Column Source Data type Null Description
ervd_vat_data_export_id INT N A unique Bob ID to use as PK.
ervd_export_expense_ line_id Int Y FK reference to the corresponding expense line ID.
ervd_erli_native_amt aler_expense_line_item - erli_native_amt NUMERIC (20,10) Y Native amount from expense line item
ervd_erli_native_amt_ currency aler_expense_line_item - erli_native_amt_id VARCHAR (10) Y The ISO code of the currency used for ERVD_ERLI_NATIVE_AMT.
ervd_guest_count SMALLINT Y The number of guests from the expense line item
ervd_miles aler_expense _line_item - miles numeric(15,5) Y The number of miles from the expense line item
ervd_td_gl_account alco_expense_account - td_gl_account VARCHAR (255) Y The Tax Deductible account and sub account, if any
ervd_ntd_gl_account alco_expense_account - ntd_gl_account VARCHAR (255) Y The Non Tax Deductible account and sub account, if any
ervd_vatd_gl_account alco_vat_account - vatd_gl_account VARCHAR (255) Y The VAT account and sub account, if any
ervd_vat_amount_ override aler_expense_line_item - vat_amount_override NUMERIC (20,10) Y If the auditor overrode the calculated VAT, it is stored here. If the line item was split allocated, this amount is the source amount multiplied by ALLOC_PERCENT_ALLOTTED
ervd_vat_guest_ override aler_expense_line_item - vat_guests_override INT Y If the auditor overrode the number of guests, it is stored here
ervd_vat_miles_ override aler_expense_line_item -exli_vat_miles_override INT Y If the auditor overrode the number of miles, it is stored here
ervd_td_amount aler_expense_line_item - td_amount NUMERIC 20,10) Y The Tax Deductible amount. If the line item was split allocated, this amount is the source amount multiplied by ALLOC_PERCENT_ALLOTTED.
ervd_ntd_amount aler_expense_line_item - ntd_amount NUMERIC 20,10) Y The Non Tax Deductible amount. If the line item was split allocated, this amount is the source amount multiplied by ALLOC_PERCENT_ALLOTTED.
ervd_vat_amount aler_expense_line_item - vat_amount NUMERIC 20,10) Y VAT or GST amount of the expense line item. If the line item was split allocated, this amount is the source amount multiplied by ALLOC_PERCENT_ALLOTTED.
NATIVE_AMT_CURRENCY_EKEY aler_expense_line_item - erli_native_amt_id VARCHAR (255) Y External key identifying the native amount currency.
EXPORT_ER_HDR_iD aler_expense_export_ header - export_er_hdr_id INT Y Foreign key reference to the exported expense report
SET_OF_BOOKS_NAME alco_vat_account - set_of_books_name VARCHAR (255) Y Name of the set of books.
SET_OF_BOOKS_ EXTERNAL_SYS_ID alco_vat_account - external_system_id VARCHAR (255) Y External system id for this set of books.
SET_OF_BOOKS_ DESCRIPTION alco_vat_account - description VARCHAR (255) Y Description of this set of books.
SET_OF_BOOKS_EKEY alco_vat_account - set_of_books_id VARCHAR (255) Y External key identifying this set of books
VAT_UNCLAIMED_AMOUNT aler_expense_line_item - vat_unclaimed_amount NUMERIC (20, 10) Y Unclaimed VAT or GST amount of the expense line item. If the line item was split allocated, this amount is the source amount multiplied by ALLOC_ PERCENT_ ALLOTTED.
PST_AMOUNT aler_expense_line_item - pst_amount NUMERIC (20, 10) Y PST or QST amount of the expense line item. If the line item was split allocated, this amount is the source amount multiplied by ALLOC_PERCENT_ALLOTTED.
PST_AMOUNT_OVERRIDE aler_expense_line_item - pst_amount_override NUMERIC (20, 10) Y If the auditor overrode the calculated PST, it is stored here. If the line item was split allocated, this amount is the source amount multiplied by ALLOC_ PERCENT_ ALLOTTED
PST_UNCLAIMED_ AMOUNT aler_expense_line_item - pst_unclaimed_amount NUMERIC (20, 10) Y Unclaimed PST or QST amount of the expense line item. If the line item was split allocated, this amount is the source amount multiplied by ALLOC_ PERCENT_ ALLOTTED.
