Column Source Data type Null Description
export_invoice_hdr_id N/A Int N A unique number (Bob ID) that serves as the primary key for the row.
export_hdr_status N/A Int N Status of the export document. Export system used values are 1, 2, 4 and 5. User defined values range is 100 or higher.
export_hdr_status_ datetime N/A Datetime N The date and time when the status is updated. When this row is initially inserted, this field is same as the export_create_date. The Document Purge process uses this to determine if the document can be purged uses this column.
export_create_date N/A Datetime N The date and time when this row is created. This is not to be confused with the document created date.
work_item_id alwf_work_item - work_item_id Int N ID of the work item associated with the document. This has a foreign key reference back to the alwf_work_item table.
document_id alpr_invoice - envelope_id varchar(255) N Tracking number of the payment request.
Title alpr_invoice - title varchar(255) Y Payment request title.
date_created alpr_invoice - date_created Datetime Y The time and date when this payment request is created.
date_submitted alpr_invoice - date_submitted Datetime Y The time and date when the creator submitted this payment request.
date_approved alpr_invoice - date_approved Datetime Y The time and date when this payment request is approved.
invoice_number alpr_invoice - invoice_number Varchar(255) Y The invoice number provided by the vendor.
invoice_date alpr_invoice - invoice_date Datetime Y The date of the invoice
invoice_due_date alpr_invoice - invoice_due_date Datetime Y The date of the payment for this invoice is due.
invoice_currency_iso alpr_invoice - total_amount_id char(3) N The ISO code for the currency used for the amount fields used by the payment request. All amount columns in this table are in the currency that corresponds to this ISO code.
invoice_currency_ekey alpr_invoice -total_amount_id varchar(255) Y External key identifying the currency used for the amount fields.
total_amount alpr_invoice - total_amount numeric (20,10) Y The total amount of the payment request
total_calculated_amount alpr_invoice - total_calculated_ amount numeric (20,10) Y The total amount of the payment request calculated by summing all line items
total_discounted_amount alpr_invoice - total_discounted_ amount numeric (20,10) Y The total amount with discount applied
pr_vendor_type_ext_ sys_id alpr_invoice -pr_vendor_id/ alpr_vendor- vendor_type_id/ alpr_vendor_type - external_sys_id varchar(255) Y External system ID of the vendor. External_sys_id field of Alco_address table. Go to alco_address table based on alpr_vendor.address_id
pr_vendor_type_name ../alpr_vendor_ type - vendor type_name varchar(255) Y Vendor type name of the vendor.
pr_vendor_type_ekey alpr_invoice -pr_vendor_id/ alpr_vendor- vendor_type_id varchar(255) Y External key identifying the vendor type.
pr_vendor_terms_name alpr_invoice -pr_vendor_id/ alpr_vendor- vendor_type_id/ alpr_vendor_type - payment_term_id /alpr_vendor_terms - term_name varchar(255) Y Description of the vendor terms with discount, Example 2/10 Net 30 means 2 percent discount if paid within 10 days, otherwise net 30 days
pr_vendor_terms_days ../alpr_vendor_ terms - term_days Int Y How many days after receipt of an invoice is the amount due. Using the example 2/10 Net 30, this value would be 30
pr_vendor_terms_ekey alpr_invoice -pr_vendor_id/ alpr_vendor- vendor_type_id/ alpr_vendor_type - payment_term_id varchar(255) Y External key identifying the vendor terms.
pr_vendor_address_ekey alpr_invoice -pr_vendor_id/ alpr_vendor- address_id varchar(255) Y External key identifying the vendor address.
pr_vendor_address_ name alpr_invoice -pr_vendor_id/ alpr_vendor- address_id/ alco_address address_name - varchar(255) Y Address name of the vendor. Address_name field of alco_address table. Go to alco_address table based on alpr_vendor.address_id.
pr_vendor_location_ name ../alco_address -location_name varchar(255) Y Location name of vendor. location_name field of Alco_address table. Go to alco_address table based on alpr_vendor.address_id
pr_vendor_addr_line_1 ../alco_address -addr_line_1 varchar(255) Y Address line 1 of vendor. Address_line_1 field of Alco_address table. Go to alco_address table based on alpr_vendor.address_id
pr_vendor_addr_line_2 ../alco_address -addr_line2 varchar(255) Y Address line 2 of vendor. Address_line2 field of Alco_address table. Go to alco_address table based on alpr_vendor.address_id
pr_vendor_city_name ../alco_address -city_name varchar(255) Y City of vendor. City_name field of Alco_address table. Go to alco_address table based on alpr_vendor.address_id
pr_vendor_state_name ../alco_address -state_id/alco_state -state_name varchar(255) Y State of vendor.
pr_vendor_zip_code ../alco_address -zip_code varchar(20) Y Zip code of vendor.
pr_vendor_country_name ../alco_address -country_id/alco_ country - country_name varchar(255) Y Country of vendor.
pr_vendor_phone_number ../alco_address -phone_nbr varchar(255) Y Vendor phone number.
pr_vendor_contact_name ../alco_address -contact_name varchar(255) Y Contact person name at the vendor company.
pr_vendor_contact_email ../alco_address -contact_email_ address varchar(255) Y Contact person (at the vendor company) Email address.
pr_vendor_contact_ phone ../alco_address -contact_phone_ number varchar(255) Y Contact person (at the vendor company) phone number.
pr_vendor_fax_number ../alco_address -fax_phone_nbr varchar(255) Y Contact person (at the vendor company) fax phone number.
