Version 10.2.0

These tables are modified in Infor Expense Management 10.2.0. The new columns and the modified columns are highlighted. the deleted columns are greyed out.

CREATE TABLE alat_corpdata_type (
corpdata_type_id int NOT NULL,
corpdata_type_name nchar(30) NOT NULL,
corpdata_type_bob_type int NOT NULL,
corpdata_type_panel_id int NOT NULL,
corpdata_type_active_status smallint NOT NULL,
field_attribute_id int NULL,
app_id_bit_field int NOT NULL,
corpdata_bulk_editable smallint NULL,
br_event_ int NULL,
CREATE TABLE albr_defn (
rule_defn_id int NOT NULL,
rule_title nvarchar(255) NOT NULL,
class_name nvarchar(255) NOT NULL,
rule_created_date datetime NULL,
rule_description nvarchar(510) NULL,
rule_policy nvarchar(max) NULL,
process_document int NULL,
rule_scope int NULL,
rule_notify int NULL,
rule_interact_msg nvarchar(510) NULL,
rule_report_msg nvarchar(510) NULL,
rule_severity int NULL,
rule_category int NULL,
rule_active_status smallint NOT NULL,
template_id int NULL,
external_system_id nvarchar(255) NULL,
fire_mode int NULL,
server_side smallint NOT NULL,
change_timestamp datetime NULL,
has_own_dialog smallint NULL,
script_id int NULL,
routing_type_id int NULL,
brv_visibility int NULL,
CREATE TABLE alcc_card (
ccard_id int NOT NULL,
cc_processor_id int NULL,
user_id int NULL,
ccard_account nvarchar(255) NOT NULL,
ccard_name1 nvarchar(255) NULL,
ccard_name2 nvarchar(255) NULL,
ccard_address1 nvarchar(255) NULL,
ccard_address2 nvarchar(255) NULL,
is_paid_by_company smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
ccard_limit_id int NULL,
ccard_limit numeric(20, 10) NULL,
ccard_issuer nvarchar(255) NULL,
payment_type_id int NULL,
ccard_active_status smallint NOT NULL,
ccard_deactive_date datetime NULL,
pr_payment_type_id int NULL,
is_pr_card smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL
card_type nvarchar(255) NULL,
cost_center_id int NULL,
project_number_id int NULL,
glcode nvarchar(255) NULL,
change_timestamp datetime NULL,
cardholder_id nvarchar(255) NULL,
pci_token nvarchar(255) NULL,
per_transaction_limit_id int NULL,
per_transaction_limit numeric(20, 10) NULL,
CREATE TABLE alcc_transaction (
cc_transaction_id int NOT NULL,
ccard_id int NOT NULL,
merchant_id int NULL,
currency_fmt_defn_id int NULL,
cct_reference nvarchar(255) NULL,
cct_type smallint NOT NULL,
cct_amt_us_id int NULL,
cct_amt_us numeric(20, 10) NOT NULL,
cct_posting_date datetime NOT NULL,
cct_date datetime NULL,
vat_amt_native_id int NULL,
vat_amt_native numeric(20, 10) NULL,
cct_amt_native_id int NULL,
cct_amt_native numeric(20, 10) NULL,
cct_currency_code nchar(3) NULL,
cct_active_status smallint NOT NULL,
cct_import_timestamp datetime NULL,
external_system_id nvarchar(255) NULL,
offline_user_id int NULL,
doc_date_offlined datetime NULL,
er_doc_id int NULL,
location_id int NULL,
expense_type_id int NULL,
cct_description nvarchar(255) NULL,
cc_transaction_detail_id int NULL,
change_timestamp datetime NULL,
cct_status_int int NULL,
cct_sequence_number int NULL,
cct_statement_date datetime NULL,
CONSTRAINT PK__alc300424B4 PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (cc_transaction_id) )
CREATE TABLE alco_background_process (
bkg_process_id int NOT NULL,
bkg_process_name nvarchar(255) NOT NULL,
bkg_process_type int NOT NULL,
bkg_startup_mode int NOT NULL,
bkg_wait_interval int NULL,
bkg_interval_unit nchar(1) NULL,
bkg_log_level int NULL,
user_id int NULL,
bkg_log_max_size int NULL,
bkg_process_package nvarchar(255) NOT NULL,
bkg_process_model int NULL,
server_port int NULL,
server_host_name nvarchar(255) NOT NULL,
bkg_process_params nvarchar(1024) NULL,
