Column Source Data type Null Description
export_inovice_alloc_ line_id N/A Int N A unique number (Bob ID) that serves as the primary key for the row.
export_invoice_hdr_id alex_invoice_export_ header - export_invoice_ hdr_id Int N The Bob ID of the alex_invoice_export_header row that is parent to this line item. This field establishes foreign key relationship to the alpr_INVOICE table.
export_invoice_line_id alex_invoice_export_line - export_invoice_line_id Int N Foreign key to the alex_invoice_export_line table. More than one occurrence of this value is possible if the line item has multiple allocations.
line_allocation_source_id aler_line_allocation - line_allocation_id Int N Foreign key to the source table, aler_line_ allocation
percent_allotted aler_line_allocation - percent_allotted numeric (26, 16) Y Percentage accounted by this allocation for the parent expense line.
base_amount aler_line_allocation - base_amount numeric (20, 10) Y The base amount for the line allocation. This is the amount to be exported.
cost_center_name aler_line_allocation - cost_center_id/ alco_cost_center - cost_center_name varchar(255) Y The cost center name for the allocation, if any. Derived from the alco_cost_center table.
cost_center_code ../aler_line_allocation - cost_center_id varchar(255) Y The cost center code for the allocation, if any. Derived from the alco_cost_center table.
cost_center_ekey aler_line_allocation- cost_center_id/ alco_cost_center varchar(255) Y External key that identifies the cost center.
Company_code aler_line_allocation- cost_center_id/ alco_cost_center - department_id/alco_company -company_code varchar(255) Y Company code of the cost center.
Company_name ../alco_company -company_name varchar(255) Y Company name of the cost center.
division_code ../alco_division - division_code varchar(255) Y Division code of the cost center.
division_name ../alco_division - division_name varchar(255) Y Division name of cost center.
department_code aler_line_allocation- cost_center_id/ alco_cost_center - department_id/alco_ department - department_code varchar(255) Y Department code cost center.
department_name ../alco_department - department_name varchar(255) Y Department name of cost Center.
project_code aler_line_allocation - project_number_id/ alco_project_number - project_code varchar(255) Y The project code for the allocation, if any.
parent_project_charge_ code ../alco_project_number - parent_project_number_ id/ alco_project_number - project_charge_code varchar(255) Y The parent project charge code for the above project_code, if any.
project_charge_code ../alco_project_number -project_charge_code varchar(255) Y The project charge code.
project_code_ekey aler_line_allocation - project_number_id/ alco_project_number varchar(255) Y External key that identifies the project for the allocation.
segment1_name alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name varchar(255) NULL Segment 1 name of allocation cost center
segment1_code alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code varchar(255) NULL Segment 1 code of allocation cost center
segment2_name alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name varchar(255) NULL Segment 2 name of allocation cost center
segment2_code alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code varchar(255) NULL Segment 2 code of allocation cost center
segment3_name alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name varchar(255) NULL Segment 3 name of allocation cost center
segment3_code alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code varchar(255) NULL Segment 3 code of allocation cost center
segment4_name alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name varchar(255) NULL Segment 4 name of allocation cost center
segment4_code alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code varchar(255) NULL Segment 4 code of allocation cost center
segment5_name alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name varchar(255) NULL Segment 5 name of allocation cost center
segment5_code alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code varchar(255) NULL Segment 5 code of allocation cost center
segment6_name alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name varchar(255) NULL Segment 6 name of allocation cost center
segment6_code alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code varchar(255) NULL Segment 6 code of allocation cost center
segment7_name alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name varchar(255) NULL Segment 7 name of allocation cost center
segment7_code alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code varchar(255) NULL Segment 7 code of allocation cost center
segment8_name alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name varchar(255) NULL Segment 8 name of allocation cost center
segment8_code alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code varchar(255) NULL Segment 8 code of allocation cost center
segment9_name alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name varchar(255) NULL Segment 9 name of allocation cost center
segment9_code alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code varchar(255) NULL Segment 9 code of allocation cost center
segment_count alco_cost_center_config - segment_count int NULL The number of segments in the cost center of this line item.
review_segment_name alco_cost_center_rev_segment - segment_name varchar(255) NULL The review segment name of the cost center of this line item.
review_segment_code alco_cost_center_rev_segment - segment_code varchar(255) NULL The review segment code of the cost center of this line item.