
The DocumentExportPurgeBkg is the background process that purges completed exported documents from the export tables.

Class name DocumentExportPurgeBkg
Description A background process that deletes documents from the export tables after retention period of the tables is expired.
Processing See Performance Impact for more information.

DocumentExportBkg is a continuous, on-request start, free work model process. This requires an entry into the alco_background_process table. This does not need to be associated with a user id since this does not process work items in activity queues. This is a sample alco_background_process entry: 600022|DocumentExportPurgeBkg |1|3|4|h|3|122|1000|largesoft.documentExport|3|7001|localhost

The bkg_process_id (600022), server (localhost) and port number (7001) are samples and must be set to an appropriate value for the client installation.

Operations By default, the DocumentExportPurgeBKg is defined to be started only as On-Request. But, the DocumentExportPurgeBkg can be configured to be started when the application server starts and run continuously until stopped by a command request or an application server shutdown.
Recovery/restart The DocumentExportPurgeBkg can be setup to be auto restarted by the background process monitor in case of a failure.