Column Source Data type Null Description
overage_export_ allocation_id int NOT NULL PK - a unique ID for this table. Example: 1234567890
export_er_hdr_id int NOT NULL FK reference to the expense report header table (aler_expense_export_header) Example: -1999998782
overage_id aler_overage - over_id int NOT NULL FK to aler_overage Example: -1999998781
exp_line_item_id aler_expense_line_item - exp_line _item_id int NULL FK to the bobid of the line_item in the aler_expense_line_item table. This can be null if this is an allocation to the overage gl account and not-null if this is an allocation to the gl account of the line item. Example: -1999998783
base_amt aler_line_allocation - base_ amount Numeric NULL The base amount for the allocation associated with this overage. Example: 36.71
base_amt_ currency varchar (3) NULL The ISO code of the currency used for base_amt
base_currency_ ekey varchar (255) NULL External key for the base amount currency
native_amt aler_line_ allocation - native_amount Numeric (20, 10) NULL The amount for the allocation associated with this overage in the native currency Example: 38.00
native_amt_ currency varchar(3) NULL The ISO code of the currency used for native_amt
native_currency_ ekey varchar (255) NULL External key for native amount currency
percent_allotted aler_line_allocation - percent_allocated Numeric (26, 16) NULL Corresponds to col percent_allotted in table aler_line_allocation Example: 1.0
is_billable aler_line_allocation - is_billable smallint NULL Indicates if the allocation is billable Example: 1
is_approved aler_line_allocation - is_approved smallint NULL Cooresponds to the is_approved column of aler_line_allocation Example: 1
expense_gl_code aler_expense_line_item - item_gl_code or aler_overage - gl_account varchar (255) NULL GL code for this allocation. Could be from the line item or the overage record. Example: '9999-Overage'
overage_date aler_overage - overage_date datetime NULL Date taken from the line item(s) Example: 3/2/2003
cost_center_ekey varchar (255) NULL External key for cost center
cost_center_name alco_cost_center - cost_center_name varchar (255) NULL The cost center for the allocation. From table alco_cost_center Example: Human Resources
cost_center_code alco_cost_center - cost_center_code varchar (255) NULL The cost center code for the allocation. From table alco_cost_center Example: 12345-000
dept_name alco_department|department_ name varchar (255) NULL Defines which department the cost center belongs to. From alco_cost_center.department_id Example: HR
dept_code alco_department - department_code varchar (255) NULL Defines the company code for the department of this cost center. From alco_department.department_code Example: HR-001
division_name alco_division - division_name varchar (255) NULL Name of the division Example: European Div
division_code alco_division - division_code varchar (255) NULL Company code for the division Example: EUR-23847
company_name alco_company- company_name varchar (255) NULL Company name Example: Infor Expense Management
company_code alco_company- company_code varchar (255) NULL Company code Example: 1001
project_number_ ekey varchar (255) NULL The external key for this project
project_charge_ code alco_project_number - project_ charge_code varchar (255) NULL The project charge code from alco_project_number.project_charge_ code Example: EUR-BEC
project_code alco_project_number - project_code varchar (255) NULL The project number, from alco_project_number.project_code Example: BEC-06575
parent_project_ charge_code alco_project_number - project_charge_code varchar (255) NULL The parent project charge code, if this is a hierarchical project. EUR-06575
is_personal aler_line_allocation.is_ billable smallint NOT NULL Flag that designates whether the overage allocation corresponds to an expense line item that has been marked as a personal expense. Values are: 0 - Expense is not personal 1 - Expense is personal
segment1_name alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name varchar(255) NULL Segment 1 name of allocation cost center
segment1_code alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code varchar(255) NULL Segment 1 code of allocation cost center
segment2_name alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name varchar(255) NULL Segment 2 name of allocation cost center
segment2_code alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code varchar(255) NULL Segment 2 code of allocation cost center
segment3_name alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name varchar(255) NULL Segment 3 name of allocation cost center
segment3_code alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code varchar(255) NULL Segment 3 code of allocation cost center
segment4_name alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name varchar(255) NULL Segment 4 name of allocation cost center
segment4_code alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code varchar(255) NULL Segment 4 code of allocation cost center
segment5_name alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name varchar(255) NULL Segment 5 name of allocation cost center
segment5_code alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code varchar(255) NULL Segment 5 code of allocation cost center
segment6_name alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name varchar(255) NULL Segment 6 name of allocation cost center
segment6_code alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code varchar(255) NULL Segment 6 code of allocation cost center
segment7_name alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name varchar(255) NULL Segment 7 name of allocation cost center
segment7_code alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code varchar(255) NULL Segment 7 code of allocation cost center
segment8_name alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name varchar(255) NULL Segment 8 name of allocation cost center
segment8_code alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code varchar(255) NULL Segment 8 code of allocation cost center
segment9_name alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name varchar(255) NULL Segment 9 name of allocation cost center
segment9_code alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code varchar(255) NULL Segment 9 code of allocation cost center
segment_count alco_cost_center_config - segment_count int NULL The number of segments in this line item's cost center.
review_segment_name alco_cost_center_rev_segment - segment_name varchar(255) NULL The review segment name of this line item's cost center.
review_segment_code alco_cost_center_rev_segment - segment_code varchar(255) NULL The review segment code of this line item's cost center.