Column Source Data type Null Description
EXPORT_ER_LINE_ID N/A INT N A unique number (Bob ID) that serves as the primary key of this table. This is NOT the expense line item ID of aler_expense_line_item table.
EXPORT_ER_HDR_ID N/A INT N The Bob ID of the export_expense_header row that is parent to this line item. This field establishes a foreign key relationship back to the aler_expense_report_header table.
EXLI_EXP_LINE_ITEM_ID aler_expense_line_item - exp_line_item_id INT N Foreign key back to the source table, aler_expense_line_item. More than one occurrence of this value is possible if the line item has multiple allocations.
EXPORT_ER_LINE_STATUS N/A SMALLINT Y The export status of the line item. This column is not being used at present.
EXPORT_LINE_STATUS_ DATETIME N/A DATETIME Y The date and time, the line status was updated. This column is not being used at present.
EXLI_LINE_ALLOCATION_ID aler_line_allocation - line_allocation_id INT N Foreign key back to the source table, aler_line_allocation.
EXLI_ALLOC_BASE_AMT aler_line_allocation - base_amount NUMERIC (20, 10) Y The base amount for the line allocation. This is the amount to be exported.
EXLI_ALLOC_BASE_AMT_ CURRENCY aler_line_allocation - base_amount_id VARCHAR (10) Y The ISO code of the currency used for the above base amount.
EXLI_ALLOC_NATIVE_AMT aler_line_allocation - native_amount NUMERIC (20, 10) Y The amount for the allocation in its native currency.
EXLI_ALLOC_NATIVE_AMT_ CURR aler_line_allocation - native_amount_id VARCHAR(10) Y The ISO code of the currency used for the above native amount.
EXLI_EXPENSE_ITEM_DATE aler_expense_line_item - expense_item_date DATETIME Y Date that the expense was incurred.
EXLI_ERLI_EXCH_RATE aler_expense_line_item - erli_exch_rate NUMERIC (20, 10) Y Exchange rate used to convert native amount to base amount.
EXLI_ALLOC_PERCENT_ ALLOTTED aler_line_allocation - percent_allotted NUMERIC (26, 16) Y Percentage accounted by this allocation for the parent expense line.
EXLI_ALLOC_COST_CENTER_NAME alco_cost_center - cost_center_name VARCHAR (255) Y The cost center name for the allocation, if any. Derived from the alco_cost_center table, based on the cost_center_id stored in the aler_line_allocation table.
EXLI_ALLOC_COST_CENTER_CODE alco_cost_center - cost_center_code VARCHAR(255) Y The cost center code for the allocation, if any. Derived from the alco_cost_center table, based on the cost_center_id stored in the aler_line_allocation table.
EXLI_ALLOC_PROJECT_CODE alco_project_number - project_code VARCHAR(255) Y The project code for the allocation, if any. Derived from the table alco_project_number.
EXLI_ALLOC_PARENT_PROJ_CODE alco_project_number - parent_project_code VARCHAR(255) Y The parent project code for the above project code, if any. Derived from the table alco_project_number.
EXLI_ALLOC_TOP_PROJECT_CODE alco_project_number - top_project_code VARCHAR(255) Y The top project code for the above project code, if any. Derived from the table alco_project_number.
EXLI_LINE_PAYMENT_ METHOD_CODE aler_expense_line_item - payment_ type_id INT Y The type of payment for the expense line item. Valid Values are: 0 - unknown 1 - IBIP Corporate Card 2 - IBCP Corporate Card 4 - Company Paid 5 - Personal Funds 6 - Applied LCF Values were derived from alco_payment_method_info table's payment_method_code, via alco_payment_type.
EXLI_LINE_IS_PERSONAL_ FLAG aler_expense_line_item - is_personal SMALLINT Y Flag that designates if the expense line item has been marked as a personal expense. Values are: 0 - expense is not personal 1 - expense is personal If this field is 1, the expense is not reimbursable and should not be exported to the external system.
