Column Source Data type Null Description
EXPORT_TR_LINE_ID N/A INT N A unique number that serves as the primary key of this table. This is not the extr_line_item_id of altr_line_item table.
EXPORT_TR_HDR_ID N/A INT Y The BOb ID (PK) of altr_travel_plan_export_ header row that is parent to the line items in this table.
EXTR_EXPORT_LINE_ STATUS N/A INT Y The export status of the line item.
EXTR_LINE_STATUS_ DATETIME N/A DATETIME Y The date and time when the status is last updated.
EXTR_TR_LINE_ITEM_ ID altr_line_item - tr_line_item_id INT Y Foreign key back to the source table, altr_line_item.
EXTRLI_ITEM_TYPE altr_line_item - tr_item_type_id VARCHAR (255) Y Identifies the type of travel cost for this line item, example "Hotel."
EXTRLI_PURPOSE altr_line_item - purpose VARCHAR (255) Y Identifies purpose of this item.
EXTRLI_FROM_DATE altr_line_item - from_date DATETIME Y Date of origin.
EXTRLI_FROM_TIME altr_line_item - from_time DATETIME Y Time of origin (start of trip).
EXTRLI_TO_DATE altr_line_item - to_date DATETIME Y Date of destination.
EXTRLI_TO_TIME altr_line_item - to_time DATETIME Y Time of destination.
EXTRLI_CURRENCY_ISO CHAR (3) Y The ISO code for the base currency used in amounts (except native amounts).
EXTRLI_COST altr_line_item - tax NUMERIC (20, 10) Y Cost of this line item.
EXTRLI_TAX_COST altr_line_item - tax_cost NUMERIC (20, 10) Y Estimated tax associated with the cost of this line item.
EXTRLI_DAILY_RATE altr_line_item - daily_rate NUMERIC (20, 10) Y Daily rate for this item. Example: 29.95 for the car rental.
EXTRLI_NATIVE_ CURRENCY_ISO altr_line_item - daily_rate_native_id CHAR (3) Y The ISO code for native currency associated with native amounts.
EXTRLI_DAILY_RATE_ NATIVE altr_line_item - daily_rate_native NUMERIC (20, 10) Y Daily rate for this item, in currency local to where expense will be incurred.
EXTRLI_EXCHANGE_RATE altr_line_item - exch_rate NUMERIC (20, 10) Y Exchange rate between local and default currency.
EXTRLI_REIMBURSE_RATE altr_line_item - reimburse_rate NUMERIC (20, 10) Y
EXTRLI_AVERAGE_COST altr_line_item - average_cost NUMERIC (20, 10) Y
EXTRLI_MILES altr_line_item - miles INT Y Miles driven.
EXTRLI_DESCRIPTION_1 altr_line_item - description1 VARCHAR (255) Y For air segment, this field stores the "from airport" code and name. For car segment, this field stores the pickup location code.
EXTRLI_DESCRIPTION_2 altr_line_item - description2 VARCHAR (255) Y For air segment, this field stores the "to airport" code and name. For car segment, this field stores the drop-off location code.
EXTRLI_EXT_BOOKING_ KEY altr_line_item - ext_booking_key VARCHAR (255) Y For imported line items, this column may contain an external identifier for it into another system.
EXTRLI_CUST_DEF_1 altr_line_item - cust_def_1 VARCHAR (255) Y A customer defined field.
EXTRLI_CUST_DEF_2 altr_line_item - cust_def_2 VARCHAR (255) Y A customer defined field.
EXTRLI_CUST_DEF_3 altr_line_item - cust_def_3 VARCHAR (255) Y A customer defined field.
EXTRLI_CHARGE_TO_ STRING altr_line_item_ allocation - charge_to_string VARCHAR (255) Y Entity this item is charged to display string.
EXTRLI_CHARGE_TO_ CODE altr_line_item_ allocation - charge_to_code INT Y 1 = Cost center 2 = Project code
EXTRLI_ALLOC_BASE_AMT aler_line_allocation - base_amount NUMERIC (20, 10) Y The base amount for the line allocation. This is the amount to be exported.