active_status smallint DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL,
change_timestamp datetime NULL,
xm_release_id int DEFAULT 3154966 NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE alco_expense_type (
expense_type_id int NOT NULL,
user_id int NULL,
expense_type_label nvarchar(255) NOT NULL,
category_label nvarchar(255) NULL,
gl_code nchar(20) NULL,
tax_deductable_percent smallint NOT NULL,
itemization_only smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL
field_disp_control smallint NULL,
category_class smallint NULL,
expense_special_code_id int NULL,
expense_active_status smallint NOT NULL,
major_account nchar(10) NULL,
travel_category_id int NULL,
external_system_id nvarchar(255) NULL,
default_offline_perdiem_amt_id int NULL,
default_offline_perdiem_amt numeric(20, 10) NULL,
change_timestamp datetime NULL,
currency_fmt_defn_id int NULL,
short_label nvarchar(255) NULL,
perdiem_subtype smallint NULL,
pd_definition_id int NULL,
description nvarchar(max) NULL,
not_selectable int DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
image_name nvarchar(255) NULL,
CONSTRAINT PK__alc6D0D32F4 PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (expense_type_id) )
CREATE TABLE alco_mileage_route (
mileage_route_id int NOT NULL,
route_name nvarchar(255) NOT NULL,
user_id int NOT NULL,
route_detail nvarchar(max) NOT NULL,
distance numeric(15, 5) NOT NULL,
change_timestamp datetime NULL,
from_address_id int NULL,
to_address_id int NULL,
active_status smallint DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL
original_route_id int NULL,
billable smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
CREATE TABLE alco_project_number (
project_number_id int NOT NULL,
user_id int NULL,
is_required smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL
project_code nvarchar(255) NULL,
project_name nvarchar(255) NULL,
project_description nvarchar(255) NULL,
level_1_leader_id int NULL,
level_2_leader_id int NULL,
level_3_leader_id int NULL,
level_4_leader_id int NULL,
default_reviewer_id int NULL,
client_id int NULL,
proj_num_active_status smallint NULL,
parent_project_number_id int NULL,
code_level int NULL,
is_chargeable smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
start_date datetime NULL,
end_date datetime NULL,
charge_type_id int NULL,
project_code_ref_id int NULL,
top_project_code nvarchar(255) NULL,
project_charge_code nvarchar(255) NOT NULL,
hier_project_name nvarchar(255) NULL,
office_id int NULL,
alternate_reviewer_id int NULL,
project_activity_type_id int NNULL,ULL,
change_timestamp datetime NULL,
app_flags int
CONSTRAINT PK__alc32AB8735 PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (project_number_id) )
CREATE TABLE alco_user (
user_id int NOT NULL,
cost_center_id int NULL,
user_full_name nvarchar(255) NOT NULL,
user_first_name nvarchar(255) NULL,
user_middle_initial nchar(1) NULL,
user_last_name nvarchar(255) NULL,
employee_number nvarchar(255) NULL,
user_password nvarchar(255) NOT NULL,
user_title nvarchar(255) NULL,
user_location nvarchar(255) NULL,
user_telephone nvarchar(255) NULL,
user_mailstop nvarchar(255) NULL,
user_email_address nvarchar(255) NULL,
email_product nvarchar(255) NULL,
user_login nvarchar(255) NULL,
user_dept_code nchar(10) NULL,
user_company_code nchar(10) NULL,
user_fax_number nvarchar(255) NULL,
payroll_system_code nvarchar(255) NULL,
active_status smallint NOT NULL,
ssn nvarchar(255) NULL,
creation_time datetime NOT NULL,
currency_fmt_defn_id int NOT NULL,
country_id int NULL,
has_credit_cards smallint NULL,
cc_expiration_date datetime NULL,
pso_data int NULL,
external_data nvarchar(255) NULL,