EXLI_EXPENSE_TYPE_LABEL aler_expense_line_item - expense_ type_id VARCHAR (255) Y Expense type of the expense line. Derived from alco_expense_type table's expense_type_label.
EXLI_EXPENSE_CATEGORY_LABEL aler_expense_line_item - expense_ type_id VARCHAR (255) Y Expense type category label of the expense line. Derived from alco_expense_type table's category_label.
EXLI_EXPENSE_GL_CODE aler_expense_line_item - item_gl_code VARCHAR (255) Y Expense line item's GL code.
EXLI_EXPENSE_CATEGORY_CLASS aler_expense_line_item - expense_ type_id SMALLINT Y Expense type category class. Derived from alco_expense_type table's category_class.
EXLI_EXPENSE_SPECIAL_ CODE aler_expense_line_item - expense_ type_id INT Y Starting with rel 6.5.1 and 6.6, the documented values (highlighted below) are not commonly used and are dependent on having those special codes configured with the expense type itself. The more common practice now is to setup an ADC DDLB and pull the value from the ADC export data if you have one meal expense type. Another approach is to use the external key to identify the particular expense_type (lunch). For example: select a.expense_type_ekey, c.* from aler_expense_export_line a, alco_guest_wrapper b, alco_guest c where a.EXLI_EXP_LINE_ITEM_ID=b.parent_id and b.guest_id=c.guest_id Here are the current values available: expense_special_code_id expense_special_code expense_special_code_name 830100 0 @@SAT_EXP_SPECIAL_CODE_1 830105 5 @@SAT_EXP_SPECIAL_CODE_2 830107 7 @@SAT_EXP_SPECIAL_CODE_3 830113 13 @@SAT_EXP_SPECIAL_CODE_4 830114 14 @@SAT_EXP_SPECIAL_CODE_5 830115 15 @@SAT_EXP_SPECIAL_CODE_6 830116 16 @@SAT_EXP_SPECIAL_CODE_7 830117 17 @@SAT_EXP_SPECIAL_CODE_8 830121 21 @@SAT_EXP_SPECIAL_CODE_9 830122 22 @@SAT_EXP_SPECIAL_CODE_10 830123 23 @@SAT_EXP_SPECIAL_CODE_VAT 830124 24 @@SAT_EXP_SPECIAL_CODE_ROOM_TAX Old Method: Expense type special code. Derived from alco_expense_type table's expense_special_code. A code that defines the processing attributes of an expense type. Valid values are : ET_UNKNOWN = -1 ET_OTHER =0 ET_BREAKFAST =1 ET_DINNER =2 ET_LUNCH=3 ET_BUSINESS_MEALS=4 ET_ENTERTAINMENT =5 ET_GIFTS =6 ET_MILEAGE =7 ET_CHAR_DON=8 ET_GIFTS_LOGO=9 ET_PROM_SPON = 10 ET_SPOUSAL_LODGING = 11 ET_SPOUSAL_MEALS = 12 ET_SPOUSAL_TRAVEL = 13 ET_ENT_SPORTS = 14 ET_CLUB_MEMBERSHIP = 15 ET_CASH_ADVANCE= 16 ET_AIRLINE_TICKET= 17 ET_CAR_RENTAL= 21 ET_PAYMENT_MADE = 22
EXLI_MAJOR_ACCOUNT aler_expense_line_item - expense_type_id VARCHAR (255) Y Used as a second source of GL codes. Optional for an installation. Derived from col. Major_account of table alco_expense_type
EXLI_EXPENSE_EXTERNAL_SYSID aler_expense_line_item - expense_type_id VARCHAR (255) Y The key to identify an expense type in an external system. Derived from col. External_system_id in table alco_expense_type.
EXLI_ERLI_AMT_PAID aler_expense_line_ item - erli_amt_paid NUMERIC (20, 10) Y This is the total amount approved for the line. If the line has multiple allocations, this amount is the sum of all the allocations base amounts. This value may be repeated in several rows in this table when there are multiple allocations since a row in this table represents a line/allocation combination. This is not the value to export. Allocation amount for this entry should be used for export.