EXTRLI_ALLOC_BASE_AMT_ISO aler_line_allocation - base_amount_id VARCHAR (10) Y The ISO code of the currency used for the above base amount.
EXTRLI_ALLOC_NATIVE_ AMT aler_line_allocation - native_amount NUMERIC (20, 10) Y The amount for the allocation in its native currency.
EXTRLI_ALLOC_NATIVE_ AMT_ISO aler_line_allocation - native_amount_id VARCHAR (10) Y The ISO code of the currency used for the above native amount.
EXTRLI_ALLOC_EXCH_ RATE altr_line_item - exch_rate NUMERIC (20, 10) Y Exchange rate between local and default currency.
EXTRLI_ALLOC_PERCENT_ALLOTTED aler_line_allocation - percent_allotted NUMERIC (26, 16) Y Percentage accounted by this allocation for the parent expense line.
EXTRLI_ALLOC_COST_ CENTER_NAME alco_cost_center - cost_center_name VARCHAR (255) Y The cost center name for the allocation, if any. Derived from the alco_cost_center table.
EXTRLI_ALLOC_COST_ CENTER_CODE aler_line_allocation - cost_center_id VARCHAR (255) Y The cost center code for the allocation, if any. Derived from the alco_cost_center table.
EXTRLI_ALLOC_PROJECT_CODE aler_line_allocation - project_number_id VARCHAR (255) Y The project code for the allocation, if any. Derived from the table alco_project_number.
EXTRLI_ALLOC_PARENT_ PROJECT_CD alco_project_number - parent_project_code VARCHAR (255) Y The parent project code for the above project_code, if any. Derived from the table alco_project_number.
EXTRLI_ALLOC_TOP_ PROJECT_CODE alco_project_number - top_project_code VARCHAR (255) Y The top project code for the above project_code, if any. Derived from the table alco_project_number.
EXTRLI_ALLOC_PROJECT_NUM_BOBID aler_line_allocation - project_number_id INT Y
EXTRLI_ALER_ALLOC_LINE_ID aler_line_allocation - line_allocation_id INT Y This is the BOb ID of the aler_line_allocation row for this line item. Note: Not the same as the one from altr_line_allocation, which may not be in use.
EXTRLI_EXPTYPE_SPECIAL_CODE altr_line_item - tr_item_type_id INT Y The special code value (See table alco_expense_ special_code for domain values) of the expense type associated with the travel line item. See EXLI_EXPENSE_SPECIAL_CODE column of Expense Report Line Export table for possible values of this field.
EXTRLI_FROM_STREET altr__line_item - from_location VARCHAR (255) Y Street.
EXTRLI_FROM_SUBURB altr__line_item - from_location VARCHAR (255) Y Suburb.
exTRli_FROM_city altr__line_item - from_location VARCHAR (255) Y City of the "from location."
exTRli_FROM_county altr__line_item - from_location VARCHAR (255) Y County of the "from location."
exTRli_FROM_state altr__line_item - from_location VARCHAR (255) Y State of the "from location."
exTRli_FROM_country altr__line_item - from_location VARCHAR (255) Y Country where "to location" exists.
EXTRLI_TO_STREET altr__line_item - to_location VARCHAR (255) Y "To location" street.
EXTRLI_TO_SUBURB altr__line_item - to_location VARCHAR (255) Y Suburb.
exTRli_TO_city altr__line_item - to_location VARCHAR (255) Y City of the "from location."
exTRli_TO_county altr__line_item - to_location VARCHAR (255) Y County of the "from location."
exTRli_TO_state altr__line_item - to_location VARCHAR (255) Y State of the "from location."
exTRli_TO_country altr__line_item - to_location VARCHAR (255) Y Country where "from location" exists.
exTRli_alloc_is_billable aler_line_allocation - is_billable smallint Y Determines if the allocated expense billable.
