Column Source Data type Null Description
external_key VARCHAR(255) N A unique string in this table.
budget_ekey alco_budget_line -– budget_id VARCHAR(255) Y The external key of this budget
budget_name alco_budget -– name VARCHAR(255) N The name of this budget.
budget_description alco_budget -– description VARCHAR(1000) Y The description of this budget.
start_date alco_budget -– start_date TIMESTAMP N The start date of this budget.
end_date alco_budget -– end_date TIMESTAMP N The end date of this buget.
currency_ekey alco_budget -– currency_id VARCHAR(255) N The currency external key of this budget.
gl_code alco_budget_account -– gl_code VARCHAR(200) N The gl code of the budget account.
budgeted_amount alco_budget_line -– budgeted_amount NUMERIC(20, 10) N The budgeted amount of the budget line.
adjusted_amount alco_budget_line -– adjusted_amount NUMERIC(20, 10) Y The adjusted amount of the budget line.
allocated_amount alco_budget_line -– allocated_amount NUMREIC(20, 10) Y The allocated amount of the budget line.
committed_amount alco_budget_line -– committed_amount NUMERIC(20, 10) Y The committed amount of the budget line.
cost_center_ekey alco_budget_line -– cost_center_id VARCHAR(255) Y The cost center external key of the budget line.
project_ekey alco_budget_line - project_id VARCHAR(255) Y The project external key of the budget line.
status alco_budget_line - active_status INTEGER N The status of this budget.