EXLI_ERLI_NATIVE_AMT aler_expense_line_item - erli_native_ amount NUMERIC (20, 10) Y This column contains the expense line native amount in the native currency. Its value, when converted, should equal the PAID_AMOUNT.
EXLI_ERLI_AMT_PAID_ CURRENCY aler_expense_line_item - erli_amt_paid _id VARCHAR (10) Y The ISO code of the currency for the exli_erli_amt_paid amount. Derived from currency_code_iso of alco_currency table.
EXLI_ERLI_NATIVE_AMT_ CURRENCY aler_expense_line_item - erli_native_ amount_id VARCHAR (10) Y The ISO code for the currency for the exli_erli_native_amt col. Derived from currency_code_iso of alco_currency table.
EXLI_VENDOR_NAME aler_expense_line_item - vendor_id VARCHAR (255) Y Vendor associated with the current expense line. Derived from col. Vendor_name in table alco_vendor
EXLI_VENDOR_GIVEN_SIC aler_expense_line_item - vendor_id VARCHAR (255) Y Above vendor's SIC code. Derived from col. Vendor_given_sic in table alco_vendor
exli_purpose aler_expense_line_item - purpose_id VARCHAR (255) Y Expense line purpose.
Exli_expense_description aler_expense_line_item - expense_ description VARCHAR (255) Y Expense line description.
Exli_city aler_expense_line_item - city_id VARCHAR (255) Y City where expense was incurred.
Exli_state aler_expense_line_item - city_id VARCHAR (255) Y State where expense was incurred. Derived from col. State_name in the table alco_city
exli_country aler_expense_line_item - city_id VARCHAR (255) Y Country where expense was incurred. Derived from col. Country_name in the table alco_city
EXLI_CC_CARD_NUMBER alcc_card - ccard_account VARCHAR (255) Y exli_cc_card_number is from alcc_card.ccard_account Credit or charge card account number
EXLI_CC_ISSUER alcc_card - ccard_issuer VARCHAR (255) Y exli_cc_issuer is from alcc_card.ccard_issuer The name of the card, from the user's point of view
EXLI_PAYMENT_TYPE_LABEL alco_payment_type - payment_type_label - VARCHAR (255) Y The payment label of the associated payment type for the line item.
Exli_ALLOC_project_charge_code alco_project_number- project_charge_code VARCHAR (255) Y The project charge code for the allocation, if any. This column exists in earlier versions as exli_project_charge_ code. Derived from the table alco_project_number.
eXli_miles aler_expense_line_item -miles numeric(15,5) Y Mileage for mileage expense lines.
eXli_odometer_start aler_expense_line_item -odometer_start numeric(15,5) Y Odometer start reading for mileage expense lines.
eXli_odometer_end aler_expense_line_item -odometer_end numeric(15,5) Y Odometer end reading for mileage expense lines.
EXLI_PERDIEM_AMOUNT aler_expense_line_item - perdiem_ amount numeric (20,10) Y exli_perdiem_amount is from aler_expense_line_item.perdiem_amount
EXLI_PERDIEM_AMOUNT_ currency aler_expense_line_item - perdiem_ amount_id VARCHAR (10) Y exli_perdiem_amount_currency is the iso code of the currency with id aler_expense_line_item.perdiem_amount_id
EXLI_CCt_REFERENCE aler_expense_line_item - cct_reference VARCHAR(255) Y Reference number if the expense is the credit card transaction.
Exli_alloc_is_billable aler_line_allocation - is_billable smallint Y Determines if the allocation is billable.
Exli_county aler_expense_line_item - city_id VARCHAR (255) Y County where expense is incurred.
EXLI_SUBURB aler_expense_line_item - city_id VARCHAR (255) Y Suburb where expense is incurred.
EXLI_STREET aler_expense_line_item - city_id VARCHAR (255) Y Street where expense is incurred.
