) Y Billable rate for this timesheet line item. This can be overridden by the manager.
billable_rate_ currency_ISO alco_currency_ format. Currency_code_iso char (3) Y Currency rate for the above billable rate. Reference from: alts_line_item. ts_billable_rate_id. Currency this line item is billing in.
start_time alts_line_item. Ts_start_time datetime Y Starting time.
end_time alts_line_item. Ts_end_time datetime Y Ending time.
Note alts_line_item. Ts_note + alco_note_entry note type = "note" text Y Any line item note.
COST_CENTER_ NAME alco_cost_center - cost_center_name VARCHAR (255) Y The name cost center to which this is charged. Default: creator's home cost center. Reference from: ALTS_LINE_ITEM.COST_CENTER_ ID
COST_CENTER_ CODE alco_cost_center - cost_center_code VARCHAR (255) Y The cost center being charged to Default: creator's home cost center Reference from: ALTS_LINE_ITEM.COST_CENTER_ ID
project_ekey alts_line_item - project_number_id VARCHAR (255) Y External key identifying the project charge code
hourly_charge_type_ekey alts_line_item - hourly_charge_type_id VARCHAR (255) Y External key identifying the hourly charge type
app_hourly_charge_type_ekey alts_line_item - app_hourly_charge_type_id VARCHAR (255) Y External key identifying the approved hourly charge type
charge_type_ekey alts_line_item - charge_type_id VARCHAR (255) Y External key identifying the charge type
location_ekey alts_line_item - location_id VARCHAR (255) Y External key identifying the location
charge_role_ekey alts_line_item - charge_role_id VARCHAR (255) Y External key identifying the charge role
billable_rate_ currency_ekey alts_line_item - currency_fmt_defn_ id VARCHAR (255) Y External key identifying the billable rate currency
cost_center_ekey alts_line_item - cost_center_id VARCHAR (255) Y External key identifying the cost center
Description alts_line_Item - description VARCHAR (255) Y Line item description
attd_in1 alts_line_Item - attd_in1 datetime Y This is the start time of the first time period to support the HTML version of TS in Attendance mode.
attd_out1 alts_line_Item - attd_out1 datetime Y This is the end time of the first time period to support the HTML version of TS in Attendance mode.
attd_in2 alts_line_Item - attd_in2 datetime Y This is the start time of the second time period to support the HTML version of TS in Attendance mode.
attd_out2 alts_line_Item - attd_out2 datetime Y This is the end time of the second time period to support the HTML version of TS in Attendance mode.
attd_in3 alts_line_Item - attd_in3 datetime Y This is the start time of the third time period to support the HTML version of TS in Attendance mode.
attd_out3 alts_line_Item - attd_out3 datetime Y This is the end time of the third time period to support the HTML version of TS in Attendance mode.
attd_in4 alts_line_Item - attd_in4 datetime Y This is the start time of the fourth time period to support the HTML version of TS in Attendance mode.
attd_out4 alts_line_Item - attd_out4 datetime Y This is the end time of the fourth time period to support the HTML version of TS in Attendance mode.
attd_in5 alts_line_Item - attd_in5 datetime Y This is the start time of the fifth time period to support the HTML version of TS in Attendance mode.
attd_out5 alts_line_Item - attd_out5 datetime Y This is the end time of the fifth time period to support the HTML version of TS in Attendance mode.
attd_in6 alts_line_Item - attd_in6 datetime Y This is the start time of the sixth time period to support the HTML version of TS in Attendance mode.
attd_out6 alts_line_Item - attd_out6 datetime Y This is the end time of the sixth time period to support the HTML version of TS in Attendance mode.
attd_absence_ hours alts_line_Item - attd_absence_hours numeric (14, 4) Y The number of absence hours calculated by the HTML TS attendance mode.
COMPANY_NAME alco_company - company_name VARCHAR(255) Y Company name of the cost center of this line item.
COMPANY_CODE alco_company - company_code VARCHAR(255) Y Company code of the cost center of this line item.
DIVISION_NAME alco_division - division_name VARCHAR(255) Y Division name of the cost center of this line item.
DIVISION_CODE alco_division - division_code VARCHAR(255) Y Division code of the cost center of this line item.
DEPARTMENT_NAME alco_department - department_name VARCHAR(255) Y Department name of the cost center of this line item.
DEPARTMENT_CODE alco_department - department_code VARCHAR(255) Y Department code of the cost center of this line item.
SEGMENT1_NAME alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 1 name of line item cost center
SEGMENT1_CODE alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 1 code of line item cost center
SEGMENT2_NAME alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 2 name of line item cost center
SEGMENT2_CODE alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 2 code of line item cost center
SEGMENT3_NAME alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 3 name of line item cost center
SEGMENT3_CODE alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 3 code of line item cost center
SEGMENT4_NAME alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 4 name of line item cost center
SEGMENT4_CODE alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 4 code of line item cost center
SEGMENT5_NAME alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 5 name of line item cost center
SEGMENT5_CODE alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 5 code of line item cost center
SEGMENT6_NAME alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 6 name of line item cost center
SEGMENT6_CODE alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 6 code of line item cost center
SEGMENT7_NAME alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 7 name of line item cost center
SEGMENT7_CODE alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 7 code of line item cost center
SEGMENT8_NAME alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 8 name of line item cost center
SEGMENT8_CODE alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 8 code of line item cost center
SEGMENT9_NAME alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 9 name of line item cost center
SEGMENT9_CODE alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 9 code of line item cost center
SEGMENT_COUNT alco_cost_center_config - segment_count INTEGER Y The number of segments in the cost center of this line item.
REVIEW_SEGMENT_NAME alco_cost_center_rev_segment - segment_name VARCHAR(255) Y The review segment name of the cost center of this line item.
REVIEW_SEGMENT_CODE alco_cost_center_rev_segment - segment_code VARCHAR(255) Y The review segment code of the cost center of this line item.
EXPORT_LINE_STATUS_DATETIME DATETIME Y The date and time, the line status was updated
EXPORT_STATUS alts_line_item – export_status INTEGER Y the export status (0=not exported, 1=exported, 2=marked for re-export)
VOID_STATUS alts_line_item – void_status INTEGER Y the void status (0=not voided, 1=voided, 2=this is a reversal that cancels out a voided line item)
REVERSAL_LINE_ITEM_ID alts_line_item – reversal_line_item_id INTEGER Y for voided/reversal line items, this is the matching reversal/voided line item
EXPORT_DATE alts_line_item – export_date DATETIME Y The date the item was first exported to the financial system