PST_GL_ACCOUNT alco_vat_account - pst_gl_account and pst_gl_subaccount VARCHAR(255) Y GL account for PST amount
VAT_UNCLAIMED_GL_ ACCOUNT alco_vat_account - vat_ unclaimed_gl_account and vat_unclaimed_gl_ subaccount VARCHAR(255) Y GL account for unclaimed VAT amount
PST_UNCLAIMED_GL_ ACCOUNT alco_vat_account - pst_ unclaimed_gl_account and pst_unclaimed_gl_ subaccount VARCHAR(255) Y GL account for unclaimed PST amount
BASE_CURRENCY aler_expense_line_item - erli_amt_paid_id VARCHAR(10) Y The user's currency
BASE_CURRENCY_EKEY aler_expense_line_item - erli_amt_paid_id VARCHAR(255) Y EKEY for the user's currency
TD_BASE_AMOUNT aler_expense_line_item - td_amount NUMERIC (20, 10) Y Tax Deductible amount of the expense line item in the user's currency. If the line item was split allocated, this amount is the source amount multiplied by ALLOC_PERCENT_ALLOTTED.
NTD_BASE_AMOUNT aler_expense_line_item - ntd_amount NUMERIC (20, 10) Y Non Tax Deductible amount of the expense line item in the user's currency. If the line item was split allocated, this amount is the source amount multiplied by ALLOC_PERCENT_ALLOTTED.
VAT_BASE_AMOUNT aler_expense_line_item - vat_amount NUMERIC (20, 10) Y VAT or GST amount of the expense line item in the user's currency. If the line item was split allocated, this amount is the source amount multiplied by ALLOC_PERCENT_ ALLOTTED.
VAT_BASE_AMOUNT_ OVERRIDE aler_expense_line_item - vat_amount_override NUMERIC (20, 10) Y If the auditor overrode the calculated VAT, it is stored here in the user's currency. If the line item was split allocated, this amount is the source amount (in the user's currency) multiplied by ALLOC_PERCENT_ ALLOTTED
VAT_UNCLAIMED_BASE_ AMOUNT aler_expense_line_item - vat_unclaimed_ amount NUMERIC (20, 10) Y Unclaimed VAT or GST amount of the expense line item in the user's currency. If the line item was split allocated, this amount is the source amount multiplied by ALLOC_PERCENT_ ALLOTTED.
PST_BASE_AMOUNT aler_expense_line_item - pst_amount NUMERIC (20, 10) Y PST or QST amount of the expense line item in the user's currency. If the line item was split allocated, this amount is the source amount multiplied by ALLOC_PERCENT_ ALLOTTED.
PST_BASE_AMOUNT_ OVERRIDE aler_expense_line_item - pst_amount_override NUMERIC (20, 10) Y If the auditor overrode the calculated PST, it is stored here in the user's currency. If the line item was split allocated, this amount is the source amount (in the user's currency) multiplied by ALLOC_PERCENT_ ALLOTTED
PST_UNCLAIMED_BASE_AMOUNT aler_expense_line_item - pst_unclaimed_ amount NUMERIC (20, 10) Y Unclaimed PST or QST amount of the expense line item in the user's currency. If the line item was split allocated, this amount is the source amount multiplied by ALLOC_PERCENT_ ALLOTTED.
ALLOC_PERCENT_ ALLOTTED aler_line_allocation - percent_allotted NUMERIC (26, 16) Y Percent of the amounts (except ervd_erli_native_ amt) allotted to this cost center or project
ALLOC_COST_CENTER_ NAME alco_cost_center- cost_ center_name VARCHAR(255) Y Name of cost center to which these amounts are charged
ALLOC_COST_CENTER_ CODE alco_cost_center- cost_ center_code VARCHAR(255) Y Code of cost center to which these amounts are charged
ALLOC_PROJECT_ CHARGE_CODE alco_project_number - project_charge_code VARCHAR(255) Y Project charge code of project to which these amounts are charged
ALLOC_PROJECT_CODE alco_project_number - project_code VARCHAR(255) Y Project code of project to which these amounts are charged
ALLOC_PARENT_PROJ_ CODE alco_project_number - parent_project_number_id VARCHAR(255) Y Parent project of project to which these amounts are charged
ALLOC_TOP_PROJECT_ CODE alco_project_number - top_project_code VARCHAR(255) Y The root project charge code
ALLOC_COST_CENTER_ EKEY VARCHAR(255) Y External key for cost center
ALLOC_PROJECT_EKEY VARCHAR(255) Y External key for cost project
ALLOC_DEPARTMENT_ NAME alco_department - department_name VARCHAR(255) Y Department name from cost center
ALLOC_DEPARTMENT_ CODE alco_department - department_code VARCHAR(255) Y Department code from cost center
ALLOC_DIVISION_NAME alco_division - division_ name VARCHAR(255) Y Division name from cost center
ALLOC_DIVISION_CODE alco_division - division_ code VARCHAR(255) Y Division code from cost center
ALLOC_COMPANY_NAME alco_company - company_name VARCHAR(255) Y Company name from cost center
ALLOC_COMPANY_CODE alco_company-company_code VARCHAR (255) Y Company code from cost center
EXPORT_ER_LINE_ID aler_expense_export_line - export_er_line_id INT Y A unique bobid to use as PK.