ALLOC_BASE_CURRENCY_ EKEY aler_line_allocation - base_amount_id VARCHAR (255) Y External key identifying the base amount currency for the allocation.
ALLOC_NATIVE_CURRENCY_EKEY aler_line_allocation - native_amount_id VARCHAR (255) Y External key identifying the native amount currency for the allocation.
ALLOC_COST_CENTER_EKEY aler_line_allocation - cost_center_id VARCHAR (255) Y External key identifying the cost center for the allocation.
ALLOC_PROJECT_EKEY aler_line_allocation - project_number_id VARCHAR (255) Y External key identifying the project for the allocation.
PAYMENT_TYPE_EKEY aler_expense_line_item - payment_type_id VARCHAR (255) Y External key identifying the payment type.
EXPENSE_TYPE_EKEY aler_expense_line_item - expense_type_id VARCHAR (255) Y External key identifying the expense type.
AMT_PAID_CURRENCY_EKEY aler_expense_line_item - erli_amt_paid_id VARCHAR (255) Y External key identifying the amount paid currency.
NATIVE_AMT_CURRENCY_ EKEY aler_expense_line_item - erli_native_amt_id VARCHAR (255) Y External key identifying the native amount currency.
VENDOR_EKEY aler_expense_line_item - vendor_id VARCHAR (255) Y External key identifying the vendor.
PURPOSE_EKEY aler_expense_line_item - purpose_id VARCHAR (255) Y External key identifying the purpose.
LOCATION_EKEY aler_expense_line_item - location_id VARCHAR (255) Y External key identifying the location.
PERDIEM_AMOUNT_ CURRENCY_EKEY aler_expense_line_item - perdiem_amount_id VARCHAR (255) Y External key identifying the per diem amount currency.
CC_TRANSACTION_ID aler_expense_line_item - cc_transaction_id INT Y If this is a credit card transaction, this is its id
EXPENSE_ITEM_DEPART_ DATE aler_expense_line_item - expense_item_ depart_date DATETIME Y The departure date for the expense line
ORIGIN_AIRPORT aler_expense_line_item - origin_airport VARCHAR (4) Y The origin airport code for the expense line
DEST_AIRPORT aler_expense_line_item - dest_airport VARCHAR (4) Y The destination airport code for the expense line
BOOKING_AGENT_NAME aler_expense_line_item - booking_agent VARCHAR (50) Y Name of the booking agent for the expense line
BOOKING_AGENT_DESCRIPTION aler_expense_line_item - booking_agent VARCHAR (255) Y Description of the booking agent for the expense line
BOOKING_AGENT_EKEY aler_expense_line_item - booking_agent VARCHAR (255) Y External key identifying the booking agent for the expense line
TICKET_STATUS_NAME aler_expense_line_item - ticket_status VARCHAR (255) Y The ticket status name for the expense line
TICKET_STATUS_EKEY aler_expense_line_item - ticket_status VARCHAR (255) Y External key identifying the ticket status for the expense line
TICKET_NUMBER aler_expense_line_item - ticket_number VARCHAR (50) Y Ticket number for the expense line
CAR_RENTAL_AGREEMENT aler_expense_line_item - car_rental_ agreement VARCHAR (50) Y Car rental agreement for the expense line
AIR_SERVICE_CLASS_CODE aler_expense_line_item - airline_class_of_ service VARCHAR (3) Y Air service class code for the expense line
AIR_SERVICE_CLASS_NAME aler_expense_line_item - airline_class_of_service VARCHAR (255) Y Air service class name for the expense line
AIR_SERVICE_CLASS_EKEY aler_expense_line_item - airline_class_of_service VARCHAR (255) Y External key identifying the air service class for the expense line
CAR_SERVICE_CLASS_CODE aler_expense_line_item - car_class_of_ service VARCHAR (3) Y Car service class code for the expense line
CAR_SERVICE_CLASS_NAME aler_expense_line_item - car_class_of_service VARCHAR (255) Y Car service class name for the expense line
CAR_SERVICE_CLASS_EKEY aler_expense_line_item - car_class_of_ service VARCHAR (255) Y External key identifying the car service class for the expense line
HOTEL_SERVICE_CLASS_CODE aler_expense_line_item - hotel_class_of_ service VARCHAR (3) Y Hotel service class code for the expense line
HOTEL_SERVICE_CLASS_NAME aler_expense_line_item - hotel_class_of_ service VARCHAR (255) Y Hotel service class name for the expense line
HOTEL_SERVICE_CLASS_EKEY aler_expense_line_item - hotel_class_of_ service VARCHAR (255) Y External key identifying the hotel service class for the expense line
MILEAGE_RATE_NAME aler_expense_line_item - mileage_rate_id VARCHAR (40) Y Description of the applicable mileage rate. It refers to description column in alco_mileage_rate table.