send_to_id alpr_invoice - send_to_id smallint Y The value of this send to. Valid values are: 1- Send to vendor 2 - Send to me 3 - Hold for pickup
discount_pay_by_date alpr_invoice - discount_pay_by_date datetime Y The date to be paid by in order to get the discount
pr_purpose alpr_invoice - pr_vendor_id/ varchar(255) Y Purpose of the Payment Request.
pr_purpose_ekey alpr_invoice - pr_vendor_id varchar(255) Y External key identifying purpose.
owner_user_id alwf_work_item/ owner_id int Y User ID for the owner of the Payment Request.
owner_login ../alco_user - user_login varchar(255) Y User login of the owner of the Payment Request.
owner_full_name ../alco_user - user_full_name varchar(255) Y User full name.
owner_employee_ number ../alco_user - employee_number varchar(255) Y User employee number.
owner_location ../alco_user - user_location varchar(255) Y User location.
owner_email_address ../alco_user - user_email_address varchar(255) Y User email address.
owner_payroll_system_ code ../alco_user - payroll_system_ code varchar(255) Y User payroll system code.
owner_ssn ../alco_user - user_ssn varchar(255) Y User Social Security Number.
owner_cost_center_name ../alco_user - cost_center_name varchar(255) Y User default cost center name.
owner_cost_center_code ../alco_user - cost_center_code varchar(255) Y User default cost center code.
owner_dept_name ../alco_user - department_name varchar(255) Y Department name of user's default cost center.
owner_division_name ../alco_user - division_name varchar(255) Y Division name of user's default cost center.
owner_dept_code ../alco_user - department_code varchar(255) Y Department code of user's default cost center.
owner_division_code ../alco_user - division_code varchar(255) Y Division Code of user's default cost center.
owner_company_name ../alco_user - company_name varchar(255) Y Company Name of user's default cost center.
owner_company_code ../alco_user - company_code varchar(255) Y Company Code of user's default cost center.
ower_user_ekey alwf_work_item/ owner_id/alco_user - varchar(255) Y External key identifying the user who is the owner of the payment request.
pr_vendor_vendor_id alpr_invoice - pr_vendor_id varchar (255) Y A foreign key to alpr_vendor table identifying the vendor who is being paid.
pr_vendor_is_payment_ taxable alpr_vendor_ type - is_payment_ taxable smallint Y Does any payment made to this vendor require notification to the government as taxable. In US this is 1099 and in Canada it is T4 code
pr_vendor_tax_code alpr_vendor_ type - tax_code varchar (255) Y If the payment is taxable, to what code should it be reported
pr_vendor_tax_id alpr_vendor_ type - tax_id varchar (255) Y The vendor identifier to the government as a tax id
pr_vendor_system_code1 alpr_vendor_ type - system_code_1 varchar (255) Y Implementation specific
pr_vendor_system_code2 alpr_vendor_ type - system_code_2 varchar (255) Y Implementation specific
pr_vendor_system_code3 alpr_vendor_ type - system_code_3 varchar (255) Y Implementation specific
pr_vendor_system_code4 alpr_vendor_ type - system_code_4 varchar (255) Y Implementation specific
pr_vendor_system_code5 alpr_vendor_ type - system_code_5 varchar (255) Y Implementation specific
pr_vendor_system_code6 alpr_vendor_ type - system_code_6 varchar (255) Y Implementation specific
pr_vendor_system_code7 alpr_vendor_ type - system_code_7 varchar (255) Y Implementation specific
pr_vendor_system_code8 alpr_vendor_ type - system_code_8 varchar (255) Y Implementation specific
requested_payment_date alpr_invoice - requested_ payment_date datetime Y The date the creator is requesting a payment for
voucher_number alpr_invoice - voucher_number varchar (255) Y An identifying value defined by an external system, but not the external system id
special_handling alpr_invoice - special_handling varchar (255) Y Any special handling note
pr_vendor_is_one_time_only alpr_vendor_ type - is_one_time_only smallint Y Is this a one time only vendor or is it a frequently used vendor?
owner_segment1_name alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name varchar(255) NULL Segment 1 name of owner cost center
owner_segment1_code alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code varchar(255) NULL Segment 1 code of owner cost center
owner_segment2_name alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name varchar(255) NULL Segment 2 name of owner cost center
owner_segment2_code alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code varchar(255) NULL Segment 2 code of owner cost center
owner_segment3_name alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name varchar(255) NULL Segment 3 name of owner cost center
owner_segment3_code alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code varchar(255) NULL Segment 3 code of owner cost center
owner_segment4_name alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name varchar(255) NULL Segment 4 name of owner cost center
owner_segment4_code alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code varchar(255) NULL Segment 4 code of owner cost center
owner_segment5_name alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name varchar(255) NULL Segment 5 name of owner cost center
owner_segment5_code alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code varchar(255) NULL Segment 5 code of owner cost center
owner_segment6_name alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name varchar(255) NULL Segment 6 name of owner cost center
owner_segment6_code alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code varchar(255) NULL Segment 6 code of owner cost center
owner_segment7_name alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name varchar(255) NULL Segment 7 name of owner cost center
owner_segment7_code alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code varchar(255) NULL Segment 7 code of owner cost center
owner_segment8_name alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name varchar(255) NULL Segment 8 name of owner cost center
owner_segment8_code alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code varchar(255) NULL Segment 8 code of owner cost center
owner_segment9_name alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name varchar(255) NULL Segment 9 name of owner cost center
owner_segment9_code alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code varchar(255) NULL Segment 9 code of owner cost center
segment_count alco_cost_center_config - segment_count int NULL The number of segments in owner cost center.
owner_review_segment_name alco_cost_center_rev_segment - segment_name varchar(255) NULL The review segment name of owner cost center.
owner_review_segment_code alco_cost_center_rev_segment - segment_code varchar(255) NULL The review segment code of owner cost center.