CALC_VAT_AMOUNT aler_line_allocation - native_amount NUMERIC(20) Y Calculated claimed VAT, disregarding any auditor overrides. This will equal ervd_vat_amount if VAT is not overridden.
CALC_VAT_BASE_AMOUNT aler_line_allocation - base_amount NUMERIC(20) Y Calculated claimed VAT in user's currency. This will equal vat_base_amount if VAT is not overridden.
CALC_VAT_UNCLAIMED_AMOUNT aler_line_allocation - native_amount NUMERIC(20) Y Calculated unclaimed VAT, disregarding any auditor overrides. This will equal vat_unclaimed_amount if VAT is not overridden.
CALC_VAT_UNCLAIMED_BASE_AMOUNT aler_line_allocation - base_amount NUMERIC(20) Y Calculated unclaimed VAT in user's currency. This will equal vat_unclaimed_base_amount if VAT is not overridden.
CALC_PST_AMOUNT aler_line_allocation - native_amount NUMERIC(20) Y Calculated claimed PST, disregarding any auditor overrides. This will equal pst_amount if PST is not overridden.
CALC_PST_BASE_AMOUNT aler_line_allocation - base_amount NUMERIC(20) Y Calculated claimed PST in user's currency. This will equal pst_base_amount if PST is not overridden.
CALC_PST_UNCLAIMED_AMOUNT aler_line_allocation - native_amount NUMERIC(20) Y Calculated unclaimed PST, disregarding any auditor overrides. This will equal pst_unclaimed_amount if PST is not overridden.
CALC_PST_UNCLAIMED_BASE_AMOUNT aler_line_allocation - base_amount NUMERIC(20) Y Calculated unclaimed PST in user's currency. This will equal pst_unclaimed_base_amount if PST is not overridden.
ALLOC_SEGMENT1_NAME alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 1 name of allocation cost center
ALLOC_SEGMENT1_CODE alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 1 code of allocation cost center
ALLOC_SEGMENT2_NAME alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 2 name of allocation cost center
ALLOC_SEGMENT2_CODE alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 2 code of allocation cost center
ALLOC_SEGMENT3_NAME alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 3 name of allocation cost center
ALLOC_SEGMENT3_CODE alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 3 code of allocation cost center
ALLOC_SEGMENT4_NAME alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 4 name of allocation cost center
ALLOC_SEGMENT4_CODE alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 4 code of allocation cost center
ALLOC_SEGMENT5_NAME alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 5 name of allocation cost center
ALLOC_SEGMENT5_CODE alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 5 code of allocation cost center
ALLOC_SEGMENT6_NAME alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 6 name of allocation cost center
ALLOC_SEGMENT6_CODE alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 6 code of allocation cost center
ALLOC_SEGMENT7_NAME alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 7 name of allocation cost center
ALLOC_SEGMENT7_CODE alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 7 code of allocation cost center
ALLOC_SEGMENT8_NAME alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 8 name of allocation cost center
ALLOC_SEGMENT8_CODE alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 8 code of allocation cost center
ALLOC_SEGMENT9_NAME alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 9 name of allocation cost center
ALLOC_SEGMENT9_CODE alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 9 code of allocation cost center
SEGMENT_COUNT alco_cost_center_config - segment_count INTEGER Y The number of segments in this line item's cost center.
ALLOC_REVIEW_SEGMENT_NAME alco_cost_center_rev_segment - segment_name VARCHAR(255) Y The review segment name of this line item's cost center.
ALLOC_REVIEW_SEGMENT_CODE alco_cost_center_rev_segment - segment_code VARCHAR(255) Y The review segment code of this line item's cost center.