MILEAGE_RATE_EKEY aler_expense_line_item - mileage_rate_id VARCHAR (255) Y External key identifying the applicable mileage rate.
MILEAGE_PASSENGER_NUM aler_expense_line_item - mileage_ passenger_num int Y Specifies how many passengers are on the same rental vehicle.
ALLOC_DEPARTMENT_NAME aler_line_allocation - cost_center_id VARCHAR (255) Y Name of the department the cost center of the allocation belongs to.
ALLOC_DEPARTMENT_CODE aler_line_allocation - cost_center_id VARCHAR (255) Y Code of the department the cost center of the allocation belongs to.
ALLOC_DIVISION_NAME aler_line_allocation - cost_center_id VARCHAR (255) Y Name of the division the cost center of the allocation belongs to.
ALLOC_DIVISION_CODE aler_line_allocation - cost_center_id VARCHAR (255) Y Code of the division of the cost center allocation.
ALLOC_COMPANY_NAME aler_line_allocation - cost_center_id VARCHAR (255) Y Name of the company of the cost center allocation.
ALLOC_COMPANY_CODE aler_line_allocation - cost_center_id VARCHAR (255) Y Code of the company the cost center of the allocation belongs to.
Cc_level3_detail_id aler_level3_ attachment - cc_level3_detail_id INT Y cc_level3_detail_id is from aler_level3_attachment.cc_level3_detail_id which is a foreign key to alcc_level3_detail.cc_ level3_detail_id Key into alcc_level3_detail if created from hotel folio.
Guest_count aler_expense_line_item - guest_count INT Y line item total guest count
paid_amount aler_expense_line_item - erli_amt_paid NUMERIC (20, 10) Y The amount of the expense in the user's currency before the approved amount is applied. (exli_erli_amt_paid is the amount of the expense after the approved amount is applied.)
paid_amount_currency aler_expense_line_item - erli_amt_paid_id VARCHAR (10) Y The ISO code of the currency for paid_amount. Derived from currency_code_iso of alco_currency table.
