Column Source Data type Null Description
Export_TAX_LOCATION_ line_id N/A int N A unique sequence number that serves as the primary key for the row. This is not the line item ID of the alts_TAX_LOCATION table.
export_hdr_id N/A int N The ID of the corresponding header row in the alts_export_header table.
ts_tax_location_id alts_tax_location - ts_tax_location_id int N Unique identifier of this timesheet tax location line item.
ts_tax_loc_date alts_tax_location - ts_tax_loc_date datetime N The date when the tax location is applicable.
tax_location alco_location Bob element : Location.locationName varchar(255) N The location where the tax is applicable for the specific date.
tax_location_ekey alts_tax_location - location_id varchar(255) Y External key that identifies the location.