set_of_books_id int NULL,
remote_access_device_id nvarchar(255) NULL,
auth_amount numeric(20, 10) NULL,
auth_amount_id int NULL,
pr_auth_amount numeric(20, 10) NULL,
pr_auth_amount_id int NULL,
system_code_1 nvarchar(255) NULL,
system_code_2 nvarchar(255) NULL,
system_code_3 nvarchar(255) NULL,
system_code_4 nvarchar(255) NULL,
system_code_5 nvarchar(255) NULL,
system_code_6 nvarchar(255) NULL,
system_code_7 nvarchar(255) NULL,
system_code_8 nvarchar(255) NULL,
start_date datetime NULL,
end_date datetime NULL,
system_date_1 datetime NULL,
system_date_2 datetime NULL,
office_id int NULL,
out_of_office smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
change_timestamp datetime NULL,
audit_group_id int NULL,
default_mileage_rate_id int NULL,
is_thin_client_user smallint NOT NULL,
preferred_locale nvarchar(32) NULL,
second_currency_id int NULL,
user_email_address_2 nvarchar(255) NULL,
user_email_address_3 nvarchar(255) NULL,
commute_miles decimal(26, 16) NULL,
validation_id nvarchar(255) NULL,
identity2 nvarchar(36) NULL,
lc_user_login AS lower(user_login),
preferred_timezone nvarchar(255) NULL,
CREATE TABLE aldt_adc_defn (
adc_id int NOT NULL,
adc_name nvarchar(255) NOT NULL,
sequence_no int NOT NULL,
application int NOT NULL,
adc_type int NOT NULL,
adc_app_type int NOT NULL,
control_type nvarchar(30) NOT NULL,
label nvarchar(100) NULL,
tooltip nvarchar(255) NULL,
mask nvarchar(255) NULL,
visible smallint NOT NULL,
enabled smallint NOT NULL,
required smallint NOT NULL,
standard_adc smallint NOT NULL,
gui_control_id int NULL,
gui_label_id int NULL,
base_bob nvarchar(255) NULL,
base_element nvarchar(255) NULL,
assoc_bob_type int NULL,
new_element nvarchar(255) NULL,
active_status smallint NOT NULL,
change_timestamp datetime NULL,
chooser_button_callback nvarchar(255) NULL,
chooser_event_data nvarchar(255) NULL,
bob_set_name nvarchar(255) NULL,
xm_release_id int DEFAULT 3154966 NOT NULL,
CREATE TABLE aldt_new_bob_defn (
new_bob_id int NOT NULL,
bob_name nvarchar(255) NOT NULL,
display_name nvarchar(255) NULL,
db_table_name nvarchar(255) NULL,
db_key_column_name nvarchar(255) NULL,
display_name_element nvarchar(255) NULL,
contains_user_rows smallint NOT NULL,
in_use smallint NOT NULL,
cd_panel smallint NOT NULL,
field_att_module_id int NULL,
application smallint NULL,
auto_userid_element smallint NULL,
auto_userid_column nvarchar(255) NULL,
auto_active_element smallint NULL,
auto_active_column nvarchar(255) NULL,
auto_timestamp_element smallint NULL,
auto_timestamp_column nvarchar(255) NULL,
active_status smallint NOT NULL,
change_timestamp datetime NULL,
callback_panel_ids nvarchar(255) NULL,
instructions nvarchar(max) NULL,
is_mru smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
xm_release_id int DEFAULT 3154966 NOT NULL,
CREATE TABLE almt_bob_elements (
bus_elem_defn_id int NOT NULL,
type_of_bob_ref int NULL,
bus_obj_type_id int NOT NULL,
elem_order smallint NULL,
elem_name nvarchar(255) NULL,
use_in_equality smallint NULL,
prompt_when_unentered nchar(20) NULL,
elem_type nchar(10) NOT NULL,
is_suppressed smallint NULL,
db_server nvarchar(255) NULL,
db_name nvarchar(255) NULL,
db_table nvarchar(255) NULL,
db_column nvarchar(255) NULL,
unique_scope smallint NULL,
required_value smallint NULL,
encrypted_storage smallint NULL,
sort_order int NULL,
display_name nvarchar(255) NULL,
xm_release_id int DEFAULT 3154966 NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT PK__alm43A1090D PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (bus_elem_defn_id)
CREATE TABLE almt_bob_type (
bus_obj_type_id int NOT NULL,
parent_type_id_list nvarchar(255) NULL,