FLEX_FIELD_STRING_1 aler_expense_line_item - flex_field_string_1 VARCHAR (255) Y Flex Field in String type
FLEX_FIELD_STRING_2 aler_expense_line_item - flex_field_string_2 VARCHAR (255) Y Flex Field in String type
FLEX_FIELD_STRING_3 aler_expense_line_item - flex_field_string_3 VARCHAR (255) Y Flex Field in String type
FLEX_FIELD_STRING_4 aler_expense_line_item - flex_field_string_4 VARCHAR (255) Y Flex Field in String type
FLEX_FIELD_INTEGER_1 alex_expense_line_item - fles_field_integer_1 INT Y Flex Field in Integer type
FLEX_FIELD_INTEGER_2 alex_expense_line_item - flex_field_integer_2 INT Y Flex Field in Integer type
FLEX_FIELD_DATE _1 aler_expense_line_item - flex_field_date_1 DATETIME Y Flex Field in Datetime type
FLEX_FIELD_DATE _2 aler_expense_line_item - flex_field_date_2 DATETIME Y Flex Field in Datetime type
FLEX_FIELD_AMT _1 aler_expense_line_item - flex_field_amount_1 NUMERIC (20) Y Flex Field in Decimal for Currency
FLEX_FIELD_AMT_1_CURRENCY aler_expense_line_item - flex_field_ amount _1_id VARCHAR (10) Y Flex Field for Currency Id
FLEX_FIELD_AMT _2 aler_expense_line_item - flex_field_ amount _2 NUMERIC (20) Y Flex Field in Decimal for Currency
FLEX_FIELD_AMT_2_CURRENCY aler_expense_line_item- flex_field_ amount _2_id VARCHAR (10) Y Flex Field for Currency Id
FLEX_FIELD_LOC_1_EKEY aler_expense_line_item - flex_field_location_1_id VARCHAR (255) Y Flex Field Location external key
FLEX_FIELD_LOC_1_COUNTY aler_expense_line_item - flex_field_location_1_id VARCHAR (255) Y Flex Field Location located in this county
FLEX_FIELD_LOC_1_STATE aler_expense_line_item - flex_field_location_1_id VARCHAR (255) Y Flex Field Location located in this state
FLEX_FIELD_LOC_1_COUNTRY aler_expense_line_item - flex_field_location_1_id VARCHAR (255) Y Flex Field Location located in this country
FLEX_FIELD_LOC_1_CITY aler_expense_line_item - flex_field_location_1_id VARCHAR (255) Y Flex Field Location located in this city
FLEX_FIELD_LOC_1_SUBURB aler_expense_line_item - flex_field_location_1_id VARCHAR (255) Y Flex Field Location located in this suburb
FLEX_FIELD_LOC_1_STREET aler_expense_line_item - flex_field_location_1_id VARCHAR (255) Y Flex Field Location located in this street
FLEX_FIELD_DDLB_1_CODE aler_flex_ddlb_6 - flex_ddlb_code VARCHAR (255) Y Code of Flex Field DDLB 1
FLEX_FIELD_DDLB_1_VALUE aler_flex_ddlb_6 - flex_ddlb_value VARCHAR (255) Y Value of Flex Field DDLB 1
FLEX_FIELD_DDLB_2_CODE aler_flex_ddlb_7 - flex_ddlb_code VARCHAR (255) Y Code of Flex Field DDLB 2
FLEX_FIELD_DDLB_2_VALUE aler_flex_ddlb_7 - flex_ddlb_value VARCHAR (255) Y Value of Flex Field DDLB 2
FLEX_FIELD_DDLB_3_CODE aler_flex_ddlb_8 - flex_ddlb_code VARCHAR (255) Y Code of Flex Field DDLB 3
FLEX_FIELD_DDLB_3_VALUE aler_flex_ddlb_8 - flex_ddlb_value VARCHAR (255) Y Value of Flex Field DDLB 3
FLEX_FIELD_DDLB_4_CODE aler_flex_ddlb_9 - flex_ddlb_code VARCHAR (255) Y Code of Flex Field DDLB 4
FLEX_FIELD_DDLB_4_VALUE aler_flex_ddlb_9 - flex_ddlb_value VARCHAR (255) Y Value of Flex Field DDLB 4
FLEX_FIELD_DDLB_5_CODE aler_flex_ddlb_10 - flex_ddlb_code VARCHAR (255) Y Code of Flex Field DDLB 5
FLEX_FIELD_DDLB_5_VALUE aler_flex_ddlb_10 - flex_ddlb_value VARCHAR (255) Y Value of Flex Field DDLB 5
EXLI_PCI_TOKEN alcc_card - pci_token VARCHAR (255) Y Token returned by PCI vendor
ALLOC_SEGMENT1_NAME alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name VARCHAR (255) Y Segment 1 name of allocation cost center
ALLOC_SEGMENT1_CODE alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code VARCHAR (255) Y Segment 1 code of allocation cost center
ALLOC_SEGMENT2_NAME alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name VARCHAR (255) Y Segment 2 name of allocation cost center
ALLOC_SEGMENT2_CODE alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code VARCHAR (255) Y Segment 2 code of allocation cost center
