Export document purge – standard feature
The Export Document Purge process periodically examines the standard export tables and external system export status tables to delete entries that meet the purge criteria. This process takes the status update datetime, and finds the number of days difference between the system date and update datetime. If the difference is more than the retention period for that status, then the process deletes the documents, header, line items, complementary table data, and table data from the export tables. During deletion, an entry is registered in the process log for every document that is deleted from the export tables. The criteria are configurable and consists of these application parameters:
- documentExport.completedRetentionPeriod
- Completed Retention Period (in days) for documents that have been exported successfully (headers with the status of 4). The value that you assign to this parameter determines the number of days after which completed export documents are purged from the export tables.
- documentExport.errorRetentionPeriod
- Error Retention Period (in days) for documents that have been reported with errors by external system (headers with the status of 3 or 5). The value that you assign to this parameter determines the number of days after which export documents with errors are purged from the export tables.
- documentExport.inactiveRetentionPeriod
- Inactive Retention Period (in days) for documents that have not been completed or reported as errors. The Inactive retention period can be defined as period of time to keep exported documents with a status (other than 3, 4 or 5). If the status column in the header table has not been updated for a defined period of time, then the document is considered as inactive and can be deleted. The value that you assign to this parameter determines the number of days after which inactive export documents are purged from the export tables.