bob_name nvarchar(255) NOT NULL,
contains_user_rows smallint NULL,
class_name nvarchar(255) NOT NULL,
display_name nvarchar(255) NULL,
key_column_name nvarchar(255) NULL,
can_be_member smallint NULL,
app_flags int NULL,
permission_control nvarchar(18) NULL,
display_name_element nvarchar(255) NULL,
business_process_class_name nvarchar(255) NULL,
extends_bob_type int NULL,
xm_release_id int DEFAULT 3154966 NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT PK__alm477199F1 PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (bus_obj_type_id) )
CREATE TABLE alpr_vendor_terms (
vendor_terms_id int NOT NULL,
name nvarchar(255) NOT NULL,
term_name nvarchar(255) NULL,
term_days int NULL,
discount_amount_type smallint NULL,
discount_amount_percentage numeric(20, 10) NULL,
discount_amount numeric(20, 10) NULL,
discount_amount_id int NULL,
discount_term_days int NULL,
is_global_default smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL
active_status smallint NULL,
change_timestamp datetime NULL,
CREATE TABLE altr_travel_category (
travel_category_id int NOT NULL,
travel_category_name nvarchar(255) NOT NULL,
active_status smallint NOT NULL,
change_timestamp datetime NULL,
tax_category_name nvarchar(255) NULL,
summary_type smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT PK__alt351DDF8C PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (travel_category_id) )
CREATE TABLE alwf_appl_parameters (
parm_id int NOT NULL,
parm_name nvarchar(255) NOT NULL,
parm_value nvarchar(max) NOT NULL,
parm_display_name nvarchar(255) NULL,
parm_description nvarchar(1020) NULL,
parm_allow_override smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
parm_active_status smallint NOT NULL,
change_timestamp datetime NULL,
is_customer_editable smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL
xm_release_id int DEFAULT 3154966 NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE alwf_work_item (
work_item_id int NOT NULL,
parent_work_item_id int NULL,
business_object_id int NOT NULL,
document_id nvarchar(255) NOT NULL,
activity_id int NOT NULL,
doc_priority int NULL,
doc_is_locked smallint NOT NULL,
session_num int NULL,
is_suspended smallint NOT NULL,
appl_exceptions smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
overrides smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
doc_specific NULL,
post_label nvarchar(255) NULL,
doc_date_created datetime NULL,
doc_date_modified datetime NULL,
time_entered_queue datetime NOT NULL,
creator_user_id int NULL,
owner_user_id int NULL,
locked_by_user_id int NULL,
suspended_by_user_id int NULL,
released_by_user_id int NULL,
proxy_user_id int NULL,
project_number_id int NULL,
doc_description nvarchar(255) NULL,
bus_obj_type_id int NULL,
offline_user_id int NULL,
activity_number int NULL,
doc_date_offlined datetime NULL,
offline_special_code int NULL,
split_count int NULL,
recall_state int NULL,
last_transition int NULL,
audit_indicator nvarchar(255) NULL,
doc_specific_indicator datetime NULL,
change_timestamp datetime NULL,
rejected_exceptions int DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
only_one_reviewer_needed smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
is_exported smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
doc_date_submitted datetime NULL,
audit_log int DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL
doc_specific_amount_id int NULL,
doc_specific_amount numeric(20, 10) NULL,
doc_purpose nvarchar(255) NULL,
doc_approved_amount_id int NULL,
doc_approved_amount numeric(20, 10) NULL,
CONSTRAINT PK__alw025D5595 PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (work_item_id) )