Column Data type Null Description
START_DATE Varchar(255) N This is the startDate that is calculated and saved in the db table, and picked up for the next run, by the XMDBToolBkg.ETL when this is run in the incremental run.
END_DATE Varchar(255) N This is the endDate that is calculated and saved in the db table, and picked up for the next run, by the XMDBToolBkg.ETL when this is run in the incremental run. As of now, this attribute is not used and no value of end date is stored. In case of any future changes, this attribute may be used.
ACTIVE_STATUS Int N If the current row is active this value is set to ‘1’ else, ‘0’. The startDate and the endDate of the row when the active_status ‘1’ is picked up. Whenever a new value of startDate and endDate is written to the table, its active_status is set to ‘1’ and at the same time the active_status for all other rows of the tables are set to ‘0’. This ensures that only the correct date values are selected for processing.
CHANGE_TIMESTAMP Datetime Y This is required for timestamp.
IS_ACTIVE_SCRIPT SMALLINT N Whether the adc script is active
SCRIPT_TYPE VARCHAR(255) Y Type of the script. Valid values are: ADC, CREATE_SCRIPT