TRAVEL_ITEM_EKEY altr_line_item - tr_item_type_id VARCHAR (255) Y External key identifying the type of travel.
PURPOSE_EKEY altr_line_item - purpose VARCHAR (255) Y External key identifying the purpose.
CURRENCY_EKEY altr_line_item - cost_id VARCHAR (255) Y External key identifying the base amounts currency.
NATIVE_CURRENCY_EKEY altr_line_item - daily_rate_native_id VARCHAR (255) Y External key identifying the native amounts currency.
ALLOC_BASE_CURRENCY_EKEY aler_line_allocation - base_amount_id VARCHAR (255) Y External key identifying the base amount currency for the allocation.
ALLOC_NATIVE_CURRENCY_EKEY aler_line_allocation - native_amount_id VARCHAR (255) Y External key identifying the native amount currency for the allocation.
ALLOC_COST_CENTER_ EKEY aler_line_allocation - cost_center_id VARCHAR (255) Y External key identifying the cost center for the allocation.
ALLOC_PROJECT_EKEY aler_line_allocation - project_number_id VARCHAR (255) Y External key identifying the project for the allocation.
FROM_LOCATION_EKEY altr_line_item - from_location VARCHAR (255) Y External key identifying the "from location."
TO_LOCATION_EKEY altr_line_item - to_location VARCHAR (255) Y External key identifying the "to location."
TRIP_TYPE altr_line_item - trip_type CHAR (2) Y RT for round trip, OW for one way, MC for multi-city
FROM_AIRPORT_CODE altr_line_item - from_airport_code CHAR (3) Y Three character airport code for the part of this leg of the trip
TO_AIRPORT_CODE altr_line_item - to_airport_code CHAR (3) Y Three character airport code for part of trip
LOWEST_AIRFARE altr_line_item - lowest_airfare NUMBER (20, 10) Y The lowest airfare, typically coming from the imported itinerary
LOWEST_AIRFARE_ CURRENCY_ISO altr_line_item - lowest_airfare_id CHAR (3) Y ISO currency code associated with the lowest airfare
LOWEST_AIRFARE_ CURRENCY_EKEY altr_line_item - lowest_airfare_id VARCHAR (255) Y External key of the currency associated with the lowest airfare
LOWEST_HOTEL_RATE altr_line_item - lowest_hotel_rate NUMBER (20, 10) Y The lowest hotel, typically coming from the imported itinerary
LOWEST_HOTEL_RATE_ CURR_ISO altr_line_item - lowest_hotel_rate CHAR (3) Y ISO currency code associated with the lowest hotel rate
LOWEST_HOTEL_RATE_ CURR_EKEY altr_line_item - lowest_hotel_rate VARCHAR (255) Y External key of the currency associated with the lowest hotel rate
BOOKING_SOURCE altr_line_item - booking_source CHAR (2) Y ON for online-booked, OF for offline-booked
AGENCY_NAME altr_line_item - agency_name VARCHAR (40) Y The agency name for those travel plans not booked online
GUEST_COUNT altr_line_item - guest_count INT Y Line item total guest count
GUEST_ENTRY_MODE altr_line_item - guest_entry_mode SMALLINT Y The guest entry mode (Count, Guests, or Both)
GUEST_AMOUNTS_EQUAL altr_line_item - guest_amounts_equal SMALLINT Y Whether the line item amount is equally split across guests
GUEST_NO_SHOW_COUNT Altr_line_item - guest_no_show_count INT Y The guest no-show count
EXPORT_STATUS altr_line_item – export_status INT Y the export status (0=not exported, 1=exported, 2=marked for re-export)
VOID_STATUS altr_line_item – void_status INT Y the void status (0=not voided, 1=voided, 2=this is a reversal that cancels out a voided line item)
REVERSAL_LINE_ITEM_ID altr_line_item – reversal_line_item_id INT Y for voided/reversal line items, this is the matching reversal/voided line item
EXPORT_DATE altr_line_item – export_date DATETIME Y The date the item was first exported to the financial system