ALLOC_SEGMENT3_NAME alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name VARCHAR (255) Y Segment 3 name of allocation cost center
ALLOC_SEGMENT3_CODE alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code VARCHAR (255) Y Segment 3 code of allocation cost center
ALLOC_SEGMENT4_NAME alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name VARCHAR (255) Y Segment 4 name of allocation cost center
ALLOC_SEGMENT4_CODE alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code VARCHAR (255) Y Segment 4 code of allocation cost center
ALLOC_SEGMENT5_NAME alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name VARCHAR (255) Y Segment 5 name of allocation cost center
ALLOC_SEGMENT5_CODE alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code VARCHAR (255) Y Segment 5 code of allocation cost center
ALLOC_SEGMENT6_NAME alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name VARCHAR (255) Y Segment 6 name of allocation cost center
ALLOC_SEGMENT6_CODE alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code VARCHAR (255) Y Segment 6 code of allocation cost center
ALLOC_SEGMENT7_NAME alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name VARCHAR (255) Y Segment 7 name of allocation cost center
ALLOC_SEGMENT7_CODE alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code VARCHAR (255) Y Segment 7 code of allocation cost center
ALLOC_SEGMENT8_NAME alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name VARCHAR (255) Y Segment 8 name of allocation cost center
ALLOC_SEGMENT8_CODE alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code VARCHAR (255) Y Segment 8 code of allocation cost center
ALLOC_SEGMENT9_NAME alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name VARCHAR (255) Y Segment 9 name of allocation cost center
ALLOC_SEGMENT9_CODE alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code VARCHAR (255) Y Segment 9 code of allocation cost center
SEGMENT_COUNT alco_cost_center_config - segment_count INTEGER Y The number of segments in this line item's cost center.
ALLOC_REVIEW_SEGMENT_NAME alco_cost_center_rev_segment - segment_name VARCHAR (255) Y The review segment name of this line item's cost center.
ALLOC_REVIEW_SEGMENT_CODE alco_cost_center_rev_segment - segment_code VARCHAR (255) Y The review segment code of this line item's cost center.
GUEST_ENTRY_MODE aler_expense_line_item - guest_entry_mode SMALLINT Y The guest entry mode (Count, Guests, or Both)
GUEST_AMOUNTS_EQUAL aler_expense_line_item - guest_amounts_equal SMALLINT Y Whether the line item amount is equally split across guests
GUEST_NO_SHOW_COUNT aler_expense_line_item - guest_no_show_count INTEGER Y The guest no-show
PASSENGER_NAME aler_expense_line_item – passenger_name VARCHAR (255) Y Passenger name from passenger_name in alcc_transaction_detail. Used on airfare transactions
EXPORT_STATUS aler_expense_line_item – export_status INTEGER Y the export status (0=not exported, 1=exported, 2=marked for re-export)
VOID_STATUS aler_expense_line_item – void_status INTEGER Y the void status (0=not voided, 1=voided, 2=this is a reversal that cancels out a voided line item)
REVERSAL_LINE_ITEM_ID aler_expense_line_item – reversal_line_item_id INTEGER Y for voided/reversal line items, this is the matching reversal/voided line item
EXPORT_DATE aler_expense_line_item – export_date DATETIME Y The date the item was first exported to the financial system
TAX1 aler_expense_line_item – tax1 NUMERIC(28, 10) Y Store the tax value
TAX1_ID aler_expense_line_item – tax1_id INTEGER Y Store the tax currency id
TAX2 aler_expense_line_item – tax2 NUMERIC(28, 10) Y Store the tax value
TAX2_ID aler_expense_line_item – tax2_id INTEGER Y Store the tax currency id
BILLING_PERIOD aler_expense_line_item – billing period INTEGER Y The billing period from the credit card feed. The billing period describes a statement period, similar to the statement date. Currently, only Visa is setting the billing period.