Column Data type Null Description
EXPORT_DOC_HDR_ID Int N Foreign key referencing to document header ID in the appropriate header table (e.g., aler_expense_export_header table column export_er_hdr_id).
Export_document_type CHAR (3) N Document type indicator:
  • ER - Expense Reports
  • TS - Timesheets
  • TP - Travel Plans
  • CR - Payment Requests
Export_DOCUMENT_id VARCHAR (255) Y
Export_line_id Int Y The line ID of the exported line data. These are the expected values for this column:
  • Timesheets: This column must contain a value from alts_export_line.export_line_id.
  • Expense Reports: This column should contain a value from aler_expense_export_line.exli_exp_line_item_id.
  • Travel Plans: This column should contain a value from altr_travel_plan_export_line.extr.tr_line_item_id.
This value may be null if status reported is for document header. This value is required if verify process requires status at the line level (e.g. Timesheet Export), or if a line level error is being reported.
Export_status Int N This column contains the status of the item as reported by the external systems. The valid values are:
  • 2 - Indicate Successful Export: External system has acknowledged receipt and successful process of exported document. Verify process will send this document to the next activity.
  • 3 - Indicate Failure in Export. External system is indicating that processing of this document failed.Verify process will send this document to the "Exception Handling" activity.
All other status values are considered a failure in processing. If both "success" and "failure" status are reported for a single document. Verify process will treat this as a failure and send the document to the "Exception Handling" activity.
Status_timestamp Datetime Y Last update time stamp
External_error_code VARCHAR (255) Y Error code to indicate the export problem.
External_error_message VARCHAR (255) Y Error message to indicate the export problem.