Column Source Data type Null Description
EXPORT_ ATTENDANCE_LINE_ID N/A int N A unique sequence number that serves as the primary key for the row. This is not the line item ID of the alts_attendance_line_item table.
export_hdr_id N/A int N The ID of the corresponding header row in the alts_export_header table.
export_line_status N/A smallint Y Status of the export document.
ts_attd_line_item_id alts_attendance_line_item - ts_attd_line_item_id int N Unique identifier of this timesheet attendance line item. Foreign key to alts_attendance_line_item table.
attendance _date alts_attendance_line_item - ts_attendance_date datetime N Date associated with this attendance.
regular_hours alts_attendance_line_item - ts_adjusted_total NUMERIC (20,10) Y Total hours of regular time entries associated with this attendance.
app_regular_hours alts_attendance_line_item - ts_approved_hours NUMERIC (20,10) Y Approved total hours of regular time entries associated with this attendance.
timeoff_hours alts_attendance_line_item. ts_absence_hours NUMERIC (20,10) Y Time off hours.
app_timeoff_hours alts_attendance_line_item. ts_app_absence_hours NUMERIC (20,10) Y Reviewer approved time off hours.
time_in_entry1 alts_attendance_line_item. ts_day_in datetime Y The start time of the first time period. The corresponding column name: ts_day_ in of alts_attendance_ line_item table is misleading, this time not necessary to be day in time.
time_out_entry1 alts_attendance_line_item. ts_day_out datetime Y The end time of the first time period. The corresponding column name: ts_day_out of alts_attendance_line_item table is misleading, this time not necessary to be day out time.
time_in_entry2 alts_attendance_line_item. ts_lunch_leave datetime Y The start time of the second time period. The corresponding column name: ts_lunch_leave of alts_attendance_line_ item table is misleading, this time not necessary to be lunch leave time.
time_out_entry2 alts_attendance_line_item. ts_lunch_return datetime Y The end time of the second time period. The corresponding column name: ts_lunch_return of alts_attendance_line_ item table is misleading, this time not necessary to be lunch return time.
time_in_entry3 alts_attendance_line_item. ts_late_service_in datetime Y The start time of the third time period. The corresponding column name: ts_late_service_in of alts_attendance_line_ item table is misleading, this time not necessary to be late service in time.
time_out_entry3 alts_attendance_line_item. ts_late_service_out datetime Y The end time of the third time period. The corresponding column name: ts_late_service_out of alts_attendance_line_ item table is misleading, this time not necessary to be late service out time.
APPLIED_ ATTENDANCE_DATE IF APPLY_CROSS_ WORKDAY_TO == 0 or null (apply to current day) alts_attendance_line_item.ts_attendance_date IF APPLY_CROSS_WORKDAY_TO == 1 (apply to next day) alts_attendance_line_item.ts_attendance_date + 1 datetime Y

The date the hours worked is applied to. The date is determined by the value of apply_cross_workday_ to in table alts_work_ schedule. Reference from: ALTS_ATTENDANCE_ LINE_ITEM.TS_ DOCUMENT_ID –>




PROJECT_CODE alco_project_number - project_charge_code VARCHAR (255) N Project number these hours worked is charged to. Reference from: ALTS_ATTENDANCE_ LINE_ITEM.PROJECT_NUMBER_ID
TOP_PROJECT_ CODE alco_project_number - top_project_code VARCHAR (255) Y Top project number these hours worked is charged to. Reference from: ALTS_ATTENDANCE_ LINE_ITEM.PROJECT_NUMBER_ID
COST_CENTER_ NAME alco_cost_center - cost_center_name VARCHAR (255) Y The cost center being charged to. Reference from: ALTS_ATTENDANCE_ LINE_ITEM.COST_ CENTER_ID
COST_CENTER_ CODE alco_cost_center - cost_center_code VARCHAR (255) Y The cost center being charged to. Reference from: ALTS_ATTENDANCE_ LINE_ITEM.COST_ CENTER_ID
project_ekey alts_attendance_line_item - project_number_id VARCHAR (255) Y External key identifying the project.
cost_center_ekey alts_attendance_line_item - cost_center_id VARCHAR (255) Y External key identifying the cost center.
COMPANY_NAME alco_company - company_name VARCHAR(255) Y Company name of the cost center of the line item.
COMPANY_CODE alco_company - company_code VARCHAR(255) Y Company code of the cost center of the line item.
DIVISION_NAME alco_division - division_name VARCHAR(255) Y division name of the cost center of the line item.
DIVISION_CODE alco_division - division_code VARCHAR(55) Y Division code of the cost center of the line item
DEPARTMENT_NAME alco_department - department_name VARCHAR(255) Y Department name of this line item's cost center.
DEPARTMENT_CODE alco_department - department_code VARCHAR(255) Y Department code of this line item's cost center.
SEGMENT1_NAME alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 1 name of line item cost center
SEGMENT1_CODE alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 1 code of line item cost center
SEGMENT2_NAME alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 2 name of line item cost center
SEGMENT2_CODE alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 2 code of line item cost center
SEGMENT3_NAME alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 3 name of line item cost center
SEGMENT3_CODE alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 3 code of line item cost center
SEGMENT4_NAME alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 4 name of line item cost center
SEGMENT4_CODE alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 4 code of line item cost center
SEGMENT5_NAME alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 5 name of line item cost center
SEGMENT5_CODE alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 5 code of line item cost center
SEGMENT6_NAME alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 6 name of line item cost center
SEGMENT6_CODE alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 6 code of line item cost center
SEGMENT7_NAME alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 7 name of line item cost center
SEGMENT7_CODE alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 7 code of line item cost center
SEGMENT8_NAME alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 8 name of line item cost center
SEGMENT8_CODE alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 8 code of line item cost center
SEGMENT9_NAME alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 9 name of line item cost center
SEGMENT9_CODE alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 9 code of line item cost center
SEGMENT_COUNT alco_cost_center_config - segment_count INTEGER Y The number of segments in the cost center of the line item.
REVIEW_SEGMENT_NAME alco_cost_center_rev_segment - segment_name VARCHAR(255) Y The review segment name of the cost center of the line item.
REVIEW_SEGMENT_CODE alco_cost_center_rev_segment - segment_code VARCHAR(255) Y The review segment code of the